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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I personally request Lana to do a screamo cover of Darude - Standstorm, immediately followed by a Scottish Pirate Metal rendition of Voices of Angels / Voices of Ascension by Hildegard Von Bingen. If there's one and not the other I'm unstanning


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I'm not one for collabs but I'd really be here for a Courtney Love collab tbh, Courtney is so wild I think they could invoke the spirit of UV while giving us some dark slutty lyrics about satanism and vapid girl stuff ala Celebrity Skin!  :sluttybunny:  It'd tie in well with NFR if they give it a psychedelic twist but alas lana would rather spend her time and artistic energy collaborating with machine gun smelly 


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And I mentioned nature where exactly? 


literally nowhere nor did i say you did

the 'she' is lana because if you've been following latest events all her recent promo has been nature related

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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She's already sort of cooing and adlibbing over a guitar on Venice Bitch for 6 minutes so basically you're half way there  :biblio:

I know but give me a FULL ON ALBUM LIKE THAT !!!! I’m ready to be blown away again


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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i dont want another 'musical icon' feature if they're going to sound like dissected frogs behind stock paper

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As much as I love Chuck I think Neil Krug does Lana's aesthetic and captures her about 300x times better (that's not to say that Chuck hasn't taken beautiful shots of Lana before, tho). Neil's LFL shoot is still one of my favourite Lana shoots of all time, and I think something like this would be perfect for the album cover:






With the rich colours and Lana's bare feet and pensive, natural look, it's really indicative of the type of artists she's evolved into, and one of my favourite shots of her ever.


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As much as I love Chuck I think Neil Krug does Lana's aesthetic and captures her about 300x times better (that's not to say that Chuck hasn't taken beautiful shots of Lana before, tho). Neil's LFL shoot is still one of my favourite Lana shoots of all time, and I think something like this would be perfect for the album cover:






With the rich colours and Lana's bare feet and pensive, natural look, it's really indicative of the type of artists she's evolved into, and one of my favourite shots of her ever.

This cover would’ve been perfect if the record was called “Best American Record”


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On another note, when is "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass"/Lana's poetry book dropping? Will it ever? I don't think I've ever needed anything as much as I need a book full of Lana's angsty poems. And I love the title - it gives me Virgin Suicides vibes.


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So here's a potential bombshell. Are Crimson Clovers, the flower, a kind of lesbian symbol for the woman's part down there? It was covered by Joan Jett and apparently its some kind of lesbian awakening song. Violets are mentioned when it comes to her poetry, and those are associated with lesbianism too, how they're given from one girl to another to express interest/love or something like that.


Are these hints?


ik this forum is 99% gays and lesbians but i think yall forget that not everyone is gay. disgusting, but its true

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This cover would’ve been perfect if the record was called “Best American Record”


can somebody pls put that in her tall ass font over that photo


how many months has it been now since we got any official news whatsoever  :poordat:


news or content?


actual- full on news was the Beats 1 Radio interview in september


content- like 2-3 weeks ago :rip:

-Mariner’s Apt Complex

-Norman Fucking Rockwell

-How to Disappear


-New Track


-New Track


-Happiness Is A Butterfly


-Venice Bitch



-Starry Eyed

-Roses Bloom For You



tha dream

also the idea of bartender being this conceptual track that's like VB in that the structure is unique and new for her sounds so enticing


like a peer back into the days of BtD/LG, a story song, not involving her but a girl like the one she use to portray


with atmospheric sounds n instrumentals, glass shattering n clinging like the wind chimes from Ariana's breathin 

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news or content?


actual- full on news was the Beats 1 Radio interview in september


content- like 2-3 weeks ago :rip:


oh lol i just meant like primary news, music releases and dates announced and stuff. ive listened to mac and vb like 300 times each am feeling the effects of the drought


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I just watched A Star Is Born and now I have even more appreciation for Lana's piano ballads. I imagine her sitting by the piano on her Malibu mansion writing her lyrics and trying to come up with melodies and experimenting and ugh... talent. Change is THAT bitch, and Sylvia Plath will be too. Imma go listen to HTD one more time  :toofunny:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Also Ally in ASIB came up with a song real quick and that's FICTION. It's made up! Lana came up with Change in four hours, real life, not fiction, something that actually happened, and y'all come for her? That's TALENT, Lana has it all. She can literally fart a beautiful song and y'all don't appreciate her talent. I'm-  :crossed:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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