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nevada darling

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  1. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by BuZhidao in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    I remember when Hipster Runoff was constantly trying to ~expose~ her as being some industry plant or w/e.
    Oh, and watching her SNL performance in real time. My dad was watching with me and telling me it wasn't too bad. 
  2. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana covers Mojo Magazine ("The Rise and Rise of Lana Del Rey - It's Dangerous On The Edges!")   
    "It's dangerous on the Edges" ... gives me all the red flags of another Kanye-West-ish interview where instead of talking about the music she will go on about what a genius underdog she is and break lose another controversy
  3. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    I can't with the ageism on this site. Ever since she crossed the 30, people on her talk about how she is "almost 40", "settling down" and "old, mature and looking back at the days of her youth"
  4. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Do y'all not have friends? ... maybe she found it cute and just put it as her background it's not that deep.
  5. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    You acutally believing anythign she writes/sings is a direct representation of her life - which is accidently a represantation of multiple archetypes, ideas and role fantasies is a pedestal. Apart form that you completely deny her any form of actual agency in her artistry.
    She literally roleplayed Jacky Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, a bike-riding prostitue, Mary, Eve and Malena.
    She obviously got inspired by Priscilly Presley and the Lolita-movie-adaptations.The West Coast mv is a reference to an old Chet Baker documentary.
    She's in love with romanticised concepts like Old Hollywood and the American Dream. All of her home-made movies are full of that kind of inspirations and fantasies.
    And all of her poetry-work is extremely focussed on vintage-typewriter visuals and Sylvia Plath.
    She's an artist, so obviously she DECIDED to do all of this, because she likes the respective visuals/sounds/vibes and thinks they reflect her own feelings or serve as a good metaphor for her own experiences.
  6. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by American Whore in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Do you really think she fucked her teachers, was a gogo dancer who cooked cocaine in the kitchen while her daddy ran around with guns in Miami while he tells her that her pussy tastes like Pepsi??? And she's ended up in Rikers Island once already? 
    If you're gonna use the "i believe every word she says in every piece of work she does" card, maybe you should listen to when she says "I like to make up stories about my very cherry bomb"
    Point is-- she's a story teller. Not everything she ever writes is going to be true 100%. There may be some truth in it, but being an artist means you get to have fun with what you write and do. She's said this actually a few times. Things like this could've been another meaning to them, considering we don't know much about her mom, this could've been her playing as her mom. Who knows. We know they have a shitty past. 
  7. moonbeam monsoon liked a post in a topic by nevada darling in Chemtrails Over The Country Club   
    I hear "Late night TV / I want you, honey"
  8. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by nevada darling in Chemtrails Over The Country Club   
    I hear "Late night TV / I want you, honey"
  9. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    God, sometimes I have nothing but contempt for her, but the truth is that I'm only mad because I love her art so much.
    I was so excited for this project, would have fit the christmassy vibe so well. But yeah, we all know that she can't be trusted.
  10. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in L'Officiel USA (Mick Rock) - January 20th, 2018   
    0 redeeming qualities about this shoot unfortunately 
  11. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    I know it’s not the end of the world or anything. I’m just confused. Like why did she chose to lipsync such an easy performance?? Call me crazy but when we heard that she was performing live, I expected her to be performing live. I’m not hating on her or anything but she has so much raw talent and singing is literally her job so idk why she made the choices she made. It’s just so disappointing 
  12. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Zach Dawes’s latest story (with a cello) suggests she is still recording. I still think it’s coming before Chemtrails (I know it’s an unpopular opinion here lol), and I am very excited for it. Love Blue Velvet as well and The Good Life!!
  13. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in "American Standards & Classics" Cover Album - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I feel like I’m the only person still excited for this album. I’d be thrilled to get Chemtrails sooner, but I’d be devastated if she scrapped this. I’d be fine if she delayed it though and put out Chemtrails first. I just want this to still happen. Ever since Lana covered Blue Velvet, I’ve been hoping for a standards album from her someday and it’s finally almost happening. So close but so far away....
  14. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The lack of communication on Lana’s part is getting super frustrating. I know she lives her own life and has flat out said she doesn’t care about losing fans, but it wouldn’t kill her to communicate even a little. It’s always been a problem with her but it’s getting increasingly bad. First the September 5th date coming and going with her saying nothing, the book signing where she threw two days around, the instagram live on Election Day where she flat out says “I was planning on making an official announcement but this will do”
    and now her performance planned for Monday. Even if she is going to sing Chemtrails (which I’m finding more and more unlikely) she could at least post a ‘Catch you Monday’ to announce it. 
    I’m also in agreement with the others who say she’s really losing what made her music unique. The woman who sang her Pussy tastes like Pepsi cola, had to touch herself to pretend her man was there, was being led to war with her man’s brilliant direction...gone, now her mans just being a jerk :/
  15. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i struggle to remember which shows are from la to the moon and which shows are from the nfr tour because there was literally no growth between those tours they both bore me and they both look exactly the same... i dont even know which tour had that big swing
  16. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i feel like she downgraded the second she met Jack. Even the demo of Votd that she sent to him as inspo sounds better than most of the songs on the nfr. Lmlylaw sounds straight out of nfr. Its just getting boring and repetitive.It even has the exact same short melody in the background as most of nfr songs. Summertime was finally something new and you can see how much fans liked it. If Lana stays with Jack for the next albums, i think fans will slowly begin unstanning
  17. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Recent thoughts:
    - Lana's poetry book could've been much better if it wasn't almost all free verse. Also, I kinda hate how she thinks not editing/cleaning up her poetry = authenticity... that's a weird mindset imo.
    - TJF is/was overhyped and LMLYLAW has little to no replay value but hopefully it'll make more sense in the album
    - Jack isn't a bad producer he just doesn't challenge himself/his artists which is his downfall (you see this with his work w/ Taylor too, his folklore tracks are the weakest)
    - Lana's antics this year have definitely made me question who she is and I question whether she would've continued to act up if Trump won (I'm not saying she supported him, but I definitely think there was intention behind the mask)
    - I miss her old personality. She used to be so effortlessly cool and I miss when we knew less about her. I liked the mystique.
    - NFR is still a great album and y'all need to stop shitting on it smh
  18. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I thinks it’s because Jack is more of a pop producer, not an alternative producer. His stuff is very commercial and clean (for lack of a better word). I loved Lana because of how raw and impactful her music was but now I feel like it’s made to be more radio-friendly and critic pleasing.
    Also kinda think it’s because she moved to LA. Her personality has definitely changed like wanting to become an insta baddie, vlogging, becoming more mainstream in general (like writing slang into her songs like lit, collabing with artists that she has no business collabing with), etc... Of course there’s nothing wrong with a change in personality. Everybody grows and changes but I wish that it would translate better into her music and her previous image. We’ve been so used to unique, vintage Lana and now all of a sudden we’re getting smacked in the face with mainstream Lana. I wish there was a better transition between these two in her body of work so that it’s easier for us fans to digest
  19. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Elle in Summertime (The Gershwin Version) Music Video: OUT NOW - November 19th, 2020   
    This reminds me of the most humiliating moment of my life when I took my friend to get a facial with me, and she asked my facialist if she "had a little playmate on the way" and pointed to her stomach, in which my facialist replied, "nope, just eating lots of cheeseburgers." I was so mortified from the second-hand embarrassment, I never went back.
    Anyway, point is, I always find it quite weird/creepy when people try to speculate if a woman is pregnant or not. Especially since we've had these weird Lana pregnancy rumours every year since 2015.. Like... ???? Give it a rest.
    Sorry for popping off here, but it just makes my skin crawl. Maybe I just really do hate babies that much that I don't even want to talk about the possibility of more coming into this world, but I feel like I'm not totally alone in my opinion that speculating women's pregnancies, especially women you don't know, is weird lol x
  20. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Lizzy Grant Lower East Side Jams 🎶   
    Preview of cover I'm working on rn 

