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  1. ConstableReggie liked a post in a topic by vrtvie in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Why harsh? Knowledge about mental illnesses and media harassment was way weaker in 2007, people were generally more unsympathetic towards women. She's saying the truth; everyone would call Britney crazed back then. It's good that the society is progressing now. 
  2. ConstableReggie liked a post in a topic by knives in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    firstly, sorry to hear about the aftermath of covid, i hope you feel better soon. but im a bit confused about this part of your post. are you talking about these lyrics?:
    Harvey Weinstein gone to jail, Me Too went on to unveil
    Truth and all its glory, the ending of a story
    i dont think she was referring to #metoo "ending" rape, but the movement ending harvey weinstein's story (i mean, the dude's in jail). do u think she would honestly believe a systemic and worldwide issue could be ended by a social movement predominantly taking place in the west? i understand you dont like the song, but cmon, marina is a 34-year old who is obviously a lot smarter than that 
  3. ConstableReggie liked a post in a topic by Bloody Valentine in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Sometimes I wonder what y'all really want from her. We complain about her being boring and now we complain about her being too much. I really don't understand. 
    PTP is no different than songs like Hermit The Frog or Can't Pin Me Down. This is the same Marina who wrote Hollywood or Mowgli's Road and let's not start with some of her weird/messy unreleased songs. 
  4. clementines liked a post in a topic by ConstableReggie in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I had the exact same thought when I read the tracklist - I have a random gut feeling that Pink Convertible is New America
    Btw she looks gorgeous I’m so excited!
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