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  1. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by aly in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think it’ll be similar to HM in an UV sense. Honeymoons darker cousin if u will. Old money,Hollywood glamour, black and white. She’s been referring to HM to not have it be similar or having a similar future project.
  2. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by revadece in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    lyrically-wise, i don’t think this album is going to be anything like honeymoon, or her older more romantic works. i mean, lana kinda confirmed that herself in the interview:
    “When I’m automatic singing, I don’t have the time and leisure to think about things in terms of colors. It’s very cerebral. In Honeymoon, there were so many color references: “Sometimes I wake up in the morning to red, blue, and yellow skies. It’s so crazy I could drink it like tequila sunrise.” For this new music, there’s none of that at all.”
    still, recently she seemed to pay a bit homage for this album: using it for this comparison, mentioning swan song later, singing god knows i tried in the church. it seems like she still likes honeymoon and maybe she will do something similar to that record in the future. but for this project, i think she has a different vision
  3. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by aly in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Also as much as we want limited unreleased songs on the album, there’s a few Rick produced (and written) songs that I think would fit so well. Fine China, Hollywood, Serene Queen, and Your Girl (or she can finally put out yes to heaven like she’s be trying so hard to do) 
    I think her following him is probably just coincidence but I’m delulu 
    also thinking if she were to put an unreleased we’ve heard,it would only be one
  4. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by mlittle11 in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    hoping for a single in the next two months with an album in september 
  5. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think this is the first time ever we’ve been told an album was both incoming, and coming soon, without an album title or even a single/single title. This is turning out to be such a unique era/rollout and I’m super excited to see how this all plays out!
  6. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Also my thought, that she said "Amore" has something to mean!
  7. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Summerain in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think we can get a new single at the end of this month
  8. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i think she might keep the real special jack songs that they've made on the album because let's be honest when jack and lana do the good songs they're good good (venice bitch, mac, nfr, white dress)
  9. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by COCC in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    It‘s never too late
    to fight on Lanaboards
    to shade one of Lana‘s producers
    and it‘s never too late
    to just appreciate all her records
    or manifest Mike Deans synths
    a new album in the summer
    don't be a bummer, Ben
    be my undercover leaker, babe, hmm

  10. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by aly in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    This rollout is definitely giving HM, including the album itself. Very excited. I think we’re definitely getting it by the end of the year, November at the very latest
  11. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    LB is fighting… for the fourth? Fifth time? More? Where are we in the cycle when we reach that point? If scat is coming too, we’re getting this album way sooner than we thought 
  12. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Jukebox Sweetheart in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    This is definitely a reach but are we thinking Salvatore pt 2 on this album?
  13. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Blackestday x CN in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i really love this song, but something is missing.   but i have to say with white dress jack did it right
  14. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by lanasbottom in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
  15. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    But that wasn't exactly what you said.. You said that her previous producers made her sound like ''a soulles barbie'' 
    This comment reminded me of people not trusting her vision and artistry in the start of her career because they paid more attention to her looks. Many times a woman's work is discredited due to her image and people tend to not take her artistic vision and talent seriously because they think that she is superficial. 
    Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you believe on what I stated above .. just wanted to share some of my thoughts . 
  16. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    TJF is one of the highlights of COCC, IMO, and I’m not sure he could have brought something else to that song, but who knows. I love both producers: Jack often brought a certain “spark” to their songs, but Rick is better with his piano melodies, plus those romantic arrangements 
  17. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I’m absolutely convinced we’re getting an album this year and I’m convinced it’s coming sooner than later. There is absolutely no other reason for Ben to do this, the fans weren’t even going crazy about when new music was coming
  18. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by West Coast in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    It's funny that you say that when it's legit become a thing/meme online where people beg their favourite artists to stop collaborating with him because he "ruins"
    their music/albums.
    I like that this album seems to be a bit of a melting pot of producers, because that actually brings balance and nuance. It could potentially be a bit chaotic, or lack cohesion. But to me that's better than another album where Jack is fully in charge, we've heard enough of the "Jack + Lana" sound.
    Rick is a fan favourite, Jack is not.
  19. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Not when Born To Die,  Paradise, ULTRAVIOLENCE,  HONEYMOON , LFL exists.
  20. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    revisiting Black Bathing Suit + BB album today… A QUEENING UNDERWAY

  21. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    So Ben went from "music in the works" to "music incoming" to "album coming soon" in just 2 weeks   so at least we know now that we are not getting another NFR with random singles without an album in sight a year early.
    The fact that he specifically said album has to mean that it's done (so the vinyl are already being pressed as we speak or we are getting it early via digital only).
    I don't think CDs and cassettes take that much time so maybe we are getting everything but the vinyl first 
  22. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    When I read this morning that she started following Rick on her HM account, my mind went immediately to an announcement, where she’ll tag the producers of the song / album… (call me delulu)
  23. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    jared is back, ldr9 prerelease is truly open for business!!!! 
  24. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    also your comment on her past work is a tad sexist to say the least 
  25. ultraviolence69 liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I mean Rick's catalog is insane you can't deny that he is a really talented producer with a really successful career 
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