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  1. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Sky Ferreira   
    Hi, no one is going to get banned for expressing concerns about bias.
    There isn't a secret conspiracy where 111 doesn't get warning points. I promise that is not the case. There are Guidelines and there are consequences for breaking them.
    Thank you for the users who used the report feature.
    I will lock this thread as I talk to other members of the mod team. 
    Please do not let this spill over to other sections of the website.
    Thank you.
  2. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Why are Lana stans such one track minds?
    - track is not newly recorded by Lana 1 hour before vinyls are printed "OMG SHE'S SO LAZY I DON'T WANT ANOTHER MIXTAPE"
  3. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Please stick to topic.

    Please don't tag members and beg for information or leaks. It's really disappointing to see unprovoked complaints or rants about other users - this is actually against our Guidelines. Take those complaints and stick them in a private message or elsewhere so it's not public. It's really frustrating to have a chorus of people constantly dragging you and when the only natural response is to fight back it just creates a bizarre environment for people who just want to dream about the album. Likewise, don't just come in here for the pure reason of lighting our excitable userbase on fire - I think everyone is aware how starved of information they are.

    There is no need to tag or bring up leakers, self-proclaimed or otherwise - you are welcome to discuss any rumours you hear but please don't tag specific users or complain about their lack of information in a certain era. They don't owe you anything, and users have been placed on mod queue in the past for doing this consistently. 

    I am debating moving posts but will leave them up for the time being. Please drop this otherwise I will need to lock the topic temporarily and delete posts and issue warning points.
    Thank you,
  4. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Agreed! Lana is honestly so un-problematic overall, she's clearly got such a kind heart and some of her "controversies" were just misconstrued by the public and unfairly blown up. She's just been a target for hate since she first emerged and it seems like that will follow her forever to some degree. People are too dumb and lazy to take the time to understand certain things so they just jump on the bandwagon instead. 
  5. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    here’s my think-piece:
    it’s getting tiring seeing people on the internet constantly criticize & bash lana for everything she does, i understand completely why people are weirded out by her boyfriend, honestly, i am too, but i think it would be foolish to completely judge lana’s character & diminish her artistry because of it, lana’s made mistakes & has done some questionable things, but the way people act towards her specifically is especially ridiculous, people bring up things which she did YEARS ago (headdress, feminism comment, etc.) without taking a second to think that these things occurred years ago, she’s likely changed, & it’s not like she can travel back in time & stop herself from doing these things, i know qftc was something very complicated for everybody, including the fans, but it’s almost frightening to see how many people nowawdays can’t seem to comprehend or even think beyond their ego & try to look at things with a balanced & sensible approach, lana might not be perfect, she may even be strange, but there are celebrities who have done equally/worse things & have basically gotten away with it, there are celebrities who have commited horrible crimes & still have careers & supporters, people are so selective with their outrage, it’s sad to see, lana’s mistakes & questionable actions just do not compare to other celebrities who are still mostly loved & praised by the general public, & at the end of the day, lana’s boyfriends or comments she made a decade ago really have nothing to do with my love for her art, & i rue the day that somebody thinks i’m wrong just for enjoying her music, i don’t even know her, it wouldn’t even be right for me to say i love her so much as a person because i don’t actually know her, i just know the art & what she has chosen to share with the world, her art means so, so much to me, & there’s nothing that she has done which has ruined that for me, at the end of the day, lana’s not perfect, she may be flawed, but most celebrities are probably really weird as well, & so is everybody else on this planet, nobody’s perfect, we’ve all made mistakes, we all have quirks & flaws, i think people need to start realizing this because clearly people are losing the ability to understand that people are complicated & it’s fucking stupid to judge somebody’s entire existence off of one thing, when they don’t even know the entire situation
  6. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    People are projecting their self-hatred & overall anger issues on celebrities and it's tiring. Bringing up something someone said or did years ago for the sake of a viral tweet/moment, or in hopes to expose someone to appear virtuous and/or concerned about an issue is ridiculous and so overdone it comes across as disingenuous and creepy. 
    There is a time and space to call someone's problematic behaviour out, but there should also be a place for atonement, otherwise the so called purity ring shrinks (news flash, no one is that pure or virtuous).
    The entitlement and online saviour complex/keyboard warriorism is laughable, obnoxious & rude. 

