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  1. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Instagram Updates   
    Exactly. Reading the room in this case doesn't mean not to express condolences, it means to shut the hell up for a day and be respectful. I see "woke" people literally celebrating the death of a person and it disgusts me so deeply. I have no problem with Lana's posts.
  2. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Life in Prince Philip: Post-Release thread   
    of course it does, and i've never said it's right either. what is wrong though is making hateful comments towards a dead man.

    stop trying to act affected, hun - it's not a good look.
    you don't need to teach me about my own country. i'm fully, fully aware of what the british empire did and causes and i'm fully against it. however, the current royal family, including prince phillip, have helped to aid and give back to those countries affected by it. their work is there and is evident for all to see. now, if they'd spent their lives doing nothing towards those countries, not visiting them, aiding them, then you'd have a point. but no, beyond that Phillip did a hell of a lot of positives in creating organisations that benefited the development and wellbeing of children and protection of the environments decades before governments got on board.

    people really need to go and read about his life's work before making comments.
    i'm British, hun. i've grown up learning about these people, as have many here. Americans barely have any idea on the topic of Monarchy, as Meghan found out the hard way for herself.
  3. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Furor Poeticus in Instagram Updates   
    Was she supposed to write something like: "Glad this imperialist buffoon died lel" for woke people to like her again? 
    I haven't seen any comments like those under Obama's post paying respects to prince Philip 
  4. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Life in Prince Philip: Post-Release thread   
    not saying that it was right at all, of course it's wrong. and yes, their ancestors, an ancestor being (be definition) a grandparents at minimum. the current royal family had no part to play in that, and by actually every means have brought themselves far away from it and aided in correcting what the british empire did.

    but try and make your teenage woke ass seem interesting and educated by speaking for the countries which were affected, most countries which, by choice, have remained as part of the commonwealth.
  5. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by COCC in Instagram Updates   
    It‘s always the same. So many celebrities are promoting expensive champagne or their make up line while people lose their jobs thanks to COVID and poor country won‘t have a single dose of the vaccine in the next months. And yet people decide to be mad at Lana because she sends a message of condolence to a man who was born almost 100 years ago and doesnt pass the purity test of 2021 
  6. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Life in Instagram Updates   
    the comments on her posts about Prince Phillips genuinely make me hate the internet sometimes. these kids need to actually fxck off and educate themselves.

    it's pathetic.
  7. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by COCC in Instagram Updates   
    This is pure cringe. She sent a message of condolence with that post, which is a kind thing to do. Saying that she endorses a „problematic institution“ shows that nowadays people try to cancel you for everything they can.
    And you are not „holding her accountable“ my edgy friend, you‘re doing nothing. 
  8. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by How2Disappear in Instagram Updates   
    Lana is not uneducated or ignorant. She's a decent person who thought of something nice to say about a public figure who passed away.
    She's open-minded enough to have her own opinions outside the hypocritical, hive-minded, mob, and brave enough to express them in public. This is why we are drawn to her art, consciously or subconsciously. The culture truly is sick, but the tides are turning hopefully. 
    Get free 
  9. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by rhubysyrup in Instagram Updates   
    I’m sick of fake twitter wokes cancelling her for a fucking royal family arranged marriage that happened over 70 years ago 
  10. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by ThisIsRusko in Instagram Updates   
    again. which would not be an issue. that's what many people are you know. you know diffrent opinions and such.
    i just can't believe how the current climate wants everyone to think the same. it's just worrisome
  11. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Twitter Updates   
    Can people stop pretending that they're experts on Lana's upbringing? We don't really know much about her childhood, but we do know she had a heavy drinking problem very young and they sent her away to boarding school. Even if her parents had money, her relationship with them may have been bad enough that she didn't feel supported and felt a very real struggle for herself. I have no idea, and neither does anyone. She's not saying that they were homeless or starving, and I don't think she's lying but rather expressing her perception of that time. She feels like they had nothing, and instead of telling her she's wrong about her own life, maybe respect her own experiences. We also don't know the circumstances around why she was living in a trailer park. I've seen people say it was for fun or aesthetic which is just a ridiculous thing to say. Maybe her parents kicked her out and cut her off and she really was on her own with no option of financial security to fall back on. It's just wild to me how much people try to control Lana's own narrative of her life.
  12. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Ultradealerence in Twitter Updates   
    i’m only gonna say this. I’m happy enough that she’s not silencing over the system behind journalism and politics and she’s totally standing firm to her beliefs. it’s sad enough to say at her 35’s that she shall stay silenced, she don’t need that anymore, she made her career, she got her money to live the rest of her life. like chile people. It’s sad that the press made her turn against them that harsh cause there will be a doubt about future releases. i can’t imagine and you can’t even imagine what’s is like to be a celebrity in many ways. but coming from a kinda corrupted politically country , i’m happy that even if i don’t believe her 1OO% cause in the end of the day it’s a celebrity game, that she’s there for her beliefs. of course she could have said in one hundred different ways the way she feels or sees things, but in the end of the day she wouldn’t be her. please stop saying how she should act, because you’re privileged enough to stay at your couch, commenting and pointing fingers digitally. Thanks, i don’t mean to offend anyone. Sorry if you felt this way, but my intention is clear enough. love it here,  we share our opinions . peace 
  13. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Twitter Updates   
    Sorry but I think some of you trying to act embarrassed for just the sake of it as “oh my gAghd she’s so clueless she needs to stop” well yes she’s not the best when she wants to defend herself but this woman has been silent for ages first they dragged her look and her “rich” dad and now they’re FORCING the fact that she’s trump supporter it’s her right to defend herself and don’t start with saying all female artists facing the same no im sorry but we all can notice that lana facing TOOO MUCH hate that seems to be trendy now 
  14. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by cellophane in Twitter Updates   
    I'd so love to be in the room when she decides to go off like this, I can't imagine the energy
    That said, the rolling stone mention 
  15. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Twitter Updates   
    I actually agree with her snapping back at them here. These publications are taking what she said out of context, her comments about Trump made sense and they're trying to spin it like she's excusing him from blame for the Capitol riots. Complex should definitely know better and I would feel disrespected if I were her, especially if they have a pre-existing relationship with her. They're a music publication and she just dropped an instant classic yesterday, can they report on the music instead? 
  16. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Twitter Updates   
    I feel so bad for her cuz god knows how a  good person she is but she can’t explain herself in a good way which is really sad. I wanna protect this woman cuz apparently she doesn’t know how to defend herself 
  17. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by whitelungswhitepalms in BBC Radio 1 Annie Mac COCC Premiere Jan 11th 2021   
    One thing we’re not gonna do here is talk about her mental health and joke about institutions 