  21. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    I don't know what would make a 35 year old think it's cute to act like a jack ass on the road like that. It's not cute. The worst part is she gives zero fucks about killing anyone or uploading that embarrassing video to her 17 million followers.
  22. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Nobody wants to have this conversation but I agree. It's exploitative and the cats are clearly not enjoying themselves.
    I mean it's not appalling, but it's disappointing.
  23. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by lamms in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    This is for the Twin Peaks stans:

    Stuck in an ominous and exclusive environment, while the evil is out there.     
  24. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by Elle in Site Update COMPLETE - Read for more Info!   
    Good afternoon, everyone! I'm glad a lot of you have been enjoying exploring the new update. It's the beginning of a new era! I thought I'd answer some questions that were left while I was asleep to the best that I can - again, I'm still learning some things along with the rest of you all! If there's any other questions, feel free to leave them below & I'll continue to provide answers x
    Yes! Before, you had to enter to manually enter in the [ img] link [/ img] coding for an image to embed. Now, it's a one button click! x
    The About Me is still on Profile pages! It's just the second tab. When immediately viewing a profile, the Activity tab is the default, but all your previous About Me info will be preserved in the About Me tab  x
    There's an icon on the textbox toolbar with a magnifying glass over paper, and that will allow you to preview a post! x
    For now, it appears that to reply to a status on mobile, a user would click on "replies" and then scroll down to the bottom of a user's profile to the status & reply. The Status Update feature is a bit different in functionality than how it used to be especially on mobile (I believe before you weren't able to reply to statuses on mobile) but if I find a different way to reply on mobile, I will certainly let you know! x
    I'm nearly certain that the avatar size is something that can be adjusted, I just need to figure out how. This is one of the things at the top of my list to look into, especially because I miss the larger images too lol.
    You also should still be able to see who is online - there is a footer box when you scroll all the way down on the homepage that lists who is online. It is the similar in threads, for when you scroll down to the bottom of the thread, there is a footer box that lists who is browsing the thread x
    To my recollection, before the update it was also M/D/YYYY. There may have been a setting where users could choose how they preferred to see date formats if you do recall seeing a different format before, so I'll look into this as well x
    It's actually been gone for awhile!  x
    I actually added them a few months ago!  x
    This are things I don't have an answer for at the moment, but I've noted all of these down as things to look into ASAP. I'm still also learning what options are in my control vs. what aren't, so I will tag you all who asked these questions once I find a solution! x
  25. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Lana Del Rey Albums as _______   
    Born To Die: Wild At Heart
    Paradise: Blue Velvet
    Ultraviolence: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
    Honeymoon: Mulholland Drive
    Lust for Life: Dune
    Norman Fucking Rockwell!: Lost Highway
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