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  1. khomj liked a post in a topic by Masochism in Twitter Updates   
    i didn't say they can't have different opinions, i just said they need to stop being aggressive with every artist for every little thing they say or do. it's getting annoying. 
  2. khomj liked a post in a topic by Peachycream in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Fans who agree with her going to Israel aren’t delusional. Maybe they’re just tired of people dictating what artists should/shouldn’t do and then if it’s not popular opinion they get “canceled”. It’s getting fucking annoying.
  3. khomj liked a post in a topic by LAman in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Does anyone one have legit sources that proves Israel is committing genocide or an “ethnic cleansing”? Cause I really doubt what’s being said by social media. Like where are y’all getting your info, no one is effectively defending their point about Lana.
  4. khomj liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    The whole stan twitter is full of fake woke gays, it's honestly tragic.
  5. khomj liked a post in a topic by UltraHeroin in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    ''Lana will perform in Israel this year...therefore, she 100% supports genocide (and other really bad stuff)'' is a really really stupid thing to say, and now, the bored twitter ''stans'' that have nothing better to do with their lives created this huge drama out of it, just so they can entertain themselves and to get some likes and followers with their ''woke'' statements. Wow... 
  6. khomj liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Twitter Updates   
    why tho? the governments are corrupt everywhere, donald trump has brought back concentration camps yet nobody is telling her she can't perform in the usa... i just think its unfair that fans should suffer because of their governments bad choices. it doesn't need to be this serious, people nowadays are just mentally draining and seem to be over sensitive to every little thing
  7. khomj liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Twitter Updates   
    i dont blame her, they're fucking annoying
  8. khomj liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Twitter Updates   
    i dont really see what's so bad about what she said but whatever.
  9. khomj liked a post in a topic by daytonadeath in Twitter Updates   
    Personally, I agree with Lana. Thinking that all is very subjective is something pretty problematic. Obviously there's always going to have our subjectivity in what we see, but the world don't revolve around us. There's a material reality out there with things happening, so it's not everything depending on us and there's a society/culture where we are inserted. I'm really surprised to see this coming from her. In fact, it's a pretty mature thought which goes against that pretty individualistic view that we're seeing happening in our society where people think that they're the center of their reality, when in fact, they're part of it, not the main piece. What she said is not that we can't think/see things from different points of view, or even that we can't question the "truth" that our culture teach us, she's just saying that we, as society, have to follow a commom agreement for the sake of our live as community/human race, and she didn't said that we can't change what is perceived as wrong or right. If we keep following that idea that everything is subjective, we're going to lose our identity as a group, the individualism will grow more and more and our society will collapse. 
  10. khomj liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana with fans in Venice, Italy - August 16, 2018   
    She is looking so beautifully radiant!! Love her smile.

  11. khomj liked a post in a topic by Wild One in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    can we like just put politics away for like just one second?
  12. khomj liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana in Italy (August 13th, 2018)   
    Selfie shared by Alex! She looks so pure & beautiful

  13. khomj liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    just wanna say that ppl who talk/ complain about lana's body suck 
    she looks healthy, not overweight so stfu and leave her alone
  14. khomj liked a post in a topic by whitelungswhitepalms in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    the pic was edited to make her seem pregnant... 

  15. khomj liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lana to be featured on new track "Woman" by Cat Power   
    Literally so sick of this. I love Cat Power but she's clearly using Lana's name to get to the top. If you're just using Lana to whisper a few harmonies/lines into the background, go home puta.
  16. khomj liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Lana to be featured on new track "Woman" by Cat Power   
    ughh fckn cat power using lana‘s name to get attention for her album. so sick of this
  17. khomj liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Lana Del Rey Professional Live Videos [Fanmade]   
    Hey guys!
    So I'm on summer break and I've been a little bored and thought about editing some live videos to make them look kinda professional/official (?)
    My idea is to edit them Kevin Kerslake-style:

    I just started to edit 'Love'.
    It looks like this (just a draft):
    Would this be something you'd be interested to see? Should I finish 'Love' and then work on others? 
    I'd like to know your opinions.
    Thank you
  18. khomj liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    @@ivy - here it is! It was a response to @@cashcomesquick
  19. khomj liked a post in a topic by ivy in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ok so, I have this theory about MTWBT... I really wanted to share my thoughts with y'all and see if you guys have anything to add or have good reasons to dismiss my theory. There's a TL;DR at the end of my post for those who don't like to read so much. But here it goes:
    I tried to decipher what the actual story is that's being told by analysing the personal pronouns. Like, who is the speaker and what is the speaker trying to say? (It's something I've learned to do during my literary analysis classes at uni)
    As we all know, the song starts with:
    Now, I was thinking: what if this is not a monologue, but rather a dialogue between two people? I think there are reasons to believe that this is a dialogue, and here's why:
    First, the thing that stood out to me was that the blue and pink lyrics (see quoted lyrics above) are not consistently sung after each other, but they sometimes overlap. Which, to me, implies that there are two speakers, as you simply cannot say two things at the same time lol.
    Second, I tried to look for clues in the music video if there are any reasons to believe that it could be a dialogue. And get this: we only see Lana when she sings the pink lines, not the blue ones. Every time the dialogue is sung, the video - very consistently - shifts between Lana (pink lines) and footage of "the boys" (blue lines) implying that they are the other speaker(s). 
    Art is often about choices and this video really seems to complement the song in terms of making those choices. Which brings me to my final point. We don't see shifting footage when the dialogue is sung first. Why? I'm not sure why. The only thing I can think of is probably too obvious, but here's what I think: this part seems to be an introduction to the rest of the song, which is implied by the huge neon MTWBT sign (like a title page perhaps?). It's only after the sign that we see Lana for the first time in the video. And maybe the two girls implies that there are two speakers, but I can't really make that claim.
    Sorry for the essay lmao. 
    MTWBT contains a dialogue, which is indicated by overlapping lyrics and shifting footage of Lana and "the boys". 
  20. khomj liked a post in a topic by Lustrouslines in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i'm honestly just happy she's pulling another move like she did with Dan Auerbach and producing with someone who has their own title as an artist. someone who understands that as an artist you have a clear vision of what you want and someone that can mold something WITH you instead of FOR you. kind of felt like Rick Nowels was getting repetitive and that lana needed to switch it up a bit to exceed a new sound in her career. lets all be real, who helped create UV with lana the most? DAN. and who's going to help create one of the best lana albums of all time? JACK.
  21. khomj liked a post in a topic by clementines in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    uhhhhhhhhh the blackest day, Salvatore, and terrence all say hi
  22. khomj liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Kendrick Lamar   
    LB is doing Kendrick dirty with only 7 replies  , kung fu kenny has been a rap legend from the get go 
    (I listen to damn almost everyday, it cures my headaches tbh and wakes me up at the same time) 
  23. khomj liked a post in a topic by kik in Radiohead Sues Lana for Copyright Infringement on "Get Free"   
    Can't wait to watch pt.2

