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About woolridges

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  1. I know a lot of people talk about her wordiness and how her lyricism has gotten too complicated, but I really appreciate those ramblings that let us get to know her more. I actually have an issue with how simple and repetitive she can get, especially on songs like Candy Necklace, Let the Light in or Margaret– which I all still really enjoy. I think she resorts to coming up with a hook and then repeating it 3 or more times too often. To this day, I still think Mariners Apartment Complex is her best mixture of wordiness and simplicity, with just enough lyrical depth to be interesting and enough use of rhythm to feel like the song isnʻt falling asleep.
  2. Saw something about Lana debuting a new song on Euphoria from @Lanaismpoland on twitter. Is there any truth to this?
  3. I hardly think its that she ‘stopped caring’… this is just who she is now. periodt. get on board or get left behind. shes above hits and big songs, shocking that this is even still a topic of discussion since shes been steadily going down this path for years.
  4. See im not sure his problem was with jer experimenting, but that the quality and execution wasnt good enough for him. a valid take, one i happen to disagree with, but it seems like people are putting words in his mouth sometimes. at least with this specific review.
  5. F*ntano’s review was mostly valid, even though i disagree with him. He acknowledged that there were really solid songs and highlights on the album, which he thought were marred by her dedication to the “one take” aesthetic— not an insanely biased take by any measure. I also find it interesting that so many people find this album to be “breaking the rules”, when so many hooks of the songs on this album just consist of one word or phrase sung three times, or just too much repetition for my taste in general. Hes wrong abt dealer tho, if anything is wrong with it, its the hollow production. Idk i was hoping for another 7 from him but i understand. I also wanna clarify that even with my issues with the album, i still love it and its in my top 3.
  6. Pitchfork on that sweet carolina verse: “It’s funny and real, a reminder that the people we love most aren’t just the ones to whom we dedicate our earnest love songs—they’re often the recipients of our dumbest jokes.“ I actually really agree with this, one of my favorite verses, I think a lot of people are missing Lana’s sense of humor. and of all publications, PITCHFORK??? Gets it??? for once??
  7. Omg i didnt mean to get everyone off topic hehe, i was just noticing it seems like theres been another shift against NFR now that BB came out. Personally, I like NFR because of how polished and clean it is, which is the same reason im gathering other people ARENT so fond of it. I just felt like the chaos and Lana-ness of BB, has pushed some people even further against NFR, which is lacking that chaos. And after reading everyones responses, I can see that very few people actually think is “bad”— as in low quality, they just found the delivery to be too bland or safe? Anyways, i think for my taste NFR wins, but i have also really been loving BB. Excited for us all to *officially* hear it in less than a day! Much Love ❤️❤️
  8. I’m not SUPER active on here all the time, but when did everyone start to hate NFR? Last I checked, it was the general consensus (from like everyone in the world) that it was her greatest album? Did that change now that BB is out (well, now that weve heard it)
  9. My Current top 5: If You Lay Down with Me Violets for Roses Thunder Nectar of the Gods Sweet Carolina So fucking good guys
  10. I was kinda iffy on the album when i first heard it, but now every song has grown on me, except for black bathing suit. idk if anyone cares but i’ll put the reason why in the spoilers EDIT: To be clear, i absolutely love this fucking album. I think i LOVE every other song, so i’m hoping BBS clicks with me so this can be skipless for me.
  11. also sorry to chime in, pls nobody get mad at me. but im thinking she mostly hid the songs from the locals so that her core fanbase would mostly be the ones listening. Shes probably hoping we already know of the ppl shes namedropping. So shes also probably hoping that we care about them because they are important to her and she cares about them. if that makes any sense. but ofc everyone is free to like/dislike whatever they want.
  12. it feels more like rubato, taking some time from certain words and giving extra time to others, but ending up on the same beat in the end. i guess its up to you if she did it well, but i think that was the intention at least.
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