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  1. Soso liked a post in a topic by deleted123 in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    Yes, that moment where the crowd collapsed or something.. There was a domino effect
  2. Smartie liked a post in a topic by deleted123 in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    Baby I've become someone...not of this wooooooorldddd 
  3. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I just meant a reference to light and dark. Solstice is the longest day and shortest night or vice versa, depending on whether it's the beginning of summer or winter. On equinox day and night are about the same length on the whole planet.
    Edit: Lana also posted a video on September 23 but took it down a while later. Most people probably missed it but some on this forum know. It was of herself watching a Youtube video of Joni Mitchell performing "Both Sides Now".  
  4. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    So, The White Goddess stands for all other female pagan deities in Europe, or behind them? I've read she has also three faces which represent the stages of the Moon, which means she is a tripple goddess and that resonates with Lana being often in tryad of colours: black, white and red. I guess that is related with nigredo, albedo and rubedo, and on the other hand, with hell, purgatory and heaven, and with the stages of woman as a maiden, mother and crone. Or maybe Lana being young nymphet, wounded girl and independent superwoman (but you've already wrote all about that, so I won't repeat myself)
    Despite Lana her being haunted by the male loves of her life, I couldn't envision Muse as a guy (because she was actually desperately trying to permanently fall in love with herself, or to make her androginuos God to return to the temple of her body and soul; lack of (self)love = God is dead).
    Maybe that proves the existence of collective consciousness and the laws that are applicable to everyone, no matter what sex or gender we are: Muse is by definition female, because a woman is the Other, mysterious, tricky and elusive; man is the doer and active creator of history, a concrete and simple creature, woman is receptive vase that gathers all enigmas or fluid mirage in hundred veils, complex within itself, like a snake that bites its own tail. (And Muse is also mostly idealized woman, Madonna, vs. Whore, although Baudelaire's muses were very terrestrial, carnal and salacious, even literally dirty, decaying and rotten. Him and Rimbaud imported the aesthetics of ugliness, as something that inflames imagination to create more vivid, shocking, palpable and sensual imaginery. Symbolism in general was a turning point in the perception of feminity versus romanticist ethereal elations and obsessions over unreachable „Ladies“ in celestial thrones of unsatisfied desire and longing, and they turned to contemporary time and the very changes that arrived, including the surmise of women gaining their social and political rights, which was, I guess, partial reason of dethroning and demistifying women in general. Ancient muse doesn't have a mind or a soul of herself, she's a mere apparition, somethimes terrifying, omnipotent yet unatainable phantom - she's a "Belle Dame Sans Merci". Modern women are finally given voice and have become human and real, multidimensional, so impenetrable Sphynx became Picasso's distorted and vulnerable "Weeping Woman").
    I think all of Lizzy's and Lana's boyfriends are just a vehicle, a medium of one spirit she drags from one body to another, having in mind an ideal that is modeled out of puzzle pieces of her dudes' traits. They are not important, important is the idea of love and merging lovers or animus and anima in sacred heavenly marriage, feeling mystical ecstasy, like St. Theresa (you've said that too).
    And, before she had internalized patriarchal and sadistic male gaze, inverted towards herself as an object (submissive, needy, masochistic, suffering but beautiful and seductive, sometimes treating herself as a piece of meat or an unworthy prostitute), and now she reverts it into assertive, emancipating female gaze (for example, when she reaches for typical male weapon in High By The Beach and attacks intruding male stare in self-defence and reclaiming power over her whole being, or when she is „watching boys to“, like a matron/dominatrix/mafia widow observing sexy but deindividualized mannequins in a parade of flesh). She is also "sent to destroy" (Kali, threatening goddess with skulls around her neck), dangerous, coldhearted and sick of the bullshit that honey-tongued sleazes serve her as an agency of corruption.
    Interestingly, she often mentions Federico Fellini, who is, like Pedro Almodovar, fiery admirer of the womanhood in all of its aspects and eagerly, fiercely pays tribute to female archetypes in his movies, where women are always superior to men, because they are fragile feelers, but at the same time so strong and intellectually and emotionally giant that they bear the burden of entire planet and universe on their shoulders, always having very thorny and excruciating path in this earthly life and going through thousand little deaths and resurrections. He displays compassion towards their martyrdom, and also nurtures awe and lustful trepidation in front of vamps, who are pure primal force of nature (as Courtney Love, Lana's temporary companion, once proudly claimed for herself). 
    And, considering The Cult Of Isis, she wears red robe, and maybe that is the reason of Lana's trope of red dress, which she mentions everytime in the song she is about doing something special: visiting club, attending a ball, a ceremony, seducing her tiger or taking an intimate ride with her babe on the heavenly side, mostly whenever she wants to be seen and to display herself (those special moments equate the festival of worshiping Isis).
    But, I will stop now because I have a feeling most of it was already said and I am talking too much, and I will follow your correspondencies.  
  5. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by BluebirdXO in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    It took me 48 hours, but I finally read everything.
    I think this is the right thread to bring this up:
    I was always fascinated about the interview that she says that she let the lyrics come to her
    "XL. It requires a lot of self-control, doesn't it?
    L.R. It's patience. Like letting the lyrics come to me. Sometimes is painful, but it's the only way. I feel that my path was revealed to me, but I needed to be an empty vessel for it to happen. Like an electrical conduit. Electricity does not go through you if you're blocked."
    Maybe she's describing some sort of psychography (spirit writing/automatic writing)?
    She have her sun, mercury and mars in the 8th house. Her moon is on the 9th and pluto in the 12th. Her rising sign is scorpio. Those placements suggests mediumship, attraction to themes related to death, the occult and rebirth.
    It also bugged me why someone like her would attend a church like Churchome. She seems so connect with God and the occult that believing in prosperity gospel would be a joke. But tonight it hit me. According to the reviews, Churchome encourages their participants to speak in tongues. Baptism by the fire is also commonly used in churches that follows the prosperity gospel. Maybe she's seeking a deeper spiritual connection? Not going only because of the church, but the things that she can experience at the church?
  6. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by ivy in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I've read every single post on this thread and damn, am I impressed with all of your perspectives and analyses. Thanks to you guys, especially @@DeadAgainst and @litewave, I've come to appreciate Lana's artistry even more. Thank you so much!
    Which album do you guys think is the "richest" in terms of meanings?
    And what do you think she'll bring to the table for future albums? Like, what else do you expect her to write about? 
  7. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
  8. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Eye of God



  9. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Adrift in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    big fan of the work that has been done in this thread over literally more than a decade. this isnt a forum this is a dissertation
  10. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I know some might find that interpretation of Born to Die to be a bit out there, but look at this very revealing quote from Lana:
    There's a new revolution
    A loud evolution
    That I saw
    Back in 2012, she was still trying to play dumb at being some Marilyn Monroe type. They ask her about metaphysics, and she starts dancing around the subject like it's on fire:
    At the end of the Tropico film, you see them ascending to heaven and flying saucers appear. From what I can gather from the crumbs she's dropped, she wanted the world to attain a higher level of consciousness so they could finally go into space and make alien contact (itself a very New Age idea). "I'm more into SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities."
    On Born to Die's meaning, the only lie is one of omission:
    I was so confused as a little child
    Born of confusion 
    And quiet collusion of which
    Mostly I've known
    On how she uses men from her past as archetypal figures in her work (2012):
    On how particular she is about choosing everything in her videos to fit into her archetypal world (2014):
    Cigarettes and Robitussin
    Will I ever get to heaven?
    I’m gentle.
    I’m funny when I’m drunk,
    But I haven’t been drunk for 14 years.
    Lana points back to 2006 as being the pivotal year.
    Hello it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad
    Calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say
    "Hi dad"
    Rob still knows her as Lizzy; does she call him from "beyond the grave" because Lizzy died on the day she saw palm trees in black and white?
    On how nobody understands her music and she'd like to keep it that way:

    Get out of my blood, salamander!...
    And yet, everywhere I go, it seems there you are,
    And there I am.
    Before touching on Kundalini in a poem, Lana uses blatant alchemical symbolism with the salamander (called, like Jim, a fire-eater). The salamander being another fire emblem (not the Video Games); the Sulphur as all-consuming fire that is the source of true poetic insight. She would rather keep her inner life private, but the fire in her veins compels her. (Since this part of the board is indexed on Google, maybe I'm even giving away too much? Or maybe this is all just mad ravings.)
    On fighting her Shadow and monsters:
    Shaking my ass is the only thing that's
    Got this black narcissist off my back
    She couldn't care less
    And I never cared more
    In her "Money Power Glory" commentary, she mentions that it was inspired by Carl Jung and the concept of projection--but it also serves as an exorcism of her degenerate beauty queen persona (and let's face it, it was a persona).
    Monsters still under my bed
    That I could never fight off
    A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off
    What gatekeeper? To what gate? The only one I can remember is from, again, "Bel Air"--
    Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate
  11. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by blackenedrussianpoetry in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    It’s just you and The Sun now…
    Lana who has achieved knowledge of her Higher Self like in Say Yes to Heaven (more blunt composition of You & Me) is really calls on ourselves, her kids, her Man that is The Darkness as she said as well in My bedroom to come to and abide her. The Goddess. Lana herself is The Sun. As she has foreseen The World as unruly and a mayhem. In that staleness- they met to where they shall have belonged to their lifetimes. Tropico static ending.
    Ekev. We all shall see the good in everything as chaos is no more than a mere imagery of illusions. Get Free. 

    Her unending softness. God’s light! 
  12. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by deleted123 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    24 is godly 
  13. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by The Grants in Instagram Updates   
    girl just unstan her already we dont need u here !!
  14. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by fishtails in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    I'm not sure if someone already shared this but apparantly Emma Seligman said that her name mistakenly ended up on that letter and that she meant to sign the other one...I wonder if the same thing happened with Lana and some of the other celebrities that signed it

  15. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by grandpas glass in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    The letter advocated the release of the hostages and condemned the acts of Hamas terrorists, nothing more, nothing less.
  16. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    And that’s how this will blow harder than it should. And that’s how we’re getting an unnecessary video of Lana addressing this; and also how she will get canceled once again. Fans are truly an artist’s biggest hater.
  17. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    discourse over songs that make people have uncomfy feelings reminds me of twitter and tiktok threads where people with worms for brains cry about how nobody should be reading x y z because of x y z. like, what is up with the sterilization the internet has force fed ya'll. thank god every day i have the ability to consume media and make my own choices on what it is and represents to me without shitting my pants and cancelling it on twitter to my 10 followers. like, a majority of the problems regarding media (books, songs, etc) would be solved if people went 'hmm.....i don't like this!' and carried on with their day. of course there's nuance to this, but the internet fucked that up as well and is a topic for a different day. 
    this isn't pointed at any member on here btw lol, i understand why people don't like the song. i actually don't like the song that much either lmao! i'm just bored and wanted to add to the discourse xoxo
  18. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Writing bitchy comments on a blog isn’t problematic- do you not see what some of us type 
  19. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by LunaeManifestum in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    wasn’t she mocking with those lyrics? I took it as a criticism to the beauty/“good women” behavior standards
  20. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    This is really random but the woman in the yellow sweater looks a little like young Lana/Lizzy
  21. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by pierre in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Lana's favorite perfumes

  22. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by lanaismamom in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    never understood this strange thing if political views of ur fav doesn’t match with urs and then u will stop listen to them, how does it exactly help happy i’m not one of those and happy not to see those on the site anymore
  23. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by jumpropesparklequeen in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Why are people infantilising Lana and stripping her agency to say “she doesn’t know what she’s doing, when this woman is incredibly intelligent and knows exactly what she’s doing. Just because Lana might be not be doing something we necessarily agree with, doesn’t mean she’s an idiot.
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