  24. khomj liked a post in a topic by reputation in LDR & The Conspiracy   
    In your typical /Lana Del Rey/ song you'll find themes of love, sex and drugs. But is there something deeper hiding under all the generic Hollywood-glam esque?
    Aside from her newly directed anti-Trump and new wave politics, looking meticulously in past works reveals a bigger conspiracy at hand.
    Put Me In A Movie (2008)
    Put Me In A Movie is the eleventh track on Del Rey's debut album "Lana Del Rey". The song subtlety puts themes of supposed sexual and pedophilic doings of the industry's movie makers. Although, the song can be also heavily compared to Clare Quitly, a character in Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita", who is a child pornographer, the themes of higher power are overrun. Del Rey describes acts of film recording (supposedly child pornography) in order to be "put in a movie". This is later proven during the Harvey Weinstein scandal. This was previously noted by Trash Magic. 
    Criminals Run The World (2010)
    Del Rey's first acknowledge of conspiracy can be found in an old latpop demo titled "Criminals Run The World" dating back to 2010. The lyricism nods at higher powers, such as politicians, being criminals. Americanism can also be found in the song, as she declares herself "I'm Lana Del Rey from the U.S. of A". The song goes on eerily as Del Rey describes that in fact criminals are running the world, and that one must be strong, have a lot of money and be advanced in technology to have power. "Criminals run the world" is repeated monotonously as if it were a chant to be followed, Del Rey instructing "all her boys" to repeat the phrase. Oddly, the song is a rough demo of "Hit & Run", another song of hers acknowledging conspiracy. The themes sung are identical to those in in the New World Order conspiracy. This was also previously noted by Trash Magic. 
    Children Of The Bad Revolution (2010) [bridge]
    A more playful, politically theme song, Del Rey sings about the current problems of the current generation of young Americans. Although, the mood shifts from playful to more sinister during the bridge. To full understand the lyricism, the lyrics have been provided below. 
    "We run for our lives, break out of our chains
    So platinum edge, create our own games DJs, rockstars, posers We are the new politicians, that's celebrity edition And it's so pornographic and it's tragic"   Oh boy. Let's run through this.   "We run for our lives, break out of our chains" - Obviously a statement of breaking free from one's current oppressive life, that hinting the current institution of the generation.    "So platinum edge, create our own games" - Funny enough, Platinum Edge is an actual company that focuses on behavioral science. They're marketing on "agile training". I'm not kidding, check it out. To "create our own games" is a nod of making one's own reality.    "DJs, rockstars, posers" - Your local rockstars are as influential as your political leaders through their music.    "We are the new politicians, that's celebrity edition" - Self-explanatory. (No need to link Donald Trump TIME cover lul)   "And it's so pornographic and it's tragic, but the magic" - More themes of conspiratorial pornography are shunned by Del Rey.    
    Hit & Run (2010)
    Hit & Run is the final version of Criminals Run The World. Hit & Run deals with the same themes of Criminals Run The World, but in a much more personal tone rather than a subjective view. The song hastily starts with two major American cities, "Hollywood and New York", both cities thought to be highlights of Americanism. Blatantly, a phantom, called a "God" and "Mister Major" by Del Rey, is heard to be the kingpin of the American industry. He is described to have sexual relations with her while she is an employee of his business. Del Rey then continues to describe him in a praising manner, noting his white Lamborghini. He is also described to also have another lover who seem to be aware of the affair. Del Rey pleads to him that they should "hit and run" the world together, claiming the Bonnie & Clyde-like duo would be deadly, insisting both of their strengths will be used to achieve things of higher power. 
    Cola (2013)
    As some of you may already know, Del Rey has admitted that this song is in fact about Hollywood director Harvey Weinstein, who I had noted earlier in Put Me In a Movie. During an MTV interview, Lana admits this, saying the reference was meant to be playful and that now the song is retired.
    One thing, before I let you go, there's been a lot of conversation this past week about an old song of yours, Cola, potentially being about Harvey Weinstein. Is there any truth to that? Well, when I wrote that song, I suppose I had Harvey Weinstein, Harry Winston type of charahcter in mind. I envisioned a benevolent kind of like diamond bestowing upon starlets visual... something more like a Citizen Kane, I'm not really sure. But I thought it was funny at the time and I obviously find it really sad now and I support the women who have come forward and I think they're really brave for doing that... [responding to the commentators comment on if the song has actual truth] I guess so. I mean it was in the ether.
    In a literal sense, she calls out Harvey, singing "Harvey's in the sky with diamonds and he's making me crazy". The theme of god-like higher powers are written, as she describes Harvey "in the sky with diamonds" translating to the comparison of him being a god; being above those below him with the power. This is in the most direct sense a contemporary musical exposé for the ears of Hollywood at the time of 2013. It can be assumed that Lana was approached by Harvey at some point in time, which could open many doors to him being the man being sung about in other songs. 
    Gods & Monsters (2013)
    Forgot this gem in the OP.
    Gods & Monsters is the sixth track off of her third album "Paradise". The son uses the religious connotation of the Garden of Eden to Hollywood. Del Rey calls herself an "angel" in Hollywood, the land of "Gods and Monsters". The theme of God and god (used as an adjective, not the man God) can be compared also compared to men alike Harvey. Del Rey even goes to the limits of stating that God is in fact dead, insisting that the gods of Hollywood have taken over. (Although, Lana later contradicts herself in her fifth album "Honeymoon" with a track titled "God Knows I Tried".) What is meant by this? 
    Fucked My Way Up To The Top (2014)
    Yeah, this is pretty ironic being the last song, no? Fucked My Way Up To The Top is the ninth track of off her fourth album "Ultraviolence". Like the title, it deals with her experience with sex in the music industry, like many of her other songs. Del Rey has spoken on the meaning behind this song in a Complex interview. 
    "There are a few different ways to take your song “Fucked My Way Up to the Top.” Is it about people not wanting to give you credit for your success? Or is it about fucking people to get to the top? It’s commentary, like, “I know what you think of me,” and I’m alluding to that. You know, I have slept with a lot of guys in the industry, but none of them helped me get my record deals. Which is annoying.
    Again, the blatant exposure of Hollywood's sexual space can be seen in the interview. This also leads to the question if this is about Harvey. 
    Aside from those listed, there are numerous other songs in which the theme of Hollywood takes place, but don't necessarily go toward a conspiratorial tone.
    Daytona Meth (2009)
    He's like a Hollywood movie The black and white waves sparklin' truly My man likes to watch me while I watch TV While he's t-t-touching me    
    Catch and Release (2011)
    "Diamonds and pearls, your little girl She got the best, sparklin' like a Hollywood movie, ah"   Hollywood's Dead (2011)   Don't tell me it's over Don't tell me it's over Hollywood's dead Elvis is crying Vicious in flames Bolan is dying  
    Paradise Tour (2013)
    Del Rey ended her Paradise Tour, which included Cola, at Hollywood Forever Cemetery . A place of peace for Hollywood's founders and stars. I can't make this shit up, guys. 
    Is This Happiness (2014)   "Up in the Hollywood hills crushin' violet pills You've been tryin' to write a novel 'bout your cheap thrills... Witch hazel, witch hazel Betrayal, betrayal One gun on the table Headshot if you're able"   Lust For Life (2017)     Despite numerous condemnations of Hollywood, to this day, Lana continues Hollywood and it's mischievous ways.    edit: I just changed this to Conspiracy instead of Hollywood   
  25. lernerderrey liked a post in a topic by khomj in The LanaBoards Lust For Life Rate   
    Love: 8
    Lust For Life: 9
    13 Beaches: 9.5
    Cherry: 10
    White Mustang: 9
    Summer Bummer: 10
    Groupie Love: 8.5
    In My Feelings: 9.5
    Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind: 6
    God Bless America- And All The Beautiful Women In It: 5
    When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing: 8.5
    Beautiful People Beautiful Problems: 3
    Tomorrow Never Came: 3
    Heroin: 11
    Change: 9.5
    Get Free: 9.5
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