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box of broken laces

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About box of broken laces

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  • Birthday March 23

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  • Location
    coney island
  • Interests
    lizzy grant lore
  • Fan Since
    2019 / 2021

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  1. she deserved that aoty. there's so much hard work, love and pain in that album. the attention to detail is incredible.
  2. do any of yall have an unreleased / demos masterlist for her music?
  3. i'm just curious have any of yall watched the august underground movies? i haven't and don't plan on it, but it just made me think if anyone else has
  4. idk if someone said it but hollywood's dead. i love the "cut!" at the end and i just can't part ways with it LOL
  5. the way i've literally heard a fanmade version of "is this happiness" with this beat
  6. completely agree. imo hope and HIAB have a different sound than the rest of nfr. it's like a surfy ballad album but those two songs have a more raw, piano ballad sound if that makes sense
  7. LITERALLY. that's what i meant when i said she's get crucified for this song
  8. i can see why she didn't release this, only because of how people treat lana, they would think she's "romanticizing the killings" lmao. but it's very interesting that she wrote about this, and i think it deserved better than getting scrapped.
  9. my ea app won't open lmao right when i wanna play it
  10. i bet she is so tired of people constantly trying to tell her story, i would be
  11. fishtail, guns and roses, lucky ones and breaking up slowly
  12. i heard summertime sadness and video games like everyone else, but west coast, cola and white mustang really made me a fan
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