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geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates
Some of the comments are so gross. People are really losing it and acting like entitled little brats. Lana decided to surprise fans in Europe and everyone always complains no matter what she does. I’d literally be so grateful and if I couldnt make it…life goes on. She has to be the most criticized artist by her own fan base.
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
better versions of already overhated gorgeous songs yup!
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I'm still not over how incredible this album is......my life will never be the same again
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Jared in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
''Lana Del Rey has a new album, and our rock critic Ken Tucker says she's making her most ambitious, riskiest music to date.''
''This album has 16 songs, and a few of them may seem too long, too digressive, but who cares? Every one of them contains at least a moment of pure revelation, and many of them yield up a whole series of observations or musical twists that carry you along, transfixed. There's no one else assembling music like this, leaving you constantly unsure of where the next verse might go or even what the next verse might sound like.''
Lana Del Rey's ambitious new album is her riskiest to date : NPR
how the light shines in liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I legit saw the 9 coming lol. I actually do think it's her most skillful work, edging out NFR. "Best" is too subjective. I get why Fantano trashes her early albums -- they are more reliant on vibe and aesthetic, and so if you're too nerdbrained like him you won't enjoy/relate to them. Her last 4 albums move away from this to more universal themes and objectively brilliant songwriting. And imo OB is by far her most thoughtful work in terms of how the songs progress and interconnect to tell a larger story.
... also, I have this suspicion that after his divorce he might be more in his feelings and vulnerable to lana's spell.
two more thoughts:
1. I notice many fans consider it out of the question for OB to be better than NFR. I'm not saying it is -- time will tell -- but it's worth considering. I think NFR gets a positive bias because it was SUCH a leap forward for her that it had an extra wow factor.
2. I really appreciate lana including the last 3 tracks for the fans. It was obvious from a mile away the score would take a hit from critics for these songs. But for those of us who have appreciated her across her different eras, they were such a treat. I don't even consider them that out of place. They fit in the emotional journey of the album from a place of hurt/vulnerability, to healing, to a sexy/confident ride off into the sunset. Like A&W drives home earlier, Lana contains multitudes and contradictions. She's grown so much yet she's still that bitch, and I love her for that.
Terrence Loves Me liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
My interpretation of paris texas is that it works on two levels. One is about feeling out of place geographically. But the last verse turns it into a song that's also about feeling out of place in a relationship. When u reach that point where u know it's over and time to leave. Works rly well with the reference to the movie which also touches on those themes.
honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
My interpretation of paris texas is that it works on two levels. One is about feeling out of place geographically. But the last verse turns it into a song that's also about feeling out of place in a relationship. When u reach that point where u know it's over and time to leave. Works rly well with the reference to the movie which also touches on those themes.
maysparkle liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
My interpretation of paris texas is that it works on two levels. One is about feeling out of place geographically. But the last verse turns it into a song that's also about feeling out of place in a relationship. When u reach that point where u know it's over and time to leave. Works rly well with the reference to the movie which also touches on those themes.
Jeanne Dielman liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
My interpretation of paris texas is that it works on two levels. One is about feeling out of place geographically. But the last verse turns it into a song that's also about feeling out of place in a relationship. When u reach that point where u know it's over and time to leave. Works rly well with the reference to the movie which also touches on those themes.
honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
My interpretation of paris texas is that it works on two levels. One is about feeling out of place geographically. But the last verse turns it into a song that's also about feeling out of place in a relationship. When u reach that point where u know it's over and time to leave. Works rly well with the reference to the movie which also touches on those themes.
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Whitemustang in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
My album marks
1. The Grants 5/5
2. Ocean Blvd 4/5
3. Sweet 5/5
4. A&W 5/5
5. Judah Smith Interlude - no mark
6. Candy Necklace 5/5
7. Jon Batiste interlude - no mark but works very well following Candy Necklace
8. Kintsugi 4/5
9. Fingertips 5/5
10. Paris, Texas 5/5
11. Grandfather 5/5
12. Let the Light in 5/5
13. Margaret 4/5
14. Fishtail 5/5
15. Peppers 5/5
16. Taco Truck 4/5
Her most excellent album. Her Magnus opus. It’s everything Blue Banisters wanted to be but couldn’t. It’s now better than NFR for me and will be remembered as her most authentic and most lyrically rich piece of work.
