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About Elle

  • Rank
    miss daytona
  • Birthday October 12

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  • Location
    LDN —> ATL —> NYC
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  • Fan Since
    January 29th, 2012
  • Favourite LDR Song
    Yayo (AKA Version)

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  1. Elle

    Kali Uchis

    She’s officially announced her 5th album titled Sincerely!
  2. Elle

    Love, Simon

    That’s history still one of my favourite projects I’ve ever worked on to this day. So many great memories xx Peep me at 0:25 and pretty much all throughout this scene.. as well as other scenes within the movie! I’m everywhere, I’m so Juliaaaaa
  3. Elle

    Chappell Roan

    The Giver is out and it eats
  4. Elle

    Song vs. Song

    When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing vs Aviation
  5. Hi all, just wanted to make a quick post here to let you all know that we've received multiple DMCA takedown notices for links shared to recordings of the Coachella livestream. Please do not request or share links to recordings of the livestream from either weekend. I actually have seen a few people attempt to request this recently, but I set up a word filter to try and block this. As you all may know, we originally lost our Instagram account due to sharing clips of the livestream, as well as many other LDR fanpages. They take this very seriously and still have copyright crawlers searching for violations even nearly a year later. So, please be conscientious about this. Thank you! x
  6. Elle


    I went to the K.Flay x Grandson show in ATL and it was a blast! I hadn't ever listened to Grandson until a few weeks before the show when I listened to a playlist of his setlist so I could become familiar with his songs. He was great! I can see why he and K.Flay are close friends and collaborators, they both have amazing energy. There was also a very sweet and intimate moment when he came into the crowd to sing Heather, which is my favourite. Tears all around. I will say though, his fans are definitely more intense than K.Flay's skkkk. The guy in front of me was fist-bumping the air during his set but kept slamming me in the head with his elbow as I am very short That guy got his comeuppance though because before Grandson performed his final song Blood//Water, he threw out water bottles to the crowd so they could open and spray them during the chorus, and that guy got hit right in the eye with one of the bottles, and it must have really hurt because he collapsed to the ground lmaooo. I chose that moment to exit the crowd and go to the merch booth to buy a K.Flay shirt K.Flay & Grandson sang Zen and Peaches together during Grandson's set, but no additional guests - would've been amazing if Sam was there!! Here are some (not the best quality, rip my iPhone 13) pictures I took at the show from the third row - We have so many of the same favourites sjkghsk Taste!! I'm going to do mine with 2-5 songs for each depending on the project's length: K.Flay EP: No Duh, So Fast So Maybe I Stopped Caring in ‘96: Danger Starts, Less Than Zero, Waiting Eyes Shut: 10th Ave, Stop Focus What if It Is: Starfucker, Hail Mary West Ghost: Another Round*, Fucking Crazy, Fleas Navidad Life as a Dog: Make Me Fade, Can't Sleep, I'm Good, Fever, Thicker Than Dust Every Where Is Some Where: Hollywood Forever, Slow March, Champagne, High Enough, Giver Solutions: Not in California, Bad Vibes, Nervous Inside Voices / Outside Voices: Caramel and Symphonies, Nothing Can Kill Us, The Muck, My Name Isn't Katherine, I'm Afraid of the Internet MONO: Perfectly Alone, Yes I'm Serious, Punisher, Raw Raw, Hustler Collaborations: Heartbreak Summer (w/ RAC), Favourite Colour is Blue (w/ Robert DeLong), Zen (w/ Grandson & X Ambassadors) Misc: FML, 2 Weak * - Another Round is my favourite K.Flay song of all time. I relate to like every. single. word. of that song. Many drunk cries have been had to that song, but it also brings me a strange sense of hope. I saw her perform it live at her show in ATL in 2017, and whewwww the passion... the whole crowd was SILENT until the very end. So moving. Another Round, luv u forever xx I haven't listened to her earlier mixtape albums in a minute so I don't feel confident in choosing favourites atm, I need to revist them and come back! I've also never explored her unreleased music before, I didn't even know she had any that surfaced! So @That Venice Bitch if u wanna hit me up with the Miss Wilmette Collection, it would be very appreciated Definitely get back into her!! Assuming you've listened to the Life as a Dog album, pick right back up with Every Where is Some Where if you haven't already. It's a good fusion between her old and new sound, and I feel it's her most accessable album with a little something for everyone. If you do love that alt/rock sound though, then Inside Voices/Outside Voices and MONO are going to be the albums for you!! (again sorry Solutions for paying you dust skjfksk just not the strongest.) If you do end up revisiting her, def come back into this thread to share your thoughts! I love when people post in here
  7. Elle


