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  1. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    People are free to discuss but passing judgement and saying who she should or should not date, that’s no business of the fans. Toxic fan culture can exist and I just wanted to make a point about that.
    And a performers diet impacts their performance on stage, which is why I asked about whether she is still a vegetarian. It affects performance.
  2. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    Let me say this;
    I come from a music industry family. My father is a Grammy nominated engineer.
    Stan culture and toxic fandom hurts artists. Obsessing over Lana’s dating life is crossing a line. Her personal life is no business of the fans. The only things the fans have a right to is the art the artist makes. Everything else is off limits.
    And toxic fandom hurts the artist an can have dangerous effects on the mental health of the artist. Lana has had issues with depression and has mental health issues of her own. If you truly love and care about her you will stay out of her private life. Who she dates is not her business and you have no business knowing where she lives and camping in her garage like some fans once did.
    Lana has the right to space and privacy. You do not own her. She is not your property. No artist is the property of their fans.
    This life is not easy. Being a musician is not easy at all. Musicians are human beings. Stan culture and toxic fandoms can destroy an artist. Nine years ago today it destroyed Amy Winehouse, so we need to think very carefully about our behavior rather than who an artist dates.
    And again this who discussion is not even needed because Lana and Sean broke up.
  3. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    Lana is not back with Sean. They broke up.
    I’m a car person and I hate to break it to everyone but that 1964 Cadillac El Dorado is not Sean’s. Do you know how common those cars are? They are one of the most popular antique cars. I see them at every antique car show I attend. They are so common it’s not even funny.
    In Sean’s last IG post, his El Dorado is in LA. Lana is in New Mexico right now. If you look at the scenery back there, that looks like New Mexico to me. It does not look like LA or Oklahoma. I’m sure there are plenty of these Cadillacs in New Mexico. That state is filled with collectors.
    So what is Lana doing? She is trolling her ex while confusing her fans. But since I know cars, I’m not getting confused.
  4. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    1. Paintings by Joan Baez;
    Lana collaborated with Joan last year in Berkeley. These paintings here imply that Joan will probably be featured on Lana’s next album! Also big shout out to Joan on being awarded the Woodie Guthrie prize!
    Joan is part Native American and I suspect Lana and Joan May have gotten together in NM. They may even be working together on the Navajo Water Project
    2. Tulsa Jesus Freak;
    This is a reference to Sean. No surprise because Lana does write about her ex’s.
  5. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  6. TheHardestWhite liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  7. Ryusei liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    On the topic of the painting from Joan Baez Lana shared;
    Lana actually dropped a major hint there and the hint is that Joan Baez will be featured on one of the songs on Chemtrails Over the Country Club.
    On Lust for Life, Lana collaborated with Stevie Nicks and I can see Lana once again collaborating with another fellow influential women in music.
    Lana and Joan have performed together before and they both approach the songwriting process in a similar matter. I think it’s safe to say that a Joan Baez collaboration inspires the next album is in order. This also implies that this next record will be a folk album. Lana is really a folk musician at heart.
  8. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Even if the album is pushed back, it probably won’t come out any later than Thanksgiving/Christmas of this year.
    I also suspect that we also might finally get that compilation album of unreleased tracks Lana was talking about doing a few years ago. Interscope would love to get something like that out too!
  9. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  10. Vertimus liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  11. Lustformoney liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  12. Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  13. Nightmare liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    Lana is not back with Sean. They broke up.
    I’m a car person and I hate to break it to everyone but that 1964 Cadillac El Dorado is not Sean’s. Do you know how common those cars are? They are one of the most popular antique cars. I see them at every antique car show I attend. They are so common it’s not even funny.
    In Sean’s last IG post, his El Dorado is in LA. Lana is in New Mexico right now. If you look at the scenery back there, that looks like New Mexico to me. It does not look like LA or Oklahoma. I’m sure there are plenty of these Cadillacs in New Mexico. That state is filled with collectors.
    So what is Lana doing? She is trolling her ex while confusing her fans. But since I know cars, I’m not getting confused.
