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drowning mermaid

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  1. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    finally!! she’s writing what she’s actually good at writing
    now never do that to us again hmm
  2. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Instagram Updates   
    i was thinking about this today, kinda. in my view the israel thing was infinitely worse & didn't get anywhere near the backlash this did. personally, it was the closest i ever got to unstanning her (and by this i mean downright stop listening to her music) - and tbh if she hadn't canceled the show, even if she did so with a lame ass excuse, i probably would've.
    not to say she didn't do/say anything wrong this time, but ultimately the victims/targets of her ignorance and tone deafness here are rich, famous, successful women. in the israel debacle she showed a total disregard for the lives of oppressed, colonized, poor civilians & an unwillingness to listen to those who tried to explain to her why it was wrong to perform there.
    this is not an invitation to discuss the israel-palestine conflict, btw. i've learned my lesson re: discussing politics on lb. my point is that this goes to show how hypocritical and performative a lot of these concerned responses are, how people care so very much when it's a pop culture matter & someone they idolize is being targeted, but not when it affects regular brown people dying in another continent.
  3. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Same, but I'm just waiting for another typewritten rant
  4. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah, I didnt mean it in a bad way. I think she was attracted to that way of living during that time.
  5. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Serene Queen in Instagram Updates   
    I FINISHED THAT THE OTHER WEEK, it’s so incredible omg!
  6. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    do it for the churchome baddies
  7. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by velvetcrowbcr in Instagram Updates   
    god if this is her way of teasing the album, i m s o e x c i t e d!!! i’m hoping it’s a darker honeymoon (?)
  8. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Marius in Instagram Updates   
    She finally learnt how to give us some quality content we deserve
  9. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Hounds Of Love in Instagram Updates   
    therapy for everyone here and lana herself
    consider it
  10. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    damn i like you 
  11. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    the way no one on this site has a right to drag anyone about being “bored” or not “having a life” because at the end of the day we’re all on a site that’s dedicated to one person and one person only... all we do here is discuss other people’s lives. that’s obviously fine, i’m doing that shit myself! but let’s stop acting like there’s different levels to it and instead add something relevant to the discussion yass
  12. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    super funny of her btw to write a pointless letter in which she’s mad at criticism she got 7 years ago + one mildly critical article, only to spark equally pointless controversy, after which she tried to clarify herself in the most salty, immature way possible. and now to remind people of it again with a letter that my high school english teacher would rip to shreds.
    a rube goldberg machine of dumbassery
  13. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    nothing she writes has any logical throughline, is the problem,, she goes off on weird tangents in the middle that have nothing to do with her supposed point and her sentences are long and confusing
  14. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    does she really not understand the way she sounds to other people?? has she been living in her own head for so long she thinks this makes her sounds even remotely reasonable? also: james bond
  15. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    outside of the fandom, I think that BTD, LFL, and NFR are her most adored, so yes that makes sense. Inside the fandom is UV and HM territory
  16. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    We dedicated an entire thread to her lies, let's not be naive. Lana changes up her statements all the time based on convenience 
  17. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Instagram Updates   
    because she (Lana) brought it up in a recent instagram post
  18. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    It's crack.
  19. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    so taking photos of yourself to promote your music is equivalent to trying to be a sex symbol? ive heard it all
  20. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    Not you falling for that schtick lmao
  21. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    No one said they were raking in the money we're just saying she's not "not from money" 
  22. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    I think my disappointment lies with the fact that she just seems very narrow minded and doesn't want to listen to those who are genuinely hurt/affected by her statements. Also the way she addressed the whole thing in her follow up comments were nonchalant and just...pissy? I'm still glad she spoke up on her own issues regarding the criticism she has faced but it's like she says one thing I can agree with and then something complete opposite which I can't quite excuse. Ugh Lana you complicated queent
  23. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Instagram Updates   
    What I’m personally confused about is why she would even take this public. Her point in the original post was badly formulated and people would probably try to correct her even if she hadn’t mentioned those names at the beginning of the text. To me, it seemed that this has been something that’s been on her mind for the last days or week, something that she’s been trying to figure out on her own but failed to come to a conclusion which is why she decided to ask a “question for the culture”. If I were her, I would’ve reached out to friends, maybe my (her) sister since they seem to be close and like my managers to know what they think, so have someone to exchange thoughts with. Just so I wouldn’t have to keep those thoughts to myself and “hide” my feelings. To say, “I want to go back and do this again, too”. Why post it on her public LDR account? It wouldn’t have been great to post it on her private Honeymoon account because fans follow her there too, but she surely must have another private one.I guess she wanted to post it so to kind of start a debate in the music industry, surely to get support from fans, but this backfired greatly in a way I don’t think she predicted at all.
    I don’t know, maybe I’m getting old too, but I didn’t try to defend Lana on Twitter at all because I figured that’s not my job really; those are her words and she’s the only one who can defend herself and explain her thoughts. It’s not up to me. And like I said, if I were her, and if I had the power to, I would just say that those women inspired me to also be brave and write songs with sexual, submissive, heartbreaking lyrics and go back to my roots instead of bringing it all to social media.
  24. rightofjupiter liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    super funny of her btw to write a pointless letter in which she’s mad at criticism she got 7 years ago + one mildly critical article, only to spark equally pointless controversy, after which she tried to clarify herself in the most salty, immature way possible. and now to remind people of it again with a letter that my high school english teacher would rip to shreds.
    a rube goldberg machine of dumbassery
  25. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    Exactly. She doesn’t have the capacity to say that mentioning artists or other stuff might have been wrong. Seems like she wants to be right all the time no matter what and she ends up repeating the same things over and over while adding other bullsh*t on her posts.
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