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  1. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    some of yall are so embarassing 😭😭
    can we all agree on some things?
    carbon emissions and pollution? BAD!
    sharing of public information? NOT COURT WORTHY!
    college student who just wants a car? WHO GIVES A FUCK!
    seriously some of you are adults please grow up and stop looking like an idiot in defense of someone who doesn’t know you exist and couldn’t care less if you did or didn’t. 
  2. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    It's not even about the planes be fr nobody cares about the carbon it's the suing like 😭 she's sick for doing that to a STUDENT
  3. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    People trying to defend Taylor swifts legal team going after this boy as if it’s a PRIVACY issue truly show how deranged her fans are. PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION!!! and it just narrows it down to the approximate city she’s in. How fucking stupid. If she’s worried about her privacy she can get back on her jet and fly somewhere else lol
  4. Thats why they call me Dita liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Of course the biased Taylor stan who's been hellbent on blindly defending her since page #1 would say something like this  
    I know it's hard to admit that you and your aryan goddess are clearly in the wrong here, but I'm not latching onto anything - I dislike her for a multitude of reasons; her eco-terrorism and this nonsensical lawsuit being part of that.
    Stop deflecting onto ""other celebs""
  5. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    She could do so much for the environment with her money to compensate her ecological footprint. And it would be so exemplary for many other people, I think she's missing something here.
  6. bambi eyes liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    I genuinely can't stand Toilet Sniff and this situation only strengthens my reasoning. She's a childish, conniving and manipulative bully. Extremely over-exposed too 
    Also unrelated to her climate demolition, but it's always bothered me how she ruins her actual classics with half-assed cashgrab re-recordings. Both she and her fans try to turn it into some faux moralist type thing with the "Taylor's Version" nonsense, when in reality, she's just a shameless capitalist who wants your money and will get it either way. She's ready to milk her fans for all the cash she can get. She's a terrorist in more than one form (music-wise and economically)
  7. Lasso liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    MTE. It's hard to see this as a "safety concern" or to even think safety is her main issue with this. The idea that the private jet tracker is causing her "emotional distress" when she's killing the planet to dash between her home, tour and football games is bonkers. She's like the female musical equivalent of Elon Musk, and I'm tired of both of them.
    What this person is documenting isn't even illegal, it's all public information that can be easily accessed by anyone who looks for it. 
  8. Let the Light In liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    I genuinely can't stand Toilet Sniff and this situation only strengthens my reasoning. She's a childish, conniving and manipulative bully. Extremely over-exposed too 
    Also unrelated to her climate demolition, but it's always bothered me how she ruins her actual classics with half-assed cashgrab re-recordings. Both she and her fans try to turn it into some faux moralist type thing with the "Taylor's Version" nonsense, when in reality, she's just a shameless capitalist who wants your money and will get it either way. She's ready to milk her fans for all the cash she can get. She's a terrorist in more than one form (music-wise and economically)
  9. details liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    MTE. It's hard to see this as a "safety concern" or to even think safety is her main issue with this. The idea that the private jet tracker is causing her "emotional distress" when she's killing the planet to dash between her home, tour and football games is bonkers. She's like the female musical equivalent of Elon Musk, and I'm tired of both of them.
    What this person is documenting isn't even illegal, it's all public information that can be easily accessed by anyone who looks for it. 
  10. Quincy liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Taylor Swift's attorneys have threatened legal action against a Florida college student who runs social media accounts tracking the flights of her and other celebrities' private jets.
    Jack Sweeney, a junior at the University of Central Florida, has for years run accounts that log the takeoffs and landings of planes and helicopters owned by hundreds of billionaires, politicians, Russian oligarchs and other public figures, along with estimates of their planet-warming emissions. The accounts use publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration and volunteer hobbyists who can track the aircraft via the signals they broadcast.
    In December, Swift's attorney at the Washington law firm Venable wrote Sweeney a cease-and-desist letter saying Swift would "have no choice but to pursue any and all legal remedies" if he did not stop his "stalking and harassing behavior".
    Sweeney, 21, told The Post he saw the letter as an attempt to scare him away from sharing public data. The accounts offer only an incomplete sketch of which cities Swift might currently be in, similar to the public schedules for her concerts or any NFL games she might attend, he said. And the letters, he added, were sent to him at a time when she faced criticism over her flights' environmental impact.

    Private-jet flights are criticized for their disproportionately high impact on climate change, and Sweeney's accounts have often been used to name and shame their most famous passengers. In 2022, the accounts were cited in an analysis that estimated "climate terrorist" Taylor Swift was the biggest celebrity [carbon dioxide] polluter of the year. "This information is already out there", he said. "Her team thinks they can control the world".
    After receiving the letters, Sweeney said he asked for help from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group, which sent his request to a list of attorneys. James Slater, a Florida lawyer who specializes in First Amendment and internet speech issues, responded on Sweeney's behalf to the Venable letter: "This isn't about putting a GPS tracker on someone and invading their privacy. It's using public information to track the jet of a public figure", he said. “This is their means to try to quash a PR issue and bully my client to have the bad coverage die down".
    Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/02/06/taylor-swift-jet-tracking-legal-threat/ thoughts?
  11. West Coast liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    I genuinely can't stand Toilet Sniff and this situation only strengthens my reasoning. She's a childish, conniving and manipulative bully. Extremely over-exposed too 
    Also unrelated to her climate demolition, but it's always bothered me how she ruins her actual classics with half-assed cashgrab re-recordings. Both she and her fans try to turn it into some faux moralist type thing with the "Taylor's Version" nonsense, when in reality, she's just a shameless capitalist who wants your money and will get it either way. She's ready to milk her fans for all the cash she can get. She's a terrorist in more than one form (music-wise and economically)
  12. blameitonme liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Taylor Swift's attorneys have threatened legal action against a Florida college student who runs social media accounts tracking the flights of her and other celebrities' private jets.
    Jack Sweeney, a junior at the University of Central Florida, has for years run accounts that log the takeoffs and landings of planes and helicopters owned by hundreds of billionaires, politicians, Russian oligarchs and other public figures, along with estimates of their planet-warming emissions. The accounts use publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration and volunteer hobbyists who can track the aircraft via the signals they broadcast.
    In December, Swift's attorney at the Washington law firm Venable wrote Sweeney a cease-and-desist letter saying Swift would "have no choice but to pursue any and all legal remedies" if he did not stop his "stalking and harassing behavior".
    Sweeney, 21, told The Post he saw the letter as an attempt to scare him away from sharing public data. The accounts offer only an incomplete sketch of which cities Swift might currently be in, similar to the public schedules for her concerts or any NFL games she might attend, he said. And the letters, he added, were sent to him at a time when she faced criticism over her flights' environmental impact.

