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For K

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About For K

  • Rank
    Trailer Park Prince
  • Birthday 07/17/2000

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  • Location
    Under Ocean Blvd
  • Interests
    Good music,
    Men who are emotionally unavailable
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  1. Tomorrow she’s going to sing Bartender 10 times and leave
  2. Sorry for the LB members in the UK, y’all are NEVER getting a show again
  3. Acid being on this list is so crazy
  4. Um the titanic was pretty dope
  5. So nice of her to feed us a snack before the 20th well deserved award on her part
  6. I remember the day this dropped like how some people remember where they were on 9/11. The culture shifted
  7. I love Lana preformances like this that are a bit more experimental than her recent stuff. I just know critics and the GP aren’t going to be cognizant enough to understand the cuntiness of this performance and will unfortunately just focus on the sound issues…
  8. I fear we may be frighting in the trenches for awhile ladies….
  9. Mr Ben Mawson better be cooking up one of the most royal ass chewings of California state history to the sound team at Coachella
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