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About kristinaj

  • Rank
    Cult Heroine
  • Birthday 07/19/1994

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  • Fan Since
    June 2014

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  1. Random but I just realized the LFL trailer was filmed at Lana's home
  2. They knew each other way before 2019, there's a pic of them together taken in 2014
  3. I kept thinking what the sound at 0:43 in Peppers reminds me of and now I realised it reminds me of this song
  4. So I wonder if what's she's trying to say is... She got pregnant at 15, was forced to have an abortion, tried to commit suicide and then she was sent away to a boarding school..
  5. Is this about Lana https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2023/03/blind-item-2_9.html?m=1
  6. I wanna believe that the surprise is gonna be a documentary about Lana. Chuck's been filming her for years, now would be the perfect time to release the doc
  7. Why does she always delete her posts
  8. I've been listening to the album several times now, while driving to the city in my car, while making lunch to my baby, while cleaning the house.... and I've got to say this is my favourite album since Honeymoon. I was never big on the piano songs on NFR and COCC, but the piano-driven songs on BB are so pure and beautiful in their honesty and simplicity. I love how honest, raw and unflinching Lana is on this album and really appreciate the way she weaves mundane daily things into something so beautiful in her songs. It's so strange but for years now I have felt that I am on a similar path to Lana... When I started listening to her music when UV came out, I was in a very depressed, lonely, isolated, confused place in my life, and UV reflected that and offered me a lot of solace. When LFL came out, I had got a job, a boyfriend, had a new direction in my life, and I felt that LFL reflected that as well. NFR I felt reflected my mindset I had developed where I just understood that in order to enjoy life I just had to say fuck it and enjoy life for what it was. And now with BB I feel it reflects a lot of the things I have been feeling and thinking about this year, such as how to live life where I can be authentic to myself, how can I truly let go of anxieties, worries and traumas, and just enjoy daily life in all its beauty with my friends and family
  9. The world's a little sadder now that she's not on SM anymore, usually the first thing I did in the morning was to check if she had posted something on Insta. But I totally respect her choice and I think it'll do her a ton of good to just go and live her life and not worry about the whole SM stuff. Lately I've been reading Nick Cave's page "Red Hand Files", where fans send in questions to him on all sorts of topics and he answers them. Would be so nice if Lana did something like that... https://www.theredhandfiles.com/ Also wondering if she's maybe thinking about moving to Hawaii? She sings about being Western bound in Arcadia, and isn't the only place west from LA, Hawaii? She also followed a lot of Hawaii influencers on Insta, even following another one just shortly before she deactivated. And also the recent Edge of Paradise post.. But on the other hand, all her friends & family are in LA, and knowing how much she treasures them, she probably won't want to move. But who knows
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