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  1. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana & Politics   
    To me Lanas whole artistic universe has always been about escapism, nostalgia and looking at the world through an aestethic, artistic lens, which is a very beautiful outlook, but highly impractical when searching for political visions.
    I don't know how much she is able to "snap out" of that artistic outlook, when it comes to making a political analysis of the world to be honest. Some of her remarks about feminism and politics in general makes me think not so much. I DO think she's liberal, but I have a suspicion that her political outlook is more shaped by her association with and fascination of artsy-hippie type of people that she likes to identify herself with, than a genuine sense of social indignation.
    Which is 100% okay with me. I never look to artists for political responses to the world. Lana is a good artist exactly because she has such a strong artistic vision, and if that means she's too busy living in lala-land to care about politics, I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
    Her whole "American Dream" theme does seem very inspired by both freedom-loving hippie culture and old-money Republicanism. Not a very consistent political outlook but fabulous entertainment and art. I can live with that.
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by electra in Lana with a fan in Downtown Los Angeles, CA - June 14, 2020   
    a lot of you gay men that have literally zero understanding of makeup and lashes have a lot to say on this woman’s appearance.
    again, gay men say some of the most misogynistic people i’ve ever seen. do you guys stop to think about what your saying about this woman’s appearance before you post? jesus christ. and you damn well know her and her management see this forum.
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    I hate the idea that no one can post ANYTHING other than tragedy. As a black woman, I've been having a hard time mentally and have had to take several social media breaks because every time I'm on them, I see black people dying/hurt and police brutality and NOTHING else. It's extremely traumatic. Obviously, I think people should be talking about it and posting resources, but the idea that you can only post about BLM and the riots or else you're a bad person is actually pretty harmful, imo. The way people are policing (no pun intended??) social media right now is scaring me. 
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by t-raider26 in Instagram Updates   
    People keep giving celebs a hard time for talking about normal stuff along with activism and I don’t understand. People are allowed to have a life outside of the BLM movement. If we just focus on the negativity 24/7 we’ll go craaaazy. (Don’t come for me I’m literally a black man.)
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Instagram Updates   
    You can care about BLM and still post random shit long as it doesn't harm or effect others. God just let her relax and enjoy herself for a second.
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    Millions are posting non-protest stuff along with protest stuff. People need to stop picking on Lana. Enough is enough. 
    Emma Watson and Evan Peters are getting shit for being late on posting anything about BLM. They are getting death threats just like Lana.
    Quarantine has made people stupid and violent. 
  7. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    Really not trying to be insensitive or to talk the BLM-matter itseld down in any way, but outside of your twitter-and-instagram-fandom-and-haters-bubble, at this point noone cares whether some random pop singer talks about the issue or not. Y'all acting as if Lana not saying anything is a major catastrophe.
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sugar Venom in Instagram Updates   
    idc what celebrities have to say about politics. To expect them to speak on current events just to acknowledge it.... really is just virtue signaling and social performance. Yeah it would be great if she shared a donation link or a petition but when celebs do that its like :/ you're sitting on millions of dollars and you want little unemployed me to donate?? itsjustnotrealistic.gif . The best thing she could do is donate her own money, and use her platform to elevate the voices of black activists rather than adding her own commentary. If she said something herself it would just look like damage control, and it would be hard to accept as sincere from someone who was very recently (and maybe still) involved with a known racist cop. I also understand wanting reassurance that your fave cares about you but we can't really force her to talk, nor is she obligated to. And theres a huge chance that if she does acknowledge this, her post might just make you even more disappointed in her depending on what she says. Like literally she's just ignorant and privileged and got herself in a mess, but idk it just feels like a waste of everyone's emotional energy to hope she says something and to be upset with her if she doesn't. She might be doing some deep thinking rn and reevaluating her world views based on this tragedy and people's criticism of her posts. We'll just have 2 wait and see
    in case anyone got it twisted: I am not under any circumstances saying you're wrong for wanting her to say something. I just want u guys to stay healthy and happy especially during a time like this, where it's so easy to get overwhelmed and start a downward spiral. Miss I believe in the country America used to be LDR acknowledging this isn't like super important in the grand scheme of things. Sharing petitions and donation campaigns is really nice but the best thing to do is organize and take action. the revolution will not be televised live tweeted . And also, pls take care of urself bbys. Don’t get too worked up over something like this, it’s out of your control and it’s not worth your energy
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah there was nothing in that video that indicated she had taken any of the constructive criticism on board. Quite the opposite - as someone pointed out, it was almost as if she name dropped Twigs out of spite ... 
    Let me be clear: I don't think she deserves all the hate she's getting, but I also think that this just proves that the good sis can't take criticism - even if it's constructive, which some of it is. She seems to view any and all criticism as blanket hate.
  10. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    This is definitely the case for some artists but with Lana I think if she takes too long she starts overthinking her work and ends up making it worse. Take Lust for Life for example - she spent like 2 years on that song for it to turn out like... that, when the demo was so much better. 
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    her fast album cycles are something I always appreciated because imo works that are years in the making often lose their focus. i love it when an artists has ambitious intentions but quite often works that were created in a shorter time span feel more substantial to me. also it avoids that whole high expectations dynamic on both sides, fans and artists. there are of course (many) exceptions 
  12. Summersault liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    she needs to stop talking about feminism, politics, etc unless she decides to educate herself first
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    You have zero clue why she changed her views at all and yet here you are with another book about how you wish Lana would take the red pill so she would be your 34 year old Lolita beauty queen again. BTD is still there, go and listen to that if you miss it so much.
  14. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Me @ this new reponse:

  15. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Me @ this new reponse:

  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Instagram Updates   
    people are actually praising her and thinking this is some sort of bad bitch behavior she is clearly losing her mind this is way out of character even for lana...
  17. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Me @ this new reponse:

  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Instagram Updates   
    I doubt she will disappear forever, she seems super motivated to publish her art and she stood her ground.
    She might face backlash from the industry but she has 16M followers and sold out concerts, she's rich. She will be fine.
    Honestly, if there's all kinds of abusers trending with their art, this kind of sin isn't the worst.
  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by War In My Mind in Instagram Updates   
    Me as a quietly continue to stan her, but my friends bring up this drama.
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by War In My Mind in Instagram Updates   
    So my Beyoncé/Lana dream crossover aint ever gonna happen.

  21. ChicaCherryCola liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Me @ this new reponse:

  22. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Me @ this new reponse:

  23. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Me @ this new reponse:

  24. War In My Mind liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Me @ this new reponse:

  25. Summersault liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    The “you can’t read” argument is soooo tired
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