    Private-jet flights are criticized for their disproportionately high impact on climate change, and Sweeney's accounts have often been used to name and shame their most famous passengers. In 2022, the accounts were cited in an analysis that estimated "climate terrorist" Taylor Swift was the biggest celebrity [carbon dioxide] polluter of the year. "This information is already out there", he said. "Her team thinks they can control the world".
    After receiving the letters, Sweeney said he asked for help from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group, which sent his request to a list of attorneys. James Slater, a Florida lawyer who specializes in First Amendment and internet speech issues, responded on Sweeney's behalf to the Venable letter: "This isn't about putting a GPS tracker on someone and invading their privacy. It's using public information to track the jet of a public figure", he said. “This is their means to try to quash a PR issue and bully my client to have the bad coverage die down".
    Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/02/06/taylor-swift-jet-tracking-legal-threat/ thoughts?
  13. Cult Leader liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    I genuinely can't stand Toilet Sniff and this situation only strengthens my reasoning. She's a childish, conniving and manipulative bully. Extremely over-exposed too 
    Also unrelated to her climate demolition, but it's always bothered me how she ruins her actual classics with half-assed cashgrab re-recordings. Both she and her fans try to turn it into some faux moralist type thing with the "Taylor's Version" nonsense, when in reality, she's just a shameless capitalist who wants your money and will get it either way. She's ready to milk her fans for all the cash she can get. She's a terrorist in more than one form (music-wise and economically)
  14. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Yeah no.. flights are public information and Taylor needs to deal with it, hope she loses the lawsuit  
  15. The Grants liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Taylor Swift's attorneys have threatened legal action against a Florida college student who runs social media accounts tracking the flights of her and other celebrities' private jets.
    Jack Sweeney, a junior at the University of Central Florida, has for years run accounts that log the takeoffs and landings of planes and helicopters owned by hundreds of billionaires, politicians, Russian oligarchs and other public figures, along with estimates of their planet-warming emissions. The accounts use publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration and volunteer hobbyists who can track the aircraft via the signals they broadcast.
    In December, Swift's attorney at the Washington law firm Venable wrote Sweeney a cease-and-desist letter saying Swift would "have no choice but to pursue any and all legal remedies" if he did not stop his "stalking and harassing behavior".
    Sweeney, 21, told The Post he saw the letter as an attempt to scare him away from sharing public data. The accounts offer only an incomplete sketch of which cities Swift might currently be in, similar to the public schedules for her concerts or any NFL games she might attend, he said. And the letters, he added, were sent to him at a time when she faced criticism over her flights' environmental impact.

    Private-jet flights are criticized for their disproportionately high impact on climate change, and Sweeney's accounts have often been used to name and shame their most famous passengers. In 2022, the accounts were cited in an analysis that estimated "climate terrorist" Taylor Swift was the biggest celebrity [carbon dioxide] polluter of the year. "This information is already out there", he said. "Her team thinks they can control the world".
    After receiving the letters, Sweeney said he asked for help from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group, which sent his request to a list of attorneys. James Slater, a Florida lawyer who specializes in First Amendment and internet speech issues, responded on Sweeney's behalf to the Venable letter: "This isn't about putting a GPS tracker on someone and invading their privacy. It's using public information to track the jet of a public figure", he said. “This is their means to try to quash a PR issue and bully my client to have the bad coverage die down".
    Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/02/06/taylor-swift-jet-tracking-legal-threat/ thoughts?
  16. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by one time beauty queen in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    He is unironically so ALPHA, one of you single Lipsters should get a hot date with him  

  17. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by one time beauty queen in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    BYE leave my rizz king alone.....
    No but fr that sounds like something you say VERY IRONICALLY because you know it won't happen 
    "he's doing it for the attention" pretty sure no one would really know him if these celebs weren't getting pissed at their BS being on display & retaliating with lawsuits lol 
  18. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    a man who's indirectly calling out how the world's wealthiest people are killing the planet? we stan!  
  19. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by Cult Leader in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    she'll probably just drown him in legal fees, which is well a bit evil? He's a 21 year old student posting public information like this is so embarrassing for her
  20. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    Boo fucking hoo, Taylor. It's public information that isn't even posted in real time 
  21. Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Taylor Swift Threatens Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks Her Publicly Available Carbon Footprint/Private Jet Usage   
    period. like there's no discussion here lmao he's not some type of taylor swift hater or obsessed with her, he's not personally targeting her, he's using PUBLIC INFORMATION and targeting hundreds of billionaires, politicians, Russian oligarchs and other public figures and not even posting about it in real time. if an obsessed stalker is stalking her believe me he's not using this guy's work to do so, they're using real time trackers  
    also didn't they say she's not the one using the jet all the time? that she loans it out regularly to other people? that it wasn't right to attribute all of the flights to her? please  
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