  14. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by American Whore in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    why are people acting like she’s seeing sean again he already talked shit about her, the same way gr eazy did and she put out a diss track about him. why are we not wanting to hear the diss track about sean thats eminent like we know it’s coming sis??
    as if she hasn’t released diss tracks about barrie or “jim” and yet the only one she didn’t release a diss track about was francesco
  15. Llamadelgay liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    And those cars; the 1964 coupe Deville and the 1964 El Dorado are very common amongst collectors. I see them at every antique car show I go to. I see them on the streets sometimes.
    Do you know just how easy it is to find one of those? It’s real easy. I can probably go out tomorrow and find one to use for a film shoot quickly. They used one in “Mad Men”.
  16. May liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    If you are doing on the grill then you might be overcooking it. I like to BBQ chicken so I tend to cook it at a medium flame. Gotta go be feel too!
  17. Log Lana liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  18. crazyforme liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  19. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    On the topic of the painting from Joan Baez Lana shared;
    Lana actually dropped a major hint there and the hint is that Joan Baez will be featured on one of the songs on Chemtrails Over the Country Club.
    On Lust for Life, Lana collaborated with Stevie Nicks and I can see Lana once again collaborating with another fellow influential women in music.
    Lana and Joan have performed together before and they both approach the songwriting process in a similar matter. I think it’s safe to say that a Joan Baez collaboration inspires the next album is in order. This also implies that this next record will be a folk album. Lana is really a folk musician at heart.
  20. I Come In Peace liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I look at some of these comments, some suggesting that she is not “sincere” or “deep” when in fact her music is deep and sincere and inspires many people around the world.
    As for Lana being bothered when people call her out, she has been treated like crap from the press and online for years. How much of that do you expect her to take before she snaps? I’m surprised she didn’t unload sooner.
    But can one really be a fan and really love her while constantly acting like she is not deep and accusing her of being privileged while not really knowing what she deals with on a day to day basis?
    This is not how fans treat the artist they like. When I do see this I have to question the sincerity of those who make these kinds of comments and then claim to be fans.
    Again, Stan culture and toxic fandom destroys artists. It destroyed Amy Winehouse 9 years ago today.
    Just some food for thought.
  21. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    Who she dates has nothing to do with her career as a musician.
  22. Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    And Sean is in LA. Lana is currently not in LA.
    Lana is on a humanitarian mission for Native American causes.
    Guess which place also has a lot of native Americans??? Drum roll please.... Oklahoma! Tulsa is in Oklahoma.
    In fact the Supreme Court recently ruled that most of Oklahoma belongs to Native Americans.
    Lana is on a humanitarian mission. She is not back with Sean.
    And IF she is back with Sean... that’s her personal life which we as her fans have no right to that part of her life. The only part of her life we have a right to access is her music. She is allowed to be a private citizen and live the life she wants.
    But no, she is not back with Sean. They broke up. She unfollowed him on IG.
  23. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    I’m sure she is looking at this site. In fact I bet she probably has an account. If I wanted to confuse my fans if I were famous I would monitor fan sites.
  24. boom like that liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Instagram Updates   
    Lana is not back with Sean. They broke up.
    I’m a car person and I hate to break it to everyone but that 1964 Cadillac El Dorado is not Sean’s. Do you know how common those cars are? They are one of the most popular antique cars. I see them at every antique car show I attend. They are so common it’s not even funny.
    In Sean’s last IG post, his El Dorado is in LA. Lana is in New Mexico right now. If you look at the scenery back there, that looks like New Mexico to me. It does not look like LA or Oklahoma. I’m sure there are plenty of these Cadillacs in New Mexico. That state is filled with collectors.
    So what is Lana doing? She is trolling her ex while confusing her fans. But since I know cars, I’m not getting confused.
  25. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    A Joan Baez collaboration is happening. My gut tells me it’s happening.
    When the album comes out, Lana will need to promote it. I know she hates going on TV. She likes radio interviews, so I think she should go on the Howard Stern Show. Howard does great interviews and it might be the best interview Lana ever gets.
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