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  1. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    You’re all sick. Every Lana album has at least one dud. It’s customary.
    honeymoons is swan song..
  2. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by LanaBoi in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Yes to DLMBM because it sucks and Swan Song is the perfect album closer but MTWBT is a masterpiece 
  3. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    not this MTWBT slander in the cocc thread..
  4. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Bustydelrey in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    I loved Chucks videos alot and he photos are amazing. But Charlie is definitely better with the videos imho. The whole vibe of them, the aesthetic, I love it all and the editing it's all so good AHHH
  5. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Actually i here for Charlie material... Chuck's video looks boring, Charlie's look like he is trying to tell a (chaotic) history
  6. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by World At War in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Charlie is serving exactly what I wanted to see so I hope he keeps up this weird feeling for her other projects lol
  7. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    You thought chucks videos were bad...Charlie's are a chaotic mess. 
  8. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by DLT in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Late to the party but I absolutely fucking love the Interview video. 
    The aesthetic, the vibe, the blurred lines. I’m really hoping this is to serve as an introduction into COTC and what that record is to personify.  
    I can def see her using this as an opportunity to go full out and fuck with the critics. We love to see it! I can’t help but feel there will still be some who take it fully seriously lol.

    Although I feel like she is portraying a caricature of herself seen through the lens of fame I can def feel that there are many truths in here as well. They may be magnified or exaggerated for the sake of art but they are there, nonetheless. Very very interesting concept. Love her!
    This really hypes me up for the album. Very excited to hear the sound, story, and vibe of what she has to say now. This is the perfect over exaggerated “persona” for what I envision when thinking of the title of the album.
    Anyways it needs to come out soon, like yesterday. I love the bread crumbs and the fact that it isn’t snippet polooza but now it’s time to start dropping the actual detailed information! Also hate that we lost with Byron but we knew that was a possibility lol. 
    Hoping for some announcement or info next week. Not expecting anything the remainder of this week lol!
  9. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Spot on!! Especially after reading the interview. And the video of her being chaotic yet pretending not to be bothered, showing us her jewelry. Def a commentary on the delusion and disillusion that is 2020.
  10. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    so i really like the video, takes me back to btd national anthem but... except for magazine we r in the same place that we were in may we know literally nothing
  11. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Doin Time in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    She was definitely being sarcastic and I think that's the theme of this era, how we're pretending everything's fine when the world is falling apart type of vibe
  12. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by LanaTheRay in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.“
  13. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by CHANEL #1 in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    No one is happy all the time. I can be super happy one day and then super angsty the next. I can go through four of the cycles in a single day. Lana's just human. Sometimes she's happy, sometimes she's not. That's just life. And even still, she can go out with friends even if she's not at her "happiest". In regards to Violet, as a writer myself, I write about so many things: current feelings, past feelings, the feelings of others, etc. Just because she didn't seem "happy" in Violet doesn't mean that's any indication of her current state, it doesn't even 100% guarantee that was her state at the time of writing either. Just my two cents. Lana's just human and we see her humanity more now. 
  14. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by irvnex in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Don't kill me but I don't know if I like the video at all. I mean, I like it visually, but apart from the fact that it has a weird energy (I don't mean that in a bad way) I feel that sometimes I don't understand her. I see videos from the NFR era and I see her changed and different. I'm not saying for the better or worse, but I have the feeling that she's been a little bit different since the question for the culture. It's like she always looks a little bit annoyed or serious these last few months. I guess she is a complex person, and sometimes she contradicts herself a lot and I can't tell when she is talking in a satirical tone and when she is not, that's why I find it hard to understand her personality. Last year she seemed quite happy and calm, always going out with her friends and so on, even she always says she is happy, but then in violet she says certain things that may give cause to think the opposite. The same thing happened to me with this interview, I also thought she was fine this last year but suddenly she says things like: "i don't think i'm doing okay" or "sometimes i panick out of nowhere", or talks about being in an institution (even if she's joking). So what is the truth? Honestly, I see her a little differently than in the NFR era, and especially since the question of culture, so I find it hard to understand her. Anyways I don't know if this makes sense I hope I've explained myself well.
  15. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    I LOVE this video. And I also think it makes the wait a little less tedious if at all, because it all seems like one art project, including poetry (I believe Behind The Iron Gates is gonna be directly linked to this record), music and these "art" videos. Like, the era has officially started with this, it's part of it. Doesn't feel like a delay to me anymore
  16. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by ImARealPoet in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Fans: discussing which song snippet will play in the playground of bts video
    bts video: *sound of Lana's passive aggressive typewriting*
  17. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by 5adboy in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    I wanna be Lana’s cat so bad so she can call me “difficult child” ?
  18. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Bustydelrey in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    theres a comment on the interview in regards to the beginning where lana is typing on the typewriter and the comment said 
    "lana typing her question for the culture"
  19. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by DCooper in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Lmao the video is amazing! I couldn't stop smiling. A performance artist. 
    Very strange and so many great little details. The bath with the cats will forever be iconic. Don't be a difficult child LOL
  20. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    I love that she's letting her personality show more this era, even if it tends to get her into trouble at times. This album is going to be amazing.
  21. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    Charlie thanked the other "director" on his insta "for making this happen" so I guess that's it
  22. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in In Bed (and in the Tub) with Lana Del Rey - Interview Magazine [VIDEO]   
    "they say that madness swings to genius" is a quote that i really like and it stuck with me, i really hope she explores that concept on the album / or perhaps on ldr8, i feel like this is a new era for her artistry entirely and i think she's in a very positive, creative spot right now! 
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