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Business Conference in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
It really just might be her best album
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
cus u never know what the new day might bring
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Kintsugi through to Grandfather is so cohesive, my fav track run. Especially Paris flowing from Fingertips and then into Grandfather. Those sample melodies are stunning back to back. Paris Texas has grown the most for me, at first i didn't like it but after a few listens i finally get it, it's a very enticing track
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
i'm not so sure i've got anything of an epiphany to say about the record but imma just gush. there's this elusive sort of appeal to it that i can't and more so don't really want to pinpoint and name at the moment. it's been so entrancing, and the high contrasts between the sound of cool air'd vocals to the heaviness of the subject matter, the difference of temperatures between the sound of flight, and the bellows of wanting to forget and choosing what to hold onto. the album's just so inter-spatial and fulfilling, liberating as well to many extents.
graceful, but still earthy, or something i'd attribute to an underwater pocket of an island protected by the sea. maybe i've always taken to heart what my star signs are, but the imagery, and flowing of water thru this record, the complexity of emotions and their necessity's just incredibly pristine. to the sharpness of what sounds like wind karate-chopping a space, and the warmth of reverbs and pulsing beats- this album's like a beautiful living dance of what it means to surmount struggle, and the genius in finding the beauty in it. like falling in love under a thunderstorm, or taking the right steps and finding comfort in keeping course.
it's not something i'd like to analyze to bits, but it's honestly just perfect to me. thank u Lana. consider me inspired, this album's like sunlight christening you from an opened window.
honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I legit saw the 9 coming lol. I actually do think it's her most skillful work, edging out NFR. "Best" is too subjective. I get why Fantano trashes her early albums -- they are more reliant on vibe and aesthetic, and so if you're too nerdbrained like him you won't enjoy/relate to them. Her last 4 albums move away from this to more universal themes and objectively brilliant songwriting. And imo OB is by far her most thoughtful work in terms of how the songs progress and interconnect to tell a larger story.
... also, I have this suspicion that after his divorce he might be more in his feelings and vulnerable to lana's spell.
two more thoughts:
1. I notice many fans consider it out of the question for OB to be better than NFR. I'm not saying it is -- time will tell -- but it's worth considering. I think NFR gets a positive bias because it was SUCH a leap forward for her that it had an extra wow factor.
2. I really appreciate lana including the last 3 tracks for the fans. It was obvious from a mile away the score would take a hit from critics for these songs. But for those of us who have appreciated her across her different eras, they were such a treat. I don't even consider them that out of place. They fit in the emotional journey of the album from a place of hurt/vulnerability, to healing, to a sexy/confident ride off into the sunset. Like A&W drives home earlier, Lana contains multitudes and contradictions. She's grown so much yet she's still that bitch, and I love her for that.
bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I legit saw the 9 coming lol. I actually do think it's her most skillful work, edging out NFR. "Best" is too subjective. I get why Fantano trashes her early albums -- they are more reliant on vibe and aesthetic, and so if you're too nerdbrained like him you won't enjoy/relate to them. Her last 4 albums move away from this to more universal themes and objectively brilliant songwriting. And imo OB is by far her most thoughtful work in terms of how the songs progress and interconnect to tell a larger story.
... also, I have this suspicion that after his divorce he might be more in his feelings and vulnerable to lana's spell.
two more thoughts:
1. I notice many fans consider it out of the question for OB to be better than NFR. I'm not saying it is -- time will tell -- but it's worth considering. I think NFR gets a positive bias because it was SUCH a leap forward for her that it had an extra wow factor.
2. I really appreciate lana including the last 3 tracks for the fans. It was obvious from a mile away the score would take a hit from critics for these songs. But for those of us who have appreciated her across her different eras, they were such a treat. I don't even consider them that out of place. They fit in the emotional journey of the album from a place of hurt/vulnerability, to healing, to a sexy/confident ride off into the sunset. Like A&W drives home earlier, Lana contains multitudes and contradictions. She's grown so much yet she's still that bitch, and I love her for that.
PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I legit saw the 9 coming lol. I actually do think it's her most skillful work, edging out NFR. "Best" is too subjective. I get why Fantano trashes her early albums -- they are more reliant on vibe and aesthetic, and so if you're too nerdbrained like him you won't enjoy/relate to them. Her last 4 albums move away from this to more universal themes and objectively brilliant songwriting. And imo OB is by far her most thoughtful work in terms of how the songs progress and interconnect to tell a larger story.
... also, I have this suspicion that after his divorce he might be more in his feelings and vulnerable to lana's spell.
two more thoughts:
1. I notice many fans consider it out of the question for OB to be better than NFR. I'm not saying it is -- time will tell -- but it's worth considering. I think NFR gets a positive bias because it was SUCH a leap forward for her that it had an extra wow factor.
2. I really appreciate lana including the last 3 tracks for the fans. It was obvious from a mile away the score would take a hit from critics for these songs. But for those of us who have appreciated her across her different eras, they were such a treat. I don't even consider them that out of place. They fit in the emotional journey of the album from a place of hurt/vulnerability, to healing, to a sexy/confident ride off into the sunset. Like A&W drives home earlier, Lana contains multitudes and contradictions. She's grown so much yet she's still that bitch, and I love her for that.
Mer liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I legit saw the 9 coming lol. I actually do think it's her most skillful work, edging out NFR. "Best" is too subjective. I get why Fantano trashes her early albums -- they are more reliant on vibe and aesthetic, and so if you're too nerdbrained like him you won't enjoy/relate to them. Her last 4 albums move away from this to more universal themes and objectively brilliant songwriting. And imo OB is by far her most thoughtful work in terms of how the songs progress and interconnect to tell a larger story.
... also, I have this suspicion that after his divorce he might be more in his feelings and vulnerable to lana's spell.
two more thoughts:
1. I notice many fans consider it out of the question for OB to be better than NFR. I'm not saying it is -- time will tell -- but it's worth considering. I think NFR gets a positive bias because it was SUCH a leap forward for her that it had an extra wow factor.
2. I really appreciate lana including the last 3 tracks for the fans. It was obvious from a mile away the score would take a hit from critics for these songs. But for those of us who have appreciated her across her different eras, they were such a treat. I don't even consider them that out of place. They fit in the emotional journey of the album from a place of hurt/vulnerability, to healing, to a sexy/confident ride off into the sunset. Like A&W drives home earlier, Lana contains multitudes and contradictions. She's grown so much yet she's still that bitch, and I love her for that.
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by RIP ivory almond in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
just found out fantano gave it a 9
that's when you KNOW it's good
still not forgiving him for saying fishtail was his least fav tho
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Idk why I laughed when I saw Taylor got a Target vinyl. Popstars choose variants, too, maybe?
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by Pink Flamingo in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I love these Taylana moments, to have the biggest superstar as one of your fans and as one of your most supportive people is crazy!
geidiprimes liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
i just know taylor was giggling and kicking her feet when lana sent her the merch
GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by geidiprimes in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I legit saw the 9 coming lol. I actually do think it's her most skillful work, edging out NFR. "Best" is too subjective. I get why Fantano trashes her early albums -- they are more reliant on vibe and aesthetic, and so if you're too nerdbrained like him you won't enjoy/relate to them. Her last 4 albums move away from this to more universal themes and objectively brilliant songwriting. And imo OB is by far her most thoughtful work in terms of how the songs progress and interconnect to tell a larger story.
... also, I have this suspicion that after his divorce he might be more in his feelings and vulnerable to lana's spell.
two more thoughts:
1. I notice many fans consider it out of the question for OB to be better than NFR. I'm not saying it is -- time will tell -- but it's worth considering. I think NFR gets a positive bias because it was SUCH a leap forward for her that it had an extra wow factor.
2. I really appreciate lana including the last 3 tracks for the fans. It was obvious from a mile away the score would take a hit from critics for these songs. But for those of us who have appreciated her across her different eras, they were such a treat. I don't even consider them that out of place. They fit in the emotional journey of the album from a place of hurt/vulnerability, to healing, to a sexy/confident ride off into the sunset. Like A&W drives home earlier, Lana contains multitudes and contradictions. She's grown so much yet she's still that bitch, and I love her for that.