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Churchome Rep

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  1. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by AphroditeBaby in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I am absolutely an SJW to some people but... this kind of thing (and some bits of her article) is so cringeworthy, even if this is just a joke. It would be fine if it was truly just a joke from a random on twitter, but when I read that article (reread it like 30 minutes ago) I could see how she could be serious about something like that... 
  2. floridakilosxx liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    She’s working on a longer form version of that article 
    I suppose you can make that argument before COCC was released, there was cultural appropriation with like Florida Kilos or any trap-inspired music, but I can’t wait to read how she’s gonna reach with the songs on COCC. 
  3. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Instagram Updates   
    Lana’s “best friend” is Chuck when all is said and done. And Chuck is much more socially conscious, so I hope Chuck levels things with her. 
    On her Instagram Live for the chemtrails promo, she mentioned that she made a lot of “personal strides” in the past year. She never reveals a lot so I’m hoping that these strides aren’t like her poetry book but also some introspection. In a way, if Lana stays in her lane of “white girl sad music,” it will be ok. 
  4. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Instagram Updates   
    Lana’s “best friend” is Chuck when all is said and done. And Chuck is much more socially conscious, so I hope Chuck levels things with her. 
    On her Instagram Live for the chemtrails promo, she mentioned that she made a lot of “personal strides” in the past year. She never reveals a lot so I’m hoping that these strides aren’t like her poetry book but also some introspection. In a way, if Lana stays in her lane of “white girl sad music,” it will be ok. 
  5. partymonster liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Instagram Updates   
    Lana’s “best friend” is Chuck when all is said and done. And Chuck is much more socially conscious, so I hope Chuck levels things with her. 
    On her Instagram Live for the chemtrails promo, she mentioned that she made a lot of “personal strides” in the past year. She never reveals a lot so I’m hoping that these strides aren’t like her poetry book but also some introspection. In a way, if Lana stays in her lane of “white girl sad music,” it will be ok. 
  6. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by Anthony in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    We must not forget that she is much more canny and accurate when it comes to the lyrics of her songs than when she is giving interviews or tries to articulate her thoughts in any other way. 
  7. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by AphroditeBaby in Instagram Updates   
    I don't co-sign all of this, but I think it might just be complicated by her fame tbh. Idk anything about her friends really, and its not like all POC are woke etc, but you definitely have a point about like 'true' friendships and what not... at least thats been my experience as I've gotten into my twenties and re-evaluated my old friendships (for context, I am black)
    Good friends DO want to educate you, especially when you are wrong. And Good Friends can be receptive to that kind of criticism. My problem with the QFTC reception as an onlooker (and one of the most likely unintended consequences of 'cancel culture') is just its efficacy on an individual level. There are people who say and do racist or sexist or problematic things that we can't forgive, and who are malicious and come from a bad place, and there are those who are ignorant - often painfully so, but believe they are coming from a good place. I think Lana is one of the latter, and even though she doubled down during the QFTC debacle about being misunderstood and made it about her, it just made me want her to realize she was wrong, rather than throw her away for being wrong about it. I knew she had friends of color (some were people even mentioned in the post) and while I don't expect all POC to be woke, educate everyone around them all the time mental labor etc., I was just kind of personally hoping she'd have this kind of backlash again but localized from people who actually know her 1 on 1, because she is very very distrusting of media reception, to an unhealthy amount for sure.
    I don't think she fakes being woke though, I actually think she just doesn't think about that kind of thing at all in the first place and sees herself as a morally upstanding person, which then absolves her of having to think about things. It's privileged and narcissistic (ironically, the thing she says is tearing America/the world apart) but yeah, that's my take.
    She's like the most millennial in the way she speaks and in her music, but also kind the worst at social media and being informed on news at the same time, its really interesting actually
    That being said, it + her being rich and famous and surrounded by yes-men might be another reason for a friend who is a POC to like, avoid calling her out. I've had that white friend who like... definitely could be better about certain issues, but I just don't speak up to them because at the end of the day, its taxing for me and we arent *that* close anyway, like I dont think of us as best friends or friends for life or anything. Sincerely hope she has people like that in her life who can be like 'hey girl, this isn't okay and heres why' with total honesty. 
    Anyway, I didn't really stan Lana as a person ever, mostly her music and her story and how its impacted my life personally, so this doesnt really affect me too much, but she's really pushing it. I don't need to stan her as a person, but I do kind need her to be the kind of person who isn't so awful that it makes me want to distance myself from her entirely for my own sake. I totally understand people who have already done that in this last year and who are going to do that in the future. Just hope I'm not one of them!