    I’m literally listening to K.Flay right now LOL I’ve been listening to her concert setlist on repeat all day since I realised my show is two weeks from today! (v disappointed she isn’t performing Yes, I’m Serious from her new record as that’s one of my favourites, but I understand since it’s a pretty emotional & intense song.) I’m so excited, she’s one of my favourites to see live as she puts so much passion into every performance. It’ll be my 7th show of hers. If anyone ever has the opportunity to see her live, I def recommend catching her if you can. Such electric energy every time. She also has probably the best fans I’ve ever met - so kind, welcoming, respectful, yet gives back the same energy she gives us at her shows. I also discovered her in 2014 with those two same songs, and have been hooked ever since. My favourite records are still Life as a Dog and Every Where is Some Where along with some of her older EPs, but each of her newer records still have their gems. Solutions is still her weakest project imo partially because it’s so short but has its moments, Inside Voices/Outside Voices is really great, MONO was a grower at first but I’ve come to really love it as it does have a lot of amazing songs (Yes, I’m Serious and Perfectly Alone are career highlights) She’s definitely geared more towards an alt/punk rock sound now and does less rap, which is a bit of a shame because she spits so well, but I’ve come to love the new sound too and she’ll still include songs that give a nod towards her OG sound on her newer records. But regardless of sonic style, in my opinion, she’s one of the greatest writers of all time. Like, right up there with Lana for me, which a big reason why I’m such a fan. So many of her songs evoke such intense emotion for me - she always makes me feel something, which is what keeps me coming back for more even a decade+ later xx
  8. Elle

    Chappell Roan

    The Giver out next Thursday, March 13th @ 8pm ET
  9. When viewing someone's profile, click the three dots in the upper right corner, press 'See shared activity' then press 'Likes' - you do have to be following the user to see this, but they don’t have to follow you back x
  10. Idk about the site, but she’s liked some posts from the LanaBoards Instagram pages lol. Thanks queen, we luv a fellow stan xx
  11. Well this could be false news to get clout, but this TikTok showed up on my FYP last night claiming that Lana and Jeremy are buying a house in Louisiana -
  12. My weapon: Banning all the zombies like
  13. Elle

    Instagram Updates

    Exciting news! Both our main @lanaboards and backup @lanaboards.ig accounts on Instagram were restored today! Looking forward to continuing to update fans on those pages after several months of both being suspended
  14. This morning, actress Michelle Trachtenberg, known for her roles in Gossip Girl and Buffy the Vampire Slayer among numerous other projects, passed away at age 39. She was discovered at 8am by her mother at her apartment in New York City. While an autopsy has not been performed and a cause of death has not been released, it has been reported that she recently underwent a liver transplant and may have been experiencing complications. Her death is not being investigated as suspicious and is believed to be from natural causes. May she rest in peace. Very devastated by this news source
  15. Chaparelle just announced their debut album ‘Western Pleasure’ set to release on April 18th! It’s available for pre-order now and the first 250 orders of the vinyl bundle come with a signed poster. Got mine secured! Tracklist: Bleeding Hearts Devil's Music Inside The Lines Bad Loving Playing Diamonds Cashing Checks Heart Broke Holiday Baby Jesus All Things Considered Sex And Rage Love Is Hot Dance With Somebody (Whitney Houston cover) All of the songs they performed at their shows last year, and Heart Broke Holiday is the one I’m most excited to hear again. It was absolutely beautiful. They also released their next single 'Inside The Lines' today, and that was another one of my faves, but tbh the live version outsold a bit because Zella really let loose with her vocals during the performance. Still love it though, it's very groovy. More tour dates were also just announced for next year as well, and I can’t wait to see them again! x
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