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  1. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    also why didn’t BBC post about her performing in sept in this tweet tho? maybe it’s supposed to be a full surprise or maybe it was a last minute add-on??
    tweet reference: 
  2. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    lana’s post tmrw: hi guys i’m so excited to be reading poetry from my new book ‘violet bent backwards over the grass’ on BBC Radio 1 live lounge. tune in monday at 12. xoxo. 
    fyi this is NOT a manifestation, it’s just realistic knowing lana. 
  3. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by bel air rose in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    me at 7am watching lana perform lmlylaw and finally giving us a date for cocc  
  4. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    So are we thinking 
    “Lana’s new album, out soon!”
    ”Lana’s new album, out xxx” 

    ”Lana’s new poetry book, out tomorrow!”
  5. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by lanasbottom in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    10 minutes aka enough time to perform a cover and a new COCC song WE WON 
  6. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by wild caged animal in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    "Lana, that poem was really cute. What can you tell us about your upcoming album Chemtrails Over the Country Club?"
  7. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by #glimmeringdarling in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    Well at least we know she’s gonna look hot and hopefully campy ... I’ll take anything other than a little strip of neon on her eyelid and a bump in her hair as effort lol
  8. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    Oh how disappointing 
    LA Who Am I To Love You bout to SLAP
  9. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by stupidapartmentcomplex in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    Guys all the other scheduled performances for the live lounge all say 45 minutes, and i checked the recording of Sam Smith's recent performance on the live lounge and after like 10 minutes he was finished and they just played radio music for the rest of the time.
  10. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    so wait if she performs in the studio instead of it being pre-recorded, she’d have to fly all the way to the UK right? she’s back in LA now so i assume that’s possible. 
  11. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by violets in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    so its at 6am EST?... better be worth that early bird alarm or ima be real cranky...
  12. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    Okay but does the Sound Mixer still hate her? They sabotaged her performances in 2017 and 2019.
  13. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    we also have #TeamRuinEverything who thinks it’s just a replay of her 2019 performance 
  14. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by White Dress in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    Something to consider is that the audience listening is expecting to hear music, not spoken word poetry. Unless somebody is a Lana stan, and a really dedicated one at that, I highly doubt anyone would willingly listen to 45 minutes of whispery poetry. 
    that being said, I think it’s likely she’ll perform maybe a new song or two AND some poems speak about both the process for both works
  15. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by ChelseaLeeArts in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    What if the 9 second snippet of LMLYLAW was from a live performance they are going to play on Monday ?
  16. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    and like why waste the time to professionally record poems when her posting the “Sylvia....”
    poem to Instagram for the 100th time would probably get more views/listens anyways 
  17. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by clementines in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    if they do her dirty with the mixing again im gonna sue
  18. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in BBC Radio 1 to re-air Lana Del Rey's Live Lounge Performances on Monday - September 28th, 2020   
    I'm anticipating some awkward exchanges with Clara after Lana's question for the culture stuff. Let me hope for the best though  This is a great surprise!
    I think they'll do the first spin of Let Me Love You Like A Woman
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