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  1. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    Now I'm 90% sure it's a lyric line for some unreleased song
  2. Soso liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    i get kind of irritated when her music is always delimited to being sad, and for sad people to listen to. like it’s true a majority of her music is sad i suppose i just don’t get why her audience is always underestimated as a load of sad people! they don’t understand we can bump to sad girl in the club 
    it’s exciting to see her cement the american classics and standards album as something that’s coming soon! she just keeps giving
  3. partymonster liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    i get kind of irritated when her music is always delimited to being sad, and for sad people to listen to. like it’s true a majority of her music is sad i suppose i just don’t get why her audience is always underestimated as a load of sad people! they don’t understand we can bump to sad girl in the club 
    it’s exciting to see her cement the american classics and standards album as something that’s coming soon! she just keeps giving
  4. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by details in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    it was either video games or born to die sometime in 2012, i still remember very clearly seeing the born to die video for the first time
  5. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    I first heard a song and watched a video - Born to Die - at the same time, in 2012. I kept seeing Lana's name on gossip websites but didn't know who she was. She seemed like she was mostly/only popular in Europe at the time (like, no one I knew had heard of her/was talking about her). One day I decided to see what she was all about since I always love things popular in Europe but not in the US, so I typed her name in on youtube and Born to Die was the first result... and the rest is history. I still remember that feeling of hearing her voice and the song for the first time, literally already on the first line I was just in awe and like WOW, this is the best thing I've ever heard! I watched that video like ten times before I illegally downloaded her album (as one did back in 2012 )
  6. notthatdreamy liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    i get kind of irritated when her music is always delimited to being sad, and for sad people to listen to. like it’s true a majority of her music is sad i suppose i just don’t get why her audience is always underestimated as a load of sad people! they don’t understand we can bump to sad girl in the club 
    it’s exciting to see her cement the american classics and standards album as something that’s coming soon! she just keeps giving
  7. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    lol this is so real sometimes but the way i like to look at it is the people who used to make fun of us and so on have grown as people in listening to her music and that is lovely and human
  8. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Embach in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    Omfg bestie
  9. Embach liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
  10. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    I have a vague memory of hearing Video Games on the radio in the car of a friend's mom  in 2011/2012, she sang and hummed along to it always. But I never checked Lana out back then nor went to YouTube to listen to it. Then I heard Summertime Sadness in Spring 2015 and immiadetly fall in love with it and also rediscovered Video Games.
  11. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by dotwestcoast in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    for some reason my father had this file on his computer with a lot of lana's stuff back in 2011(12?), it contained a lot of demos from AKA and its album, photoshoots, live shows and that ep with blue jeans and video games. 
    i think the first lana song i heard was either blue jeans (the version with "our father who art in heaven" that still creeps me out!!) or some random song on AKA lmaooooo my father had no idea of what he has done by showing me lana del rey
  12. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Embach in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    Omfg yes, I was sitting on the floor too! Funny thing I remember was that I had always wanted to know who sang that song because I didn't pay enough attention to the end credits (like who sang it, what's the song's name and from which album) and I remember everyone wrote about "Lana Del Rey - Video Games" on media and I was always interested in listening to that song because the stage name sounded so fascinating and unique especially with a song name which was about video games and I thought it would be a banger but I remember I was watching TV and the credits showed that "the next song playing: Lana Del Rey - Video Games" and when they played it as the next song, I put all the puzzle pieces together and realised that this beautiful song was "Video Games" all along  I remember listening to Born To Die and Summertime Sadness in 2012 too but funnily these 3 songs were the only Lana songs I had ever heard until August 2016 lol. 
  13. Unidentified Major Tom liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    me too! i think it was on mtv rocks for me but i can’t quite remember, i have a really vivid memory of sitting on the floor waiting for it to come on again bc i didn’t have a phone or anything 
  14. Embach liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    me too! i think it was on mtv rocks for me but i can’t quite remember, i have a really vivid memory of sitting on the floor waiting for it to come on again bc i didn’t have a phone or anything 
  15. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Embach in First Lana Song You Heard / Downloaded   
    Video Games in Autumn 2011 when I heard it playing on a music channel called VH1. I instantly fell in love!
  16. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdream in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    This is true 🩵
  17. Embach liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    lol this is so real sometimes but the way i like to look at it is the people who used to make fun of us and so on have grown as people in listening to her music and that is lovely and human
  18. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    See and even just your writing style is so eloquent and intelligent. I feel like Lana would respond really well not just to specifically the owner of Lanaboards interviewing her, but someone who so clearly wants to get to the heart of things. We’ve had enough interviews of rehashing the same old themes of authenticity, image and controversy. The fans do not care about this stuff 😑 It’s time we facilitate an interview about the intricacies of Lana’s art. Her words, melodies, symbols and metaphors, inspirations, intentions, creative process. Her universe. And to uncover all of that, someone deeply passionate and sensitive to her work needs to be the interviewer. It’s a task only a true mother could pull off
  19. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdream in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    You took the thoughts right out of my head! 
