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  1. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ayesha Erotica   
    nahh I feel like she's just new to this [streaming era] and it took her some time to learn [and she still does] how it works.. initially I think she didn't release anything outside of soundcloud cuz ppl kept hijacking her profile, then the whole kim/republic thing went down. just glad she's learning and can release stuff, even if she still seems to change her mind every few days regarding what she wants to do.
    all i hope is people learn to leave her alone and don't scare her back into hiding AGAIN
  2. lakeemmahottie liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ayesha Erotica   
    i hope the twinks leave her alone and her manager actually did smth well for once and she owns Superpuss... and they better be reclaiming Ayesha Erotica fully so she doesn't have to deal with these annoying gays anymore
  3. lakeemmahottie liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ayesha Erotica   
    nahh I feel like she's just new to this [streaming era] and it took her some time to learn [and she still does] how it works.. initially I think she didn't release anything outside of soundcloud cuz ppl kept hijacking her profile, then the whole kim/republic thing went down. just glad she's learning and can release stuff, even if she still seems to change her mind every few days regarding what she wants to do.
    all i hope is people learn to leave her alone and don't scare her back into hiding AGAIN
  4. Cuntrol liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ayesha Erotica   
    nahh I feel like she's just new to this [streaming era] and it took her some time to learn [and she still does] how it works.. initially I think she didn't release anything outside of soundcloud cuz ppl kept hijacking her profile, then the whole kim/republic thing went down. just glad she's learning and can release stuff, even if she still seems to change her mind every few days regarding what she wants to do.
    all i hope is people learn to leave her alone and don't scare her back into hiding AGAIN
  5. The Grants liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ayesha Erotica   
    i hope the twinks leave her alone and her manager actually did smth well for once and she owns Superpuss... and they better be reclaiming Ayesha Erotica fully so she doesn't have to deal with these annoying gays anymore
  6. southbeachswing liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ayesha Erotica   
    i hope the twinks leave her alone and her manager actually did smth well for once and she owns Superpuss... and they better be reclaiming Ayesha Erotica fully so she doesn't have to deal with these annoying gays anymore
  7. taco truck liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    nope, probably won't, she's pretty serious about pressing charges so it's not really worth leaking since it's coming out anyway in a few hours 
  8. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    nope, probably won't, she's pretty serious about pressing charges so it's not really worth leaking since it's coming out anyway in a few hours 
  9. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    nope, probably won't, she's pretty serious about pressing charges so it's not really worth leaking since it's coming out anyway in a few hours 
  10. X8vinylScratchX liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    that's great then  can't wait to hear it. wondering if she reused anything from fantasize [iirc when it started getting traction she was mad saying that she wanted to re-use hooks and ideas from it]
    lemme go stream bad idea in the meantime
  11. Dangerous Girl liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    shes dumb if she doesnt release fantasize 
  12. crazyforyou liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    shes dumb if she doesnt release fantasize 
  13. cherryblossoms liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    when you stay over
    you eat all of my food
    yeah you mess up all my towels
    but this time i'm checking OUT 
  14. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    when you stay over
    you eat all of my food
    yeah you mess up all my towels
    but this time i'm checking OUT 
  15. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    when you stay over
    you eat all of my food
    yeah you mess up all my towels
    but this time i'm checking OUT 
  16. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    when you stay over
    you eat all of my food
    yeah you mess up all my towels
    but this time i'm checking OUT 
  17. Bonita liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    when you stay over
    you eat all of my food
    yeah you mess up all my towels
    but this time i'm checking OUT 
  18. Embach liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    when you stay over
    you eat all of my food
    yeah you mess up all my towels
    but this time i'm checking OUT 
  19. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ayesha Erotica   
    That Kid said (5 times now) that they're ok with her doing her own version of Taco Bell so she will if she wants
  20. cherrytropico liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    shes dumb if she doesnt release fantasize 
  21. finalgirl liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Ariana Grande   
    cute song now fantasize better be reworked and on that tracklist
  22. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Sky Ferreira   
    it's coming on my 25th birthday
    see you all in a few years
  23. Cult Leader liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in Addison Rae   
    she has to do a full era now, people finally start to understand that she's actually passionate about music.. an all out era from her would be a dream come true 
  24. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    honestly if I was her I would rebrand again.. has she got anything to lose? She should've just gone by Marina Diamandis to begin with, it's such a unique and pretty name and sets her apart.. that is if she really feels like she outgrew Marina & The Diamonds completely
    as for her music, Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land was amazing sonically, perhaps one or two less ballads would've helped it, what she really has to tone down are the lyrics.. I haven't heard a song similar to New America before, it's got a Bond-esque vibe, but then you hear the lyrics  ADIAML was a step in the right direction sonically but lyrically she hit an all time low, I'd rather have L+F lyrics with ADIAML production if she just can't get it right like she did for her first 3 albums
  25. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Synchronicity in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she deleted everything MARINA because Marina & The Diamonds is coming back baby 
    i wish
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