  7. June Gloom liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Please stick to topic.

    Please don't tag members and beg for information or leaks. It's really disappointing to see unprovoked complaints or rants about other users - this is actually against our Guidelines. Take those complaints and stick them in a private message or elsewhere so it's not public. It's really frustrating to have a chorus of people constantly dragging you and when the only natural response is to fight back it just creates a bizarre environment for people who just want to dream about the album. Likewise, don't just come in here for the pure reason of lighting our excitable userbase on fire - I think everyone is aware how starved of information they are.

    There is no need to tag or bring up leakers, self-proclaimed or otherwise - you are welcome to discuss any rumours you hear but please don't tag specific users or complain about their lack of information in a certain era. They don't owe you anything, and users have been placed on mod queue in the past for doing this consistently. 

    I am debating moving posts but will leave them up for the time being. Please drop this otherwise I will need to lock the topic temporarily and delete posts and issue warning points.
    Thank you,
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Sky Ferreira   
    Hi, no one is going to get banned for expressing concerns about bias.
    There isn't a secret conspiracy where 111 doesn't get warning points. I promise that is not the case. There are Guidelines and there are consequences for breaking them.
    Thank you for the users who used the report feature.
    I will lock this thread as I talk to other members of the mod team. 
    Please do not let this spill over to other sections of the website.
    Thank you.
  9. Rami liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Sky Ferreira   
    Hi, no one is going to get banned for expressing concerns about bias.
    There isn't a secret conspiracy where 111 doesn't get warning points. I promise that is not the case. There are Guidelines and there are consequences for breaking them.
    Thank you for the users who used the report feature.
    I will lock this thread as I talk to other members of the mod team. 
    Please do not let this spill over to other sections of the website.
    Thank you.
  10. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Please stick to topic.

    Please don't tag members and beg for information or leaks. It's really disappointing to see unprovoked complaints or rants about other users - this is actually against our Guidelines. Take those complaints and stick them in a private message or elsewhere so it's not public. It's really frustrating to have a chorus of people constantly dragging you and when the only natural response is to fight back it just creates a bizarre environment for people who just want to dream about the album. Likewise, don't just come in here for the pure reason of lighting our excitable userbase on fire - I think everyone is aware how starved of information they are.

    There is no need to tag or bring up leakers, self-proclaimed or otherwise - you are welcome to discuss any rumours you hear but please don't tag specific users or complain about their lack of information in a certain era. They don't owe you anything, and users have been placed on mod queue in the past for doing this consistently. 

    I am debating moving posts but will leave them up for the time being. Please drop this otherwise I will need to lock the topic temporarily and delete posts and issue warning points.
    Thank you,
  11. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    @Terrence Loves Me Tell your mother to pack up her things, I'm the new resident psychic now 
  12. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by shadesofloveduthenandnow in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    It’s a chat bot, we’re just engaging with our delusions/bored
  13. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Hey all, let's not use the LDR9 thread to speculate/comment on her relationship with Jack in ways that don't pertain to the record. 
    For now I'm just moving all of the off-topic posts related to Jack into the recent sightings thread about him, but the Random Lana Discussion thread would also work too to continue that discussion.
    Let's keep things on topic here! Thank you! x
  14. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I never got around to mentioning this, but Buddy's Rendezvous is such a perfect song, and I hope LDR9 has the exact same sound. We need that Old Hollywood GLAMMA
  15. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by hashtagtylerh in Lana and Jack Donoghue at a prison in Chicago, IL - July 8th(?), 2022   
    fans get mad that people always pass around the photos of Lana kissing her sister and wearing the headress in Ride out of context as an excuse to bash on her, so I think it's a little hypocritical and foolish that people are spreading pics of her bf to hate on him. she's a grown woman she can make her own decisions lol. people are so ridiculous 
  16. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    omg am i over

  17. cherrycolalime liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Please stick to topic.