    I started listening to Lana in 2011 when I was 14 years old. I’d say in 2012 after Born To Die maybe like half the people in my school knew of her and the other half didn’t. The people who did were usually on tumblr. But almost no one liked her or actually listened to her. I swear I think my bestfriend and I may have been the only people in the entire school. I introduced my bestfriend to the music and her reaction was immediately the same as mine had been when I first heard Lana. Her and I bonded over that a ton. The way I describe it to people now is- back then when my bestfriend and I would ask other girls if they listened to Lana the most common response was “ew.” Or “who?” 
    I feel so lame acting like a gatekeeping a** b**** but when it comes to Lana it’s really hard. 
    Some of the fellow fans think it’s so cringe and I get that tbh but they’re like “Lana has always been huge” “everyone has known about Lana since 2012” but it’s simply not true. I understand BTD was big and she’s streamed well and NFR got her a lot of attention but all of that was NOTHING compared to this whole year. Also when they talk about tons of people knowing her since 2012 I feel like that’s more so true for people online. But it wasn’t the case in my experience in my school, in my town. Yeah when I logged onto tumblr she was all over.. but with my peers not at all. 
    It’s mind blowing to see newer fans (who I welcome as long as I feel like they truly get it and the ones who don’t can gtfo😭) , critics, producers and other artists saying word for word the things I have ALWAYS said about her since day one. 
    It’s really strange to walk into my aunts house and hear Lana songs playing from my cousins rooms. Or to go on Instagram and see girls I went to highschool with reposting Lana photos and using her songs on their stories for the first time ever. 
    Even tho it’s me being a bit delusional it used to feel like some of those early songs were like my little secrets and they were so special to me. 
    Don’t get me wrong, it makes me very happy. All I ever want is for people to talk to me/ask me about Lana so it’s a dream come true for younger people in my life to get into her (the girls from school not so much lol) but it’s just a weird feeling. I used to have to defend these songs with my life to my grandma (bless her) and my friends and now it’s like Lana is just a household name. 
    i always believed in her and her art and wanted her to get the credit she deserved but I don’t know if I ever actually pictured it getting to where we are today. If you told me back then I wouldn’t have been able to believe it I don’t think. Not because she isn’t the best artist ever and isn’t deserving of it but because I wouldn’t have believed that this massive amount of people would ever be able to truly understand how special her talent is. It’s not that I think I’m smarter or superior to everyone else. Not at all. Its just that her music is so incredibly intimate and special I just couldn’t fathom how anyone who hasn’t been through some crazy stuff could ever get it. I know music doesn’t have to be relatable for people to like it necessarily but idk Lana is just something else. It’s so so special. 

    im so proud of her 
    it all makes me so happy but it also makes me a little stressed lol
    its very bittersweet and I think she would probably agree 😅 
  20. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    I think you’re right about this. While I was reading your interpretation, I just had the thought maybe she’s also talking about a Greek tragedy in an ancient Greek theatrical way. Maybe this is a stretch but it’s defined as: a play in which the protagonist, usually a person of importance and outstanding personal qualities, falls to disaster through the combination of a personal failing and circumstances with which he or she cannot deal)
    Although I'm not super familiar with a ton of greek mythology, i think there’s a lot of similarities between greek tragedies and her music. 
  21. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    Our greek goddess omg 
    Also the last part of the interview is just so beautiful and her metaphor with Icarus made me emotional . I interpreted as a way for her to say that she is willing to push her boundaries even more and that she is willing to fly so close to the sun even if that leads to her “fall” . 
  22. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    Wow, this almost seems like a connected double meaning that envelops itself - that last bit about “falling to disaster through the combination of a personal failing and circumstances with which they cannot deal” is sort of the same idea I suggested about her not being able to find the beauty in her hardships and only being able to see them as the harsh tragedy that they are. So, this idea of “Greek” being used to imply both a metaphor for beauty and for the definition of a Greek tragedy connect with one another and make the line even more multifaceted! She can’t find the Greek metaphorical connection within the tragedy, because the tragedy itself is already Greek… Amazing x
  23. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    Oh I wish you could interview Lana. How some people have received that once in a lifetime opportunity to interview the greatest living artist in the world and somehow manage to produce the most boring and banal dialogue ever.. it defies explanation. TaP if you’re reading this we need an interview from the mother of Lipsters
  24. never2heaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey interviewed for The Times   
    I have soooo many lyric-related questions I’d love to ask her.. or even just share my thoughts and interpretations of her lyrics and see what she has to say about them. Her incredible writing and the interpretive meanings I found within her songs are what initially drew me into her music above anything else. As a fellow songwriter myself, I love to interpret her lyrics to see what I can make of them - how her life stories and personal thoughts can be strung together into beautiful lyrics and melodies to construct an art piece in the form of a song. Of course, I consider her the greatest songwriter I’ve ever had the honour to listen to, and I would luvvv to just sit down with her quietly for awhile and tap into her brain when it comes to her writing process and the meaning behind her lyrics. Would truly do anything for that lol x
  25. fishtails liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in LDR VILLAGE - Merch Drop   
    i wonder when lana and her team disbanded from ldrvillage? maybe they scammed her too 
    if anyone’s bought through paypal leave reviews through there i think it can quite affect their shop, i’ve never bought from ldrvillage but any time i’ve been done dirty the same day my order magically is fixed after a paypal review 
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