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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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we're probably gonna get something in April

Us On April 30th: we’re probably going to get something in May.


Ugh the wait sucks, but there’s literally nothing we can do

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The gag is she probably already scrapped the album tbh

EDIT: omg this was a reaction to a fake message from Lana I saw on twitter plz ignore continue the madness

Why do I feel like this is a reality? Fml.

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If y’all are interested this is the tweet that nearly gave me a heart attack



If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I would dieeeeeeeeeee

I almost did lmfