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    Muscles.. Glitter Eating.. Rushton Dolls.. Clowns.. Chainsaws.. Sex.. Darth Vader.. Jungles.. Plastic Surgery.. Sucking Blood..

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  1. no When You Take Away Control or Saviour?
  2. Coloringbooks


    Have you guys seen the stuff going down with her and Elon on Twitter?
  3. Umm I just looked at this account and all 4 of their posts are defending Ethel under the guise of being a stan. I hope not for her sake, that would be embarrassing if true. "The altar boy torture porn can't be a child because children don't wear earrings, this was a huge trend in the 2010s" is an interesting defence. Just grasping at straws It's a few pages back
  4. It's not just that though. Working with the same producer is the cherry on top. She was going to Melanie concerts recently, followed her on social media, and the whole Portals album is centered around rebirth with butterfly visuals and titles stylised in uppercase. + the snippet went viral with everyone comparing it to Portals on Twitter Wasn't a drag! I'm not saying she's ripping Melanie off, it's not bad to take inspiration from someone if she did. Just thought it was interesting
  5. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but you can tell she wanted a taste of Melanie's nachos Even hired the same producer
  6. A 31-year-old fucking a 17-year-old is gross, and it's statutory rape. To imply that age gap is acceptable, and also that anyone who finds discomfort with it is "just mad they're too ugly" to be taken advantage of sounds like an explicit defence of pedophilic age gaps to me. I was on the internet in the 2010s and it was never a trend for adults to draw altar boys being raped by priests.. at least not in my circle. Most people would find that disturbing. Whether you think the porn account drawing is acceptable or not, it hardly resembles actual chibi characteristics, it's basically shotacon. If you don't care about what she was drawing then that's your prerogative, but majority who look at it are going to see it as torture porn of a visibly underaged boy. I can't comment on its penis because I've only seen the version I posted with it censored (lmao), but regarding your other points, the average age for shoulders to broaden is 12-13. Mine started when I was 11. Defined musculatures? Since when do children not have ear piercings? My mother got hers' pierced when she was a baby. That's pretty close to how my body looked when I was underaged so these traits you're mentioning don't add up. I wasn't talking about Melanie's allegation, only the storybook drawings after someone brought those up. Ethel's drawing, on the other hand, is actual pornographic fetish content from her private porn account. My main point was that bringing up other artists to deflect from Ethel's actions is pointless. I apologise for jumping into this thread since its a fan space and most Ethel fans are going to justify her behaviour anyway, but I just felt the urge to speak and point out what I view as hypocrisy. I agree with the stance here;
  7. Nooo I adore Finders Keepers But I understand All To Myself and Hurt, they're very half-baked. I would still love to hear finished versions though, I think those have potential to be great. ALSO I love that bio. I wanna know too. I thought she meant Michael Jackson at first, but I looked it up and she was 16 when he passed + he was 50.
  8. Mmm, but aside from just resembling a child, the caption also implies it's an altar boy being sexually tortured by priests. The 'chibi' excuse being used to defend it is suspicious when you recognise chibi characters are specifically designed to resemble children. I'm not sure why anyone would go out of their way to draw chibi torture porn. There's also a tweet she made about a year later where she defends pedophilic age gaps, so I understand why @Veinsineon would be disturbed by that drawing. I wouldn't have joined this conversation, but I think this particular type of deflection - bringing up completely unrelated artists whom no one on here was defending in the first place - is strange and hypocritical. And also saying the Melanie storybook is worse than torture CP, like wtf. I guess she's just not famous or disliked enough yet though because in reality, if those artists drew or said what Ethel has, they would be facing 10x the backlash.
  9. I'm not sure what you think is worse than the torture drawing then, but it's @dxughterofcxin who was talking about the storybook thing to distract from Ethel's drawing. I quoted their post alongside yours.
  10. Even if you don't like Melanie Martinez, saying that storybook with nothing remotely sexual in it is "worse" than explicitly pornographic wank-intended content (clearly meant to resemble a child) is a reach and a half. But nobody was talking about / defending her on this thread in the first place. I've never seen Veinsineon defend her at all. You were the first to bring her up and it sounds like deflection from Ethel's drawing being, from your own words, weird.
  11. Or maybe let's compare the actual drawings being discussed? How is this fetishisation but not this: "The priests like to keep him chained up"? The implication is that this is an altar boy. On top of that, the caption says the (underaged looking) victim is enjoying it. Nobody was talking about Melanie Martinez before y'all brought her up to deflect, but I think bias is playing into it if you say Melanie's is "worse". Ethel's drawing was posted to a private instagram account dedicated to pornographic NSFW artwork. The confirmation of it being sexually-motivated fetish art makes it inherently worse than Melanie's, a storybook where nothing sexual happens. And for clarity - Melanie didn't draw hers', but at the time of its release, she was the exact same age as Ethel was when posting this photo. Both 19-20 years old. Even if it's a 'chibi' like the 2024 caption edit claims... chibi porn is still weird, idk. A chibi is a miniature, child-like version of a character- sometimes an actual child. The body, the face, the overall look all reinforce that. Children are often nicknamed "chibi" in Japan. Chibi proportions: I'm not saying anyone needs to be cancelled, but the hypocrisy is showing. I feel like if any other artist posted that - such as Melanie, or even Lana who gets dragged for pedophilia-based songs such as Lolita and Put Me In A Movie - they'd be torn apart. I haven't seen any backlash towards Ethel outside of this thread and its mostly fans defending her.
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