    Please don't tag members and beg for information or leaks. It's really disappointing to see unprovoked complaints or rants about other users - this is actually against our Guidelines. Take those complaints and stick them in a private message or elsewhere so it's not public. It's really frustrating to have a chorus of people constantly dragging you and when the only natural response is to fight back it just creates a bizarre environment for people who just want to dream about the album. Likewise, don't just come in here for the pure reason of lighting our excitable userbase on fire - I think everyone is aware how starved of information they are.

    There is no need to tag or bring up leakers, self-proclaimed or otherwise - you are welcome to discuss any rumours you hear but please don't tag specific users or complain about their lack of information in a certain era. They don't owe you anything, and users have been placed on mod queue in the past for doing this consistently. 

    I am debating moving posts but will leave them up for the time being. Please drop this otherwise I will need to lock the topic temporarily and delete posts and issue warning points.
    Thank you,
  18. Gravitate liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Sky Ferreira   
    Hi, no one is going to get banned for expressing concerns about bias.
    There isn't a secret conspiracy where 111 doesn't get warning points. I promise that is not the case. There are Guidelines and there are consequences for breaking them.
    Thank you for the users who used the report feature.
    I will lock this thread as I talk to other members of the mod team. 
    Please do not let this spill over to other sections of the website.
    Thank you.
  19. brandon liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Please stick to topic.

    Please don't tag members and beg for information or leaks. It's really disappointing to see unprovoked complaints or rants about other users - this is actually against our Guidelines. Take those complaints and stick them in a private message or elsewhere so it's not public. It's really frustrating to have a chorus of people constantly dragging you and when the only natural response is to fight back it just creates a bizarre environment for people who just want to dream about the album. Likewise, don't just come in here for the pure reason of lighting our excitable userbase on fire - I think everyone is aware how starved of information they are.

    There is no need to tag or bring up leakers, self-proclaimed or otherwise - you are welcome to discuss any rumours you hear but please don't tag specific users or complain about their lack of information in a certain era. They don't owe you anything, and users have been placed on mod queue in the past for doing this consistently. 

    I am debating moving posts but will leave them up for the time being. Please drop this otherwise I will need to lock the topic temporarily and delete posts and issue warning points.
    Thank you,
  20. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Please stick to topic.

    Please don't tag members and beg for information or leaks. It's really disappointing to see unprovoked complaints or rants about other users - this is actually against our Guidelines. Take those complaints and stick them in a private message or elsewhere so it's not public. It's really frustrating to have a chorus of people constantly dragging you and when the only natural response is to fight back it just creates a bizarre environment for people who just want to dream about the album. Likewise, don't just come in here for the pure reason of lighting our excitable userbase on fire - I think everyone is aware how starved of information they are.

    There is no need to tag or bring up leakers, self-proclaimed or otherwise - you are welcome to discuss any rumours you hear but please don't tag specific users or complain about their lack of information in a certain era. They don't owe you anything, and users have been placed on mod queue in the past for doing this consistently. 

    I am debating moving posts but will leave them up for the time being. Please drop this otherwise I will need to lock the topic temporarily and delete posts and issue warning points.
    Thank you,
  21. Marius liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Please stick to topic.

    Please don't tag members and beg for information or leaks. It's really disappointing to see unprovoked complaints or rants about other users - this is actually against our Guidelines. Take those complaints and stick them in a private message or elsewhere so it's not public. It's really frustrating to have a chorus of people constantly dragging you and when the only natural response is to fight back it just creates a bizarre environment for people who just want to dream about the album. Likewise, don't just come in here for the pure reason of lighting our excitable userbase on fire - I think everyone is aware how starved of information they are.

    There is no need to tag or bring up leakers, self-proclaimed or otherwise - you are welcome to discuss any rumours you hear but please don't tag specific users or complain about their lack of information in a certain era. They don't owe you anything, and users have been placed on mod queue in the past for doing this consistently. 

    I am debating moving posts but will leave them up for the time being. Please drop this otherwise I will need to lock the topic temporarily and delete posts and issue warning points.
    Thank you,
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