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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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So do you think Lana is like this type of gay who’s having an orgasm and then turns to the other side and goes to sleep without making his partner cum? She clearly did the same with posting the best part of Cinnamon and then not releasing it and leaving us thirsty

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I only listened to the snippet for How to Disappear twice, and I will not listen to Cinnamon snippets. I want to (hopefully) listen to the album almost in full and be hearing most of the songs for the first time. With BTD I had heard 3 songs prior, Paradise I heard 1 song before release, Ultraviolence was 1 song, Honeymoon was 3 songs. She teased so much during Lust for Life that listening to the whole album wasn't the same. It didn't have the same magic for me, so I really want that experience this time. If she releases another song I will listen to that, but no more snippets for me!

I don’t really wanna die, I just want the pain to be over

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I only listened to the snippet for How to Disappear twice, and I will not listen to Cinnamon snippets. I want to (hopefully) listen to the album almost in full and be hearing most of the songs for the first time. With BTD I had heard 3 songs prior, Paradise I heard 1 song before release, Ultraviolence was 1 song, Honeymoon was 3 songs. She teased so much during Lust for Life that listening to the whole album wasn't the same. It didn't have the same magic for me, so I really want that experience this time. If she releases another song I will listen to that, but no more snippets for me!

I've seen more and more posts like this and you guys convinced me. I have listened to all the snippets so far but now that I think about it, I know more than a minute of HIAB, more than a minute of Cinnamon and the HTD snippet, plus the 2 released songs...it's kind of much and  I think I'm gonna stop! This early teasing of multiple songs it's not good at all.  

I get it, it builds hype around the album in the pre-release period and it's fun to speculate and share our opinions but at the end of the day, I don't want to not be surprised when the album drops and to be like: ''...yeah, I pretty much know this, alright''.  I want to be fully blown away by the amazingness that NFR is gonna bring :legend: 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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So do you think Lana is like this type of gay who’s having an orgasm and then turns to the other side and goes to sleep without making his partner cum? She clearly did the same with posting the best part of Cinnamon and then not releasing it and leaving us thirsty


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I only listened to the snippet for How to Disappear twice, and I will not listen to Cinnamon snippets. I want to (hopefully) listen to the album almost in full and be hearing most of the songs for the first time. With BTD I had heard 3 songs prior, Paradise I heard 1 song before release, Ultraviolence was 1 song, Honeymoon was 3 songs. She teased so much during Lust for Life that listening to the whole album wasn't the same. It didn't have the same magic for me, so I really want that experience this time. If she releases another song I will listen to that, but no more snippets for me!


I love when an artist releases singles to tease an album, because that allows me to attach my own unique memories and feelings to each song. I never understood this obsession with the "cumshot experience" of listening to an album for the first time. I guess it's just me, but I find the best way to connect to an album is to fall in love with each individual song over time. 

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I only listened to the snippet for How to Disappear twice, and I will not listen to Cinnamon snippets. I want to (hopefully) listen to the album almost in full and be hearing most of the songs for the first time. With BTD I had heard 3 songs prior, Paradise I heard 1 song before release, Ultraviolence was 1 song, Honeymoon was 3 songs. She teased so much during Lust for Life that listening to the whole album wasn't the same. It didn't have the same magic for me, so I really want that experience this time. If she releases another song I will listen to that, but no more snippets for me!


Personally I think she always teases / releases just the right amount of music beforehand - enough to give as an overall vision of the project but still not enough so we're bored when we hear the album in full (if that makes sense :toofunny: ).


Also just realised that she does let us hear a lot of different tracks before an album release, more than most artists (not complaining - just an observation). Plus the insta snippets only really started in the LFL era.


BTD: Video Games, Blue Jeans, Diet Mountain Dew, Lolita, Born To Die, Off To The Races and Carmen


Paradise: Yayo, Blue Velvet and Ride


Ultraviolence: West Coast, Shades Of Cool, Ultraviolence and Brooklyn Baby.


Honeymoon: Honeymoon, High By The Beach, Terrence Loves You, Freak and Music To Watch Boys To


LFL: Love, Lust For Life, White Mustang, Coachella, Summer Bummer, Groupie Love and Change


NFR: Happiness Is A Butterfly, Mariners Apartment Complex, Venice Bitch, How To Disappear and Cinammon

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honestly one of the most "fun" things to do the last few eras is sacrafice your sleep schedule to see if lana decides to do some crack and post a random ass snippet of a song from 10-2am only for her to delete it 16hrs later


are you gonna be the first on here to document the lyrics?


is it gonna be a new song? an old one?


is it gonna be in her ford fiesta? or the back of an uber?


is the song gonna just be fucking scrapped? or will we hear the entire thing in 2 separate snippets cause it's actually that boring on release?


who ever knows


not her


I just did a spit take


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Can't believe it's been one month of VB. Every listen feels like the first one, the emotion is still present. Thinking of Lizzie writing Fordham Road in NYC and now a decade later this. Believe in your dreams


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Can't believe it's been one month of VB. Every listen feels like the first one, the emotion is still present. Thinking of Lizzie writing Fordham Road in NYC and now a decade later this. Believe in your dreams



I can't believe we have already heard the best song on the album aka venice bitch :hooker:

for real tho, it's amazing

A big YES to both of these statements. I love members with good taste

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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Also just realised that she does let us hear a lot of different tracks before an album release, more than most artists (not complaining - just an observation). Plus the insta snippets only really started in the LFL era.


BTD: Video Games, Blue Jeans, Diet Mountain Dew, Lolita, Born To Die, Off To The Races and Carmen


Paradise: Yayo, Blue Velvet and Ride


Didn't we get Burning Desire beforehand as well (if it even counts since it's an iTunes bonus)? If I remember correctly it surfaced around the same time Ride was released as a single.

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Will Venice Bitch serve West Coast teas and be a stand out amongst greatness? Only time will tell  :hooker:


West Coast

Sound: 10/10

Composition: 10/10

Lyrics: 10/10


Venice Bitch

Sound 9.5/10

Composition: 7.5/10

Lyrics: 6/10


West Coast remains unbothered  :defeated:

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Will Venice Bitch serve West Coast teas and be a stand out amongst greatness? Only time will tell  :hooker:


It's already better than West Coast. Shades of Cool is better than West Coast


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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We all have our opinions but Venice Bitch is NOT better than West Coast.


Uh yes, it is! 


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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It's already better than West Coast. Shades of Cool is better than West Coast

WC is insanely overhyped y’all think it’s jesus’ second coming or smthn

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Because it is  :biblio:

I like u but our tastes are opposite wow

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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