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  1. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by LAman in Instagram Updates   
    I hope she’ll start releasing controversial music again. I feel like she’s been limiting herself when it comes to new music. LFL/NFR feels very PC compared to her previous works. She’s not an artist for SJWs. She belongs in her own lane, she’s meant to have haters. She’s not supposed to make sense, and that’s why I love her music. She’s not afraid to call out people and make off statements cause that’s how she feels. She’s misunderstood and I love her for it. I hated Lana when she came out with BTD (the music video). It was superficial. I thought it was dumb that someone could become viral with that content. However, she upset me so much that I had to listen to her more. Then I fell in love. Lana is something else, I don’t think she gets that appreciation for her weird mind. This post is the smartest thing she’s done in awhile or ever for that matter.
  2. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    she’s being so open about her emotions lately and I can’t help but say that it makes me kind of emotional. u go lana!!!
  3. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Instagram Updates   
    You can still end up being racist without intent to be racist, and I think that's the point here. No one is saying Lana is a racist or a bigot or has intent to be evil or insulting. But what she said was tone deaf and ignorant. Black women have suffered a lot of critcism in the arts and have had to fight hard for their place.... they deserve their attention and #1 hits. I always say you don't have to bring others down to raise another person up. Her post is also full of many great points. I think she could have gotten her message across in a more clear and concise way without dropping a single name. It's a complex statement full of good and bad. We can disagree and call her out on the not so good parts, while still agreeing with her on other things.
    Considering she's friends with Ariana, I doubt she even meant to be insulting, but she's still wrong for having dropped those names in the way she did. On the flipside, she has a point in the media's reaction and how people have interpreted her music. And there is no doubt she's been an absolute trendsetter for alternative music and paved the way for artists that now sing dark & "depressing" songs as well.
  4. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    The more I read on Twitter, the more it seems like most of the hate is coming from people that already hated her and are using this as in excuse to go all in. She'll be fine. 
  5. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    if she wanted to drag anyone she would not have put camila and ariana in there. she follows cardi b on instagram, nicki minaj follows lana and lana has NOTHING against any of those women she named. please, to anyone pulling race into this, think about it for a second. sending everyone love during this difficult time for the fandom
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    she’s being so open about her emotions lately and I can’t help but say that it makes me kind of emotional. u go lana!!!
  7. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    she’s being so open about her emotions lately and I can’t help but say that it makes me kind of emotional. u go lana!!!
  8. Lustrouslines liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    this is so exciting!!! honestly I doubt she’s gonna put it out september 5th but let’s hope it’s somewhere near that
  9. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Instagram Updates   
    On one hand checking twitter made me sick on the other I kinda understand why her statement makes me mad
  10. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    how she did that was one of the best parts lmfaoooooooo 
    and mm not to mention. glamorously WHAT A KWEEN
  11. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by American Whore in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    girl i woke up for work and checked my phone and BAM SHE HIT
    and then that album date dropped lol
  12. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    She probably did 
    Alt singers who say that she glamorises abuse teas
  13. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    I love how ur spazzing that was literally me like hours ago, but I KNOW RIGHT?? 
  14. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    Also, I hate that everyone is trying to undermine Lana's experience. Maybe they weren't around for the early days, but everything she said is so true. The amount of criticism she got for having lip fillers and singing about her pussy.. If all of that had happened in recent years, it would be a much different story and people would probably be eating it up. And I think that's her entire point.
  15. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    the post itself wasn’t meant to drag anyone BUT the critics. I must admit I do feel uncomfortable with the name dropping in the beginning but she does have a point (although she could’ve just not named anyone and still made the same point). I’m proud of her for sticking up for herself and I think that she deserves to write about what she wants. us as fans are always gonna support her and listen to what she has to say whether it’d be good or bad. she has helped so many people around the world with her music; the music that she herself made and wrote, unfiltered. yes, maybe it was uncalled for, the name dropping, but she did get her point across; if they can write about being sexy, wearing no clothes, fucking, cheating etc. she believes that she can do that too without having to put up with the critics that have been so harsh on her for the past 10 years. I completely support this statement and I am so so so excited for whats to come for her. she deserves the best
  16. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    she can sing from the bottom depths of the mariana trench idgaf i'll dance to that opening track w tears in my eyes SO HARD 
  17. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    Not to be That Guy but Ariana is white and Camila is Latina.
  18. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by yourbluebaby in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    yasss kween serve us your 'so sad so sexy'
  19. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    i still expect a ton of ballads but yay for vulgar songwriting 
  20. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by sansafuckingstark in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    The way she casually mentions the album after screaming for five minutes straight... is this the most badass album announcement ever?
    I'm never unstanning.
  21. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Instagram Updates   
    I would be fucking pissed off if I were her too. She had a SUBSTANTIAL hand at paving the fucking way for this new generation of cool sad club kids and took all of the blows for them so that they could debut to pretty much widespread acclaim and acceptance without ever thinking twice, even though there are many which are LITERALLY industry plants e.g. billie eilish with her parents connections, dropping out of school so young and the fact she was marketed with her style at such a young age etc, Who has cited Lana as an influence many times (or more importantly her brother who probably has a larger stake in creating billie's overall sound and image) but her authenticity was never questioned whereas Lana was hounded for being inauthentic even though she did more back breaking work by working the live music scene for years without furthering her career in any real way - something newer generation artists won't ever have to do - they just need to keep up their social content calendars and make tiktoks while they chase another trend and drop a single every 3 weeks.
    I think this outburst of anger is much delayed and I think Bilie winning album of the year was the straw that broke the camels back and I think she has had a lot of time to ruminate on it. I guess she only feels comfortable sharing this now as she is no longer on the receiving end of these claims and at a point where she is now regarded quite highly and not fighting an unfair fight.
  22. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates   
    I know exactly what u mean. She's being a lot more outspoken which is great, but I guess since its all still unfolding, we don't really know. I've to agree something's different yeah. I kinda wanna know where it's all stemming from, but at the same time, it's too early to really say
  23. drugsdesire liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Instagram Updates   
    She had a point and articulated it badly/inappropriately considering the medium. This kind of discussion belongs in Billboard and Pitchfork. What a fucking weird way to announce your next album?
    I think the artists she picked are just artists she likes (for example, she has talked about how much she loves Ariana in depth). To me it doesn't read as a drag at all, but unfortunately with a different positionally and not comprehending the post (or bothering to read at all) it comes across as really capricious. ALSO, due to the weird editing, it makes it sound like she is dragging all the artists she mentioned - when in reality, she is calling out people like Azaelia Banks, Lorde and Kim Gordon. 
    But, I LOVE when people can't properly read and feel like she is being controversial, since that means more Lana in the headlines. Also, wouldn't it be really fucking funny if she has them featured on her album? 
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