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Bird World

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  1. Bird World liked a post in a topic by grandpas glass in Instagram Updates   
    Chuck reposted this edited photo 

  2. Bird World liked a post in a topic by 111 in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    i got bozo on the which insider are you test 
  3. Bird World liked a post in a topic by cherrytropico in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    the thing about sales is that stans are the only ones who care about it and make it a competition. everyone’s gonna be mass streaming her album and fighting miley stans on march 10, meanwhile lana will be writing poetry in her backyard oblivious to anything that’s going on. she’s already a multimillionaire set for life she could not care any less about that shit
  4. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Yes To Heaven   
    especially on a post dedicated to the late daniel johnston... i bet she gets annoying ass comments like these all the time because i just have this impression that a lot of her fans, especially on social media, are just very obnoxious
  5. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    omg yes I always wonder about this
    You never see ANY photos of her either it’s so weird it’s like she’s dead 
  6. Bird World liked a post in a topic by one time beauty queen in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    when those slutty trap beats start playing 5 mins into American Whore

  7. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    More like A&W, aka three letters, aka three days!! 
  8. Bird World liked a post in a topic by one time beauty queen in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    this photo being posted yesterday.. AW showing
    AW=American Whore
    American Whore has 13 letters……. 

  9. Bird World liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    I'd love if Lana were more open about the whole creative process of her albums. Talking about the songwriting and the production stages (like what she did with the Fingertips voicememo), what her favorite songs are, etc, etc.  
    Like, it's all so interesting! She doesn't even need to spill that much about whatever happens BTS, but like... The album process discussion thread is probably one of the most interesting things I've ever read. To have that sort of insight on the creation of her albums from her pov would be such a blast! 
  10. Bird World liked a post in a topic by HeyBlueBaby in Instagram Updates   
    New post

    Funny because a user posted this photo in the Random Lana Discussion thread recently 
    Lana's lurking? 
  11. Bluelake liked a post in a topic by Bird World in You & Me   
    it gives me MAJOR Honeymoon vibes 
  12. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by Bird World in Album Artwork Mostly Lana.   
    It's so beautiful, I wish it was official 
  13. Bird World liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    this is so us on march 10th when we’re sweet and bare feet 

  14. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Eugene in 2022 Lipsters Awards: The Decade Edition - January 21st   
    Who do you think will win the Lipster Award for "Biggest Lana Hater"? I think Jared or Xenoblade 3. 
  15. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    That’s a bit reductive on a whole and factually wrong on some parts. Let’s start with the latter.
    Lana has already tapped into rock music with Ultraviolence and folk/country with Chemtrails; indie music as a form of categorization is getting more and more obsolete if you don’t add anything next to the term “indie” so in that sense and if you think about her entire career, she’s done indie music through her entire catalogue. Said catalogue has had an incredible variety of sounds and inspirations, ranging from hip-hop, trip-hop and trap… all the way to rock, jazz, blues, folk, surf rock and Americana. Few artists of her magnitude and fame can brag themselves about doing the same - they don’t have to but if there’s something that’s truly undeniable about Lana is her immense versatility and how she was able to translate that into records who go for different soundscapes but manage to sound inherently like Lana.
    Which brings me to the other point: your comment is absurdly reductive because it reduces Lana to this automaton who needs to deliver something drastically different - something that’s truly symptomatic about how female musicians are perceived and the immense pressure the industry (and fans) put on them that’s constantly demanding them to reinvent themselves. I’m not saying anything brand new or original here but so aren’t you. This incessant need to criticize and project your own expectations onto an artist who has done enough in her career to provide variety (most of the times going against the mainstream spheres and having her originality being repurposed by other artists who get a lot of cred for doing what she did years before them) is exactly why I’m surprised she’s still doing music at all. Being a filmmaker myself, I can’t imagine what it must be to have to deal constantly with this level of scrutiny and authority, like artists aren’t allowed to do whatever they please anymore.
    At this point, if her career decisions and artistry aren’t something that cater to your sensibilities or expectations, I suggest you shift gears and invest your time on something other than tearing an artist down for not doing whatever you feel like they should be doing. You’ll see you’ll be spending your time in a more fruitful manner and on the other side of the road, people like us will be spared of offensively reductive opinions by someone who acts like a reddit edgelord without any substance to back up their arguments.
  16. Bird World liked a post in a topic by lanasbottom in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    genuine question why are you here ?   like you obviously don’t even like lana to begin with so why tf are you here ? i may be a bitch and i complain a lot but at least on some occasions i express excitement over her upcoming music/praise it. you on the other hand… jesus jared get a hobby, quick 
  17. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Kintsugi in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023   
    It's astonishing how easy it is for you to tear Lana down without actually hearing anything off of the new record aside from 2 crusty snippets and one single (which has shown a massive upgrade from her latest 2 records already). What you're saying couldn't be more wrong. The samples aren't as obvious as you think they could be, Lana is touching new grounds while delivering something new for her and despite this being her 9th album she's still proving herself to be a true one of a kind visionary. It's funny how you've assumed this bullshit after 2 of my posts which were vague at most on purpose. @Sportscruiser summed it up pretty well so I'm not going to continue but you should be embarrassed.
  18. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I agree with you. The biggest complaint that grinds my gears is the complaint about how all of her music sounds the same, or at least post LFL sounds the same. Norman is beachy with a sun-kissed poetic punch of nostalgia to it, Chemtrails is folky with an aura of the midwest and getting lost on a road trip, Blue Banisters she takes us more into her home life and becomes much more vulnerable than previous records. Ocean Blvd seems to be taking a stream-of-consciousness approach to music, exploring automated songwriting, lush/grand orchestral instrumentation with a variety of sonic shifts and experimentation in sound and lyricism. None of these records sound the same to me and I always found that to be a very reductive critique of her music
  19. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Apologies for any eventual mistakes, I’m not a native english speaker. Just wanted to state the obvious because it’s getting increasingly harder for me to deal with spambots who just want to tear Lana down for the sake of it. You want rock music? Ultraviolence is there. You want an incredibly cohesive blending of orchestra, dream pop, trap AND jazz? There’s Honeymoon. Hip-hop? Born To Die. Trap AND new age folk all in one sitting? Lust for Life. The second coming of Joni Mitchell? NFR. Folk and country done in a way that’s not as alienating as those genres can sometimes become? Chemtrails. Oh you’re tired of music and just want to hear someone do spoken word? Violet! I could go on but the work is out there. Respect it.
  20. Bird World liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Get Free is her very best closing track. 
  21. Bird World liked a post in a topic by Steeqhen in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I actually really like Coachella - Woodstock in My MInd
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