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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. my current ranking of one fav song per album is as follows! Sirens: Bad Disease AKA: For K, Part 2 Born To Die: Video Games Paradise: Bel Air Ultraviolence: West Coast Honeymoon: Art Deco Lust For Life: Summer Bummer Norman Fucking Rockwell!: The Greatest Chemtrails Over The Country Club: Wild At Heart Blue Banisters: Dealer im so basic
  2. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    The Greatest vs Not All Who Wander Are Lost
  3. also im not sure why, but Prettiest Girl in Country Music kinda reminds me of If I Had a Gun by Noel Gallagher!
  4. I LOOOVE the gravelly and raw tone of Nikki's voice they sound so good together, this performance was a bit messy but in a really sweet and endearing way, reminds me of when my family get together with their guitars and sing a bunch of songs while totally trashed - like, you can tell its messy, but its cute!! this has me really excited for their work together and I hope this project sees the light of day I really do!!
  5. no really IS THIS ELLIE GOULDING OR IS THIS A LANA FACE MORPH i can't even tell anymore
  6. also just to say: im not disappointed because luckily its exactly what i expected! but when we get our new West Coast moment...... a cultural reset i fear
  7. the imagery of having 'watercolour eyes' is so beautiful, and as someone with a bratty and annoying boyfriend i kinda relate, but give me Terrence Loves You or Starry Eyed or Your Band Is All The Rage any day over this im sorry
  8. on my second listen and not trying to be a negative nancy or anything but this song is just so meh to me i can see the appeal for sure since it does have a nice airy atmosphere to it and the drums towards the end are nice, but it really feels like its missing any stand-out moment to really distinguish this song from... well any of the slower songs in lana's discography really. the vocals aren't doing it for me and the lyrics are just kinda bland. idk im not feeling it so far
  9. I neeeeeed the "lie down my sad executive love" melody from Ben to be used and developed in a studio song, it's so beautiful, jazzy and haunting I also love the entire vibe of You & Me so I wish she'd dive into that a bit more, but I especially love the melody in the verses and the lyric "your god's favourite child, boy believe it"
  10. I opened the site on my work computer yesterday while it was down, and when I saw that "account suspended" page pop up I was like "oh NO the people who run my workplace's internal internet have CLOCKED ME FOR GOING ON LANABOARDS AND SLACKING OFF IM GONNA GET A WARNING NEXT"
  11. but AH! willloveyouTILL! the end of tiiiiIYYYMMM!
  12. just here to show some love for You & Me
  13. you dont ever have to go fastest than your fastest pace (not a bad lyric) ...or faster than my fastest cars (THANKS I HATE IT)
  14. okay i can't catch up on all these pages i hate to be that girl, but what confirmed info (or even semi-confirmed) do we have so far? is it really called Watercolour Eyes?
  15. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Arcadia vs Born To Die
  16. sometimes i just wake up really in the mood to listen to Mariner's Apartment Complex, idk why its such a morning/daytime song for me
  17. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Cherry Blossom vs Blue Banisters
  18. after my own personal disappointment when it came to Chemtrails (my least fave lana album, hasn't grown on me at all) its such a relief to me that im still enjoying and loving Blue Banisters sooo much Dealer is just everything i love and more!! Black Bathing Suit is a really fun and thematically interesting song, and there's so much variation in tempo and tone throughout which i looooove!! Wildflower Wildfire practically got me through all of 2021. Beautiful is one of my favourite songs on the album, i understand why other people dont love it but its a really really precious song to me IYLDWM is a song i like listening to on the train home from work at like midnight; after a loooong, tiring, busy day it just feels like a warm, gentle, comforting song to settle into. Thunder is another warm and comforting song to me, but it also reminds me of the hazy endings of many beer-soaked nights where you're down to your last two cigarettes so you smoke them with someone else over an honest conversation and a room temperature pint. Arcadia has those beautiful strings to give it a lovely cinematic feel, perfect when im walking through the city at night. i could go on and on but even the songs that aren't my faves (Blue Banisters, Cherry Blossom, etc) still have a place in my life and there's always a "right time" for them.
  19. I honestly love love LOVE the lyrics to Coachella - I never really got the criticism about them being super pretentious and corny! I think they're earnest and pure! - but I do think the production lets it down I guess my unpopular opinion is that I don't mind her taking an electronic approach to the track (I think most people expected the song to be acoustic and Yosemite-esque) but the instrumental she chose is just so dreary and miserable sounding, even at the chorus and the lovely outro it just doesn't do enough for me I actually feel like Groupie Love's instrumental, or something to that effect, would work much better - still electronic (and not going down the cliche acoustic folky route), but light, dreamy, a little ethereal!
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