     I understand it was unhinged but let’s be careful with our wording
  18. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by gasstationkween in Instagram Updates   
    If she gets cancelled for zooming into that dudes face its dumb. Can someone explain to me whats wrong with watching fox news im not from america its really stupid that yall arent even able to watch a news provider without it being controversial. America seems like a piece of shit. But im obsessed with the mess thats america.
  19. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Lana at her book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA - October 2nd, 2020   
    she isn’t the only dumb celebrity 
    & no one has the right to put their nose on someone’s dating types 
    yes what she did yesterday was horrible, but let’s leave her dating life bc it’s her own business
  20. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Lana at her book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA - October 2nd, 2020   
    im just saying, it was their choice, they know their situation, they are grown ups aware of their choices... same goes for restaurants being open, it is a choice and a risk...
     all the people I come into contact with at a department store/grocery also is ill-conceived too, its a risk... but people have to work and live and the amount of people inside a target or trader joes is equal to the amount that was at barnes and noble today. 
  21. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Lana celebrating her friends' birthdays at Valle de Guadalupe in Baja California, Mexico - September 19th, 2020   
    if she broke up with Sean in February that's like half a year let her get some dick in peace 
  22. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Lana celebrating her friends' birthdays at Valle de Guadalupe in Baja California, Mexico - September 19th, 2020   
    Some people jump from one relationship to the next, others prefer a gap in between. We all have our ways to cope, so as long as it's healthy it's none of our business. 
  23. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Azealia Banks   
    one time i was taunted at high school for a whole year by a girl who for NO reason, who would lash out at me, shove me in the hallways, always kick my leg in a school crowd rush, make threatening faces especially when she saw me in my car to intimidate me, like it was absolutely a miserable and scary time for me. i became terrified of her. i already had a shit life and she made it so much harder, like i can't sum up in words how horrible this exp was. it got bad enough to where i finally took it to the principal and counsellor, and basically all that ended up happening was them telling me she has a lot of struggles and so this was her natural reaction to lash out and all that, and that they had worked with her for years and knew her "story". sigh... as if i hadn't been wanting to die too for years like including dealing with sexual abuse ffs, but you didn't see me attacking others and projecting my anger and hurting onto others. 
    it took me literally 9 entire years to stop living in a fear of running into her whenever i'd go out at night, as our city is small. and 9 years to forgive her and be in peace and accept it's really all over now. it maybe wouldn't have been so hard if i had great mental health to begin with, but i did not.
    i truly do hope azaelia receives the help and support she needs, though it doesn't excuse the torment she's caused others. like that experience i had genuinely fucked me up for a good portion of my life and that wasn't fair and that wasn't fine. that girl's name even used to me my fave and i wanted to name my future kid that if i'd have a girl, but now when i hear that name it's nothing but bad flash backs lol. yeah, hurt people sometimes hurt others, but it doesn't mean everything should be forgotten about just because they were hurt. the "i was in a dark place" reasoning should only be an explanation, and not an excuse.
    of course, i know azaelia should be supported right now and helped. i wish azaelia true peace and hope her heart becomes a lot softer and kinder in the end once she's healing. compassion is one of the best traits a person can have.
    (i'm just sharing my thoughts about this, not directing to anyone, ty!)
  24. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Musicians are human beings too. Her songs are beautiful, inspiring and relatable. What I’m saying is that there is a sad place where sad and dark songs come from. It doesn’t just come out of thin air. But she takes that pain and makes it something beautiful and there is something to be learned from that.
  25. ArtemisEfesia liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Azealia Banks   
    She's been banned from Twitter at least twice
    Azealia believes reverse racism is real. She's said multiple times that black people can be racist towards white people lol
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