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LDR Album Process Discussion

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On 9/2/2018 at 3:25 PM, Say Yes to Heaven said:

What I'm more interested about is what other songs had or hadn't survived the cut that we don't know about. For example, she worked on Money Power Glory with Greg Kurstin and had it sitting for a long time and when it was released, Greg was pretty surprised to see she hadn't changed much (I believe the MPG hip hop demo is what they had originally cooked up) and that leads to the question of, if it does pre-date angels forever/BB demo, then would said "could have been" album really be *too* different? We also know of Melancholia which was an older demo to Ultraviolence, I've always wondered exactly how old that one was. Was it a Methamphetamine type situation? Guess we'll never know.

I was actually pretty "on the money" with this one.. but also not in some ways... It's fun to look back after getting a clearer idea of this situation!! 


MPG Demo is so much like what'd you expect the post-BTD sound to be like while still retaining its own UV characteristics.. a natural progression from 2011 to 2013


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Is I talk to jesus (the paradise version) actually the tropico version?

Meaning it was never meant for paradise and was mistakenly labeled as paradise version?

Leak How to disappear (Piano Version)

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24 minutes ago, Ultra Violet said:

I love this thread :party:

Is I Talk To Jesus (Alt Version) the version done with Dan Auerbach for Ultraviolence in early 2014? Or is that yet another version we don't have?

we don’t have the Dan Auerbach version of ITTJ unfortunately :defeated:

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Just now, salvatorelovesyou said:

besides Your Girl and Cult Leader, I don't think we have yet another unreleased song with Ultraviolence vibes as such... :um2:

I talk to jesus does as well


"One gun on the table. Headshot if you're able..."

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1 minute ago, Surf Noir said:


i believe @Say Yes to Heaven made a post about it on their instagram account a few years ago, the hidden vocals had lyrics which weren't in the song

Yes thank you that’s what I was thinking of

I don’t really wanna die, I just want the pain to be over

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16 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


here's this list, but from earliest to latest


I Don't Wanna Go (Demo) - Early - Mid 2012

Hollywood (Demo) - September - December 2012

Wild One - September - December 2012

Money Power Glory (Final) - October - December 2012

Old Money (Final) - October - December 2012

I Talk To Jesus (Demos) - October - December 2012

I Don't Wanna Go (Reworked Version) - 2013

Hollywood (Reworked Version) - 2013

Cult Leader - Early - Mid 2013

Dragonslayer - Early - Mid 2013

Black Beauty (Demo) - January 2013

West Coast (Demo/Radio Mix) - April 2013

Cherry Blossom (Final/Alt. Takes) - May 2013

Nectar Of The Gods - May 2013

Flipside (Final) - June 2013

Unidentified Flying Bill - June 2013

Living Legend (Final) - July 2013

Fucked My Way Up To The Top - Mid - Late 2013

Brooklyn Baby (Demos) - Late 2013

Shades Of Cool (Demo) - November 2013

Sad Girl (Demo) - November 2013

Is This Happiness (Final) - November 2013

Fine China (Leaked Version) - November 2013

Yes To Heaven (Early Versions) - November 2013

Your Girl - November 2013

I Can Fly (Demo) - November 2013

Cruel World (Demo) - December 2013

Ultraviolence (Demo) - December 2013

Guns And Roses (Final) - December 2013

Cruel World (Final) - January/February 2014

Ultraviolence (Final) - January/February 2014

Shades Of Cool (Final) - January/February 2014

Brooklyn Baby (Final) - January/February 2014

Sad Girl (Final) - January/February 2014

Pretty When You Cry - January/February 2014

Money Power Glory ("Demo"/Dan's Version) - January/February 2014

Fucked My Way Up To The Top (Final) - January/February 2014

The Other Woman - January/February 2014

Florida Kilos - January/February 2014 

Fine China (Dan's Version) - January/February 2014 

Yes To Heaven (Dan's Version) - January/February 2014 

I Talk To Jesus (Dan's Version) - January/February 2014 

Black Beauty (Final) - February 2014



Let Me Love You Like A Woman (Original Version)

If You Lie Down With Me (Original Version)

so i have several questions

arent black beauty demo and angels forever recorded in june 2013? so i suppose that january 2013 version is the version snippets we have of? 

and, do u think rick nowels version (that i didnt expect to exist) and version, snippet of which we have, are the same or different version? 


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2 minutes ago, BlackoutZone said:

Hi everyone, thank you so much for collective effort to get my account back!


Before I answer anything, I just wanted to say that at the end of the day I am not Lana, I am not in her head, I was not in the room when these songs were made and there is always a tiny bit of chance that I am wrong. Everything I'm revealing is based on (sometimes years of researching) things I listened to, read about or heard from people who worked with her directly. I do find timeliness, demos, drafts etc very fascinating as it gives you some additional cool insight of what was happening behind the scenes so I'll happily join the discussions here

hi welcome!!!!


"One gun on the table. Headshot if you're able..."

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4 minutes ago, BlackoutZone said:

Hi everyone, thank you so much for collective effort to get my account back!


Before I answer anything, I just wanted to say that at the end of the day I am not Lana, I am not in her head, I was not in the room when these songs were made and there is always a tiny bit of chance that I am wrong. Everything I'm revealing is based on (sometimes years of researching) things I listened to, read about or heard from people who worked with her directly. I do find timeliness, demos, drafts etc very fascinating as it gives you some additional cool insight of what was happening behind the scenes so I'll happily join the discussions here

Hi legend. We are very grateful for any information you share - it's really interesting hearing how the behind the scenes of some of our favourite projects panned out!

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4 minutes ago, BlackoutZone said:

Hi everyone, thank you so much for collective effort to get my account back!


Before I answer anything, I just wanted to say that at the end of the day I am not Lana, I am not in her head, I was not in the room when these songs were made and there is always a tiny bit of chance that I am wrong. Everything I'm revealing is based on (sometimes years of researching) things I listened to, read about or heard from people who worked with her directly. I do find timeliness, demos, drafts etc very fascinating as it gives you some additional cool insight of what was happening behind the scenes so I'll happily join the discussions here

Welcome back omg :oprah4:

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Just now, Terrence Loves Me said:

why does this thread have 20 pages lmao

because it's worth it :oop:


4 minutes ago, BlackoutZone said:

Hi everyone, thank you so much for collective effort to get my account back!


Before I answer anything, I just wanted to say that at the end of the day I am not Lana, I am not in her head, I was not in the room when these songs were made and there is always a tiny bit of chance that I am wrong. Everything I'm revealing is based on (sometimes years of researching) things I listened to, read about or heard from people who worked with her directly. I do find timeliness, demos, drafts etc very fascinating as it gives you some additional cool insight of what was happening behind the scenes so I'll happily join the discussions here

Hi!! Welcome, and we'll be happy to have you here :party: these things have always fascinated me as well tbh

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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8 minutes ago, BlackoutZone said:

Hi everyone, thank you so much for collective effort to get my account back!


Before I answer anything, I just wanted to say that at the end of the day I am not Lana, I am not in her head, I was not in the room when these songs were made and there is always a tiny bit of chance that I am wrong. Everything I'm revealing is based on (sometimes years of researching) things I listened to, read about or heard from people who worked with her directly. I do find timeliness, demos, drafts etc very fascinating as it gives you some additional cool insight of what was happening behind the scenes so I'll happily join the discussions here


hey! welcome to lanaboards! :heart: 


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