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  1. Inferno Euphoria liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  2. 99tears liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  3. forensicflowergirl liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Zella Day   
    Snatched a red vinyl  thank you @eyelovelefteye
  4. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Elle in Zella Day   
    Got both the red and blue vinyl variants, and one of the 13 lyric sheets! (I’ve been working some well-paying shoots lately, so I decided to treat myself)
    I wish the vinyl sleeves themselves were signed though rather than just signed art prints, so I only selected ‘signed’ for one of the vinyl variants and left the other unsigned, and skipped out on a CD.
    Super excited to hear the record! Can’t believe it’s been 7 years since her last full record x
  5. eyelovelefteye liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Zella Day   
    Snatched a red vinyl  thank you @eyelovelefteye
  6. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  7. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by White Dress in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Would love a cover of Angelene by PJ Harvey on the album - I can actually see her going for this vibe sonically as well. Also anybody ever noticed the perhaps unintentional interpolation of the lyric "prettiest mess you've ever seen" with "prettiest in-crowd you've ever seen" in TIWMUG... the phrasing and timing is almost identical (00:12)
  8. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Zella Day   
    Doubt it, it probably wasn’t meant to debut until tmrw, Zella is watching us
  9. forensicflowergirl liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Zella Day   
    Is it already sold out bc it won’t let me see it 
  10. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Zella Day   
    The Cherry Heart tease on the red vinyl! It would be wonderful if she uploaded it to her site like “I Don’t Know How to End” or sent out an MP3 with the vinyl purchase!! 
    Bunny Blue vinyl, Cherry Heart red vinyl, cds, & other merch including signed stuff here!
  11. Elina liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I’d die happy if she covered Surrender by Suicide 
  12. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Prettywhenyoudye in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i would absolutely love to hear her version of I Know It’s Over by The Smiths
  13. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    although i’m still holding out hope that she’ll release a 25-track cover-album filled with absolute classics ranging from 50s country to grandiose 80s rock, i would like lana to cover a song by the doors, i suggest love her madly or riders on the storm
  14. sack liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  15. maysparkle liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  16. masochismxcx liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  17. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by blameitonme in Sky Ferreira   
    it’s so frustrating and sad looking back at how much hype there was around sky in february-may and now it’s all completely gone after a bunch of bad performances
    don’t forget has almost 2 mil spotify streams which i think is really good considering it’s had no promo 
    i’m worried for sky, like something is truly up for all this to be happening. it can’t just be label issues or her being a perfectionist/slow worker. i hope she’s okay
  18. Kristine liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  19. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  20. TropicoKitten liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Zella Day   
    Can’t wait for the vinyl pre-order to go up I wanna give her my coin after all these years 
  21. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by The Siren in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm fully for this post, up until I saw the words 'country album' 
  22. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by EARTHA in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i think Lana has a lot more control in the studio, even or especially with Jack, than people wanna give her credit for.  beginning with NFR and increasing through BB, her songs have included more of a wildness, even a messiness, that's more folky, more raw, than her very much polished early work.  critics derided BTD for being over-produced.  yet with her recent albums, she discusses in her lyrics and interviews her drive towards wildness and freedom, and i think you can really hear it in the music.  when the last three albums first came out, i loved them, but i was a little critical of the difference between them and her prior work.  now, i feel like it's sunk in more, like i finally get it.  she just produces beautiful art naturally, and she's become more real and more intimate/personal in her music and lyrics.  the more time passes since Blue Banisters, the more I appreciate the direction she's been moving in.  it feels so natural, and like she wants to be more natural.  she wants her music to be honest, natural, real, raw, even or especially if that's "messy" or wild.  she expresses being wild a lot.  she talks about wanting to get away from the city, from LA or NY, and explores more small town USA feels, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, more middle America type stuff, going to the mall, doing mundane tasks like washing hair or laundry.  i think it's totally Lana's choice and her own direction taking her to the sound she has now, and tbh I love it.
  23. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by vitriolkisses in Sky Ferreira   
    I still play Don’t Forget quite regularly, the writing has this very classic 80s Go-Go’s feel to it that makes it stand out a bit in a sea of mass produced 80s revival songs 
  24. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by deepseafishing in Zella Day   
    zellas finally arriving which means ryn ITS YOUR TIME.......
  25. vitriolkisses liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Zella Day   
    Vinyl: https://www.amazon.com/Sunday-Heaven-LP-Zella-Day/dp/B0B9Y8ZDFW/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=2B29K9DS652WT&keywords=zella+sunday+in+heaven&qid=1661457058&sprefix=zella+sunday+in+heaven%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-2
    It says the vinyl doesn’t ship until January!!! What a bummer
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