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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. My understanding is that it is gonna come next year. I think she initially said it was gonna come this year but at some point it was decided that next year was more sensible
  2. I think I’m 5 episodes in and it’s significantly better than the last season. It’s just a cleaner, more decently paced story overall. I realize the show loves to get a little batshit in the latter episodes in any given season, and I’m not totally convinced that batshit isn’t gonna rear it’s head in the next few.
  3. The fact that eclipse told this thread to chill out and that it’s coming is probably the most promising bit of info we have gotten lol
  4. Idk I’m perched for it but the fact that she said she’s very stressed about the deadline of next month worries me.
  5. I’ll be happy if the production is reminiscent of GSD or any of the various snippets she’s teased, which I think might be a safe bet. I think GSD is definite very dark and cold, but also featherlight, in a good way. I want more of this chilly, subtly lush sound.
  6. I don’t think anything is gonna happen but y’all need to chill it’s like 7am on the west coast right now lol
  7. I still like the song and where’s the damn album
  8. anything else u would like to share with us?
  9. Hoping the info that the album isn’t coming in the first half of next year is lies. It’s clearly done, why sit on it???
  10. oh interesting. She’s been tagging things MIMA for a while, her insta bio has had that acronym for a while as well.
  11. The way she is coming to save the holiday music drought. That’s mother there.
  12. Starry stellar isn’t totally impossible and it wouldn’t be her worst lyric if it ends up being true. In any case THIS is the kind of fake insider info I was looking for!
  13. I enjoy what dragonwhore brings to the site as it makes this thread far more bearable than when it’s people disputing which old album is better than the other, but I also acknowledge that everything they have shared with us has been pretty easy to guess. In that way I enjoy their contributions but don’t necessarily believe they have unknown info to share with us. Father John Misty has been a potential collab with Lana for a very long time. It’s the MOST obvious collab and after she was on his record why not? Nikki Lane not being on the album isn’t that surprising either. It’s an easy guess to make considering the odds are 50/50 but leaning towards her not being there. I’m not saying they aren’t an insider and I’m not not saying they aren’t an insider either. There just isn’t enough info at this time to say either way. Until they spill something new that could not possibly be grasped from thin air (sound descriptions, track numbers, rollout plan hints) that eventually gets proven right (FJM collab doesn’t count because again it was easily guessable) I’ll just say I appreciate them being here but don’t think they have that much to spill.
  14. @DragonWhore have u heard the album in the way we assume boz has?
  15. This blisteringly gorgeous yet creepy production is SUBLIME. I mean her stuff has always been creepy and gorgeous but this is kinda lush and more fully realized. All the snippets she’s teased sound super cohesive sonically as well. I have a feeling this will be her more gorgeous album in terms of production, and she’s doing it herself!
  16. I love it I wish it was streaming on Apple Music yay for the date for the album as well
  17. this. I don’t think I can handle another whispering glade situation
  18. I’ve only ever listened to familia which is a pretty solid pop album. I desperately wanna see a drag race lip sync to “come with us”.
  19. It never fails to bum me out, like he would have been one of the all time greats and all we have is one (magnificent) album. Sigh. In any case, beautiful beautiful song.
  20. Reading through that sky timeline again was exhausting. It truly feels like it sapped nearly 10 years off of my life! Her power!
  21. domandapiano

    Noah Cyrus

    Randomly listened to her debut full length today after hearing a snippet of I Just Want a Lover and it’s actually pretty good??? No one is talking about this?? Very sincere and lovely stuff.
  22. I just want this album so bad. It’s like my number one music desire right now, but it feels so far away again.
  23. Any of the users who claim to know that the album is done wanna risk your financial well-being to give us a crumb of info? Well?
  24. Shall I move or shall I remain dormant like a beautiful renaissance statue
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