  8. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Instagram Updates   
    If people associate you with the neo-Nazis on Capitol Hill, you should speak up against it. Like when white supremacists embraced Taylor Swift and she was silent about it, it was concerning
    I think she saw that article when it first came out and saved it for when she (rather unexpectedly) got critical acclaim for COCC. 
  9. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Idk what she would really have to do album wise right around or before June 1st like with vinyl production or whatever, but Chuck is also due probably sometime in June and I imagine Lana is going to be busy planning stuff with Chuck and helping her out. 
  10. Embach liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    besides nikki lane, who else are her country music friends
    ETA: Chemtrails over the Country Club with that cover already feels like an album title about a close circle of country music friends to me. 
  11. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    What are some of her songs that take shot at the industry? 
    High By The Beach, Brooklyn Baby, FMWUTTT...
    She doesn’t really drag anyone in those. They’re all generically targeted, so I don’t have any expectations for the lyrics to be explosive. 
  12. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by Pink Flamingo in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    If you ask me, I think that announcement of a new album sounds more like a mockery of "on my new album coming out on September 5" (the culture question post) than it does about an actual album release.
    What has me believing that it is really a new album is the fact that, well, you know that it seems that it is fashionable to release two albums in the same year #ariana #taylor. also that the manager said that she was working on two albums for which she already had the title in mind ... anything can happen.
  13. uvbabe liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    What are some of her songs that take shot at the industry? 
    High By The Beach, Brooklyn Baby, FMWUTTT...
    She doesn’t really drag anyone in those. They’re all generically targeted, so I don’t have any expectations for the lyrics to be explosive. 
  14. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    money power glory as well  
  15. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    What are some of her songs that take shot at the industry? 
    High By The Beach, Brooklyn Baby, FMWUTTT...
    She doesn’t really drag anyone in those. They’re all generically targeted, so I don’t have any expectations for the lyrics to be explosive. 
  16. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by lets ride in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    The gag is that most people don’t even know/care that she’s genuinely acclaimed these days. They still treat her like SNL was yesterday. I’d gladly trade universal acclaim for UV 2.0. 
  17. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by wild caged animal in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    "The best ones lost their minds but I'm not gonna change"

  18. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by May in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    kinda unrelated but tbh if this album is as explosive and angry as she’s hinting at then a lot of ppl in this fanbase need to let this be the era that they stop getting worked up over reviews & critics bc there’s a good chance she’ll end up getting dragged thru the pits .. personally ima just let her have her angry moment and only pay attention to the content this era, she can get a 30 on metacritic for all i care
  19. Feelia liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in White Dress   
    The whole album is about the burden of fame, but this song is the only one that talks about her singing (in the street). This reminds me of the Rolling Stone interview she did with Elton John where she reminisced that there was a freedom starting out as a musician because it was fun, nobody really judged you. 
    In her Lizzy Grant, early BTD days, she leaned into the whole image of a tragic, Lolita/Marilyn Monroe type figure. Critics thought it was a persona, and the backlash was intense, perhaps in a white hot way. But her fixation with these women is tied to how she thought it was thrilling to be the object of the male gaze. I read “look how I do this/ look how I got this” as a subversion of the fragile female trope because she turns it into a performance that she controls. 
    Lana is older now. She probably looks back at these days wistfully, and maybe she still wishes she could tap into that although it’s no longer part of her current singer-songwriter “street cred.” Maybe that’s what QFTC was about, wishing she could reclaim a freedom of performance that was taken away from her. 
    But this song was like done in one take, so this could be an over analysis or projection 
  20. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Not that I think it will happen in LDR8, but I just had this intrusive fear that Lana would evolve to be the super-serious songwriter she skewers in NFR. I hope she doesn't have this pressure of pleasing the music critics because the way they would leave her earlier work in the dust...
  21. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    besides nikki lane, who else are her country music friends
    ETA: Chemtrails over the Country Club with that cover already feels like an album title about a close circle of country music friends to me. 
  22. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by hashtagtylerh in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Unless Lana herself deleted it but I doubt she uses FB and YT that often. Or maybe she told them to delete it so it would only be on Instagram for the baddie aesthetic lol
  23. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by blackestday x tough in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    deleted by her label?
  24. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Instagram Updates   
    If people associate you with the neo-Nazis on Capitol Hill, you should speak up against it. Like when white supremacists embraced Taylor Swift and she was silent about it, it was concerning
    I think she saw that article when it first came out and saved it for when she (rather unexpectedly) got critical acclaim for COCC. 
  25. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Instagram Updates   
    If people associate you with the neo-Nazis on Capitol Hill, you should speak up against it. Like when white supremacists embraced Taylor Swift and she was silent about it, it was concerning
    I think she saw that article when it first came out and saved it for when she (rather unexpectedly) got critical acclaim for COCC. 
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