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West Coast

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  1. Venice liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    No holds barred I've been sent to destroy, yea
  2. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    It never once crossed my mind that Lana would actually be friends with people that leak her shit.
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    No holds barred I've been sent to destroy, yea
  4. Elina liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    You're right, in that situation I just wanted to give her mother the benefit of the doubt, since unlike Lana she doesn't really have a platform to speak up on this. But, I also did acknowledge that toxic/shitty moms are a thing and that Lana might've been subject to that as well. 
    It's all in the air, like you said: who knows why.
  5. West Coast liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    i think some of her response was wrong, but i agree she was wrongly attacked in the first place
  6. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    More The Greatest and Cinnamon Girls coming i guess
  7. West Coast liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    grammys don't mean shit at this point idk why jack stans bring that up whenever ppl say they don't like his work
  8. 13bitches liked a post in a topic by West Coast in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    I mean that doesn't sound too farfetched, like Lana did start the rollout of NFR earlier to divert us from the Israel gig debacle. At this point I likely see us getting some sort of single in like the next two weeks.
  9. boom like that liked a post in a topic by West Coast in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    I feel like with her recent antics, she needs to find someone that can like push her in the right direction artistically, Jack has proven to be too beige for Lanz. Dan on the other hand, he could legit convey all that negative energy and turn it into fire.
    I don't want him to turn the current situation into some cringy "Reputation" 2.0 moment. 
  10. boom like that liked a post in a topic by West Coast in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    I sadly agree with everything on here. I feel like while trying to push Lana towards creative/artistic highs, there was definitely tension whilst recording/producing Ultraviolence... but I think it paid off. We could argue about the pros and cons of this kind of creative dynamic, but I feel like, like you said, it turned out to be a "once-in-a-lifetime" album. I think they both alluded to fighting over certain aspects of the record, but ultimately dancing together to it.
    On the other hand, I feel like Jack is the exact of opposite of Dan. He just gives me this "Yes" person vibe. Nothing wrong with that, but like I said earlier that doesn't seem to be very challenging artistically speaking. Hence why I initially felt a little iffy about Jack having his hands all over LDR7, like it was going to be a continuation of the beige sound/aesthetic we had on NFR. Though, time will tell, with Lana's recent Instagram antics... I feel like there is some negative/chaotic energy that's been repressed on her part that she actually will devote into her art. 
  11. SlowGinFizzzz liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    No holds barred I've been sent to destroy, yea
  12. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    You're right, in that situation I just wanted to give her mother the benefit of the doubt, since unlike Lana she doesn't really have a platform to speak up on this. But, I also did acknowledge that toxic/shitty moms are a thing and that Lana might've been subject to that as well. 
    It's all in the air, like you said: who knows why.
  13. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Instagram Updates   
    People just need to leave her alone. She literally did nothing wrong but people are just quick to attack anyone these days for the smallest things.
  14. sjatib liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    it's a pandemic after aaaaall
  15. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    No holds barred I've been sent to destroy, yea
  16. West Coast liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    lana's bored too clearly
  17. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah, I'm absolutely not going to be disrespected by you. I sent an apology to a user who had just joined and not even been around for a full hour because I did not want them to get the wrong impression of the site. If you are having an issue with what another user said to you, you can hash it out in the DMs and message me there if you think I need to intervene. We also have a report feature. I saw something I didn't like regarding how the site should be viewed as "learning from the bestest" with "hating Lana as a specialty" from another user, so as an admin and owner who disagrees with that mindset, I spoke up.
    Also, I did not delete any of your posts and have no idea what posts you're even referring to. If your posts were in fact deleted, I wasn't the one who removed them. If I ever edit another user's post, I always leave a mod & edit note informing the user that I did.
    Don't try to purposely insult me either for something that I did not even involve you at all with. Y'know, I've only been back to LanaBoards for the first time in over a month as I was in need of a serious break from the internet and all that it harbours, and I think if anything you just made it clear that I'm not ready to deal with all you guys and your drama again quite just yet lol. Probably not the best time for me to have popped back in anyway, but I knew a lot was going on and I wanted to stay updated with it. I knew my return now was only temporary due to the news, but frankly I just don't want to deal with this sort of attitude right now as it's not good for me at this moment, so I'm not going to. Behave yourself, kids.
    The rules are PM'd to every user upon joining and are also pinned under the Help & Support section if you would really like to review them.
    I appreciate the apology. I just didn't like a user's first impression of the site to be the reply you had posted, encouraging hate and stating to "learn from the bestest" in that regard. Just always be cautious of what you encourage to other users, and remember that first impressions matter! x
  18. love deluxe liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    it's a pandemic after aaaaall
  19. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    it's a pandemic after aaaaall
  20. West Coast liked a post in a topic by naturalbornloser in Instagram Updates   
    CHILE the lengths people go to get off some boredom 
  21. violets liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    I'm not shading, I just don't see the point of making bold claims about Lana's upbringings? I just don't see why she'd have a reason to lie about any if not all of that as she was already subject to harsh criticism when she said all those things. If you feel as though it was her "shtick" as you elegantly put it that is your prerogative, and you got every right to do so. I guess I just like to give her the benefit of the doubt, but that's also my prerogative. It is her life after all.
    That is all.
    I won't DM you, don't worry. 
  22. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    You're new here and it shows. You got a lot to learn, sweetie. Love/hating Lana that's our specialty. Sit tight and learn from the bestests.
  23. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    You're right, in that situation I just wanted to give her mother the benefit of the doubt, since unlike Lana she doesn't really have a platform to speak up on this. But, I also did acknowledge that toxic/shitty moms are a thing and that Lana might've been subject to that as well. 
    It's all in the air, like you said: who knows why.
  24. love deluxe liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Dully noted, and the feeling is mutual.
  25. West Coast liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Seeing as you blocked me from sending PMs I guess I have to say this here lol. Stop quoting and replying to me. I don't want to interact w you and I don't want you to interact with me either. I hate doing this in a public place but looks like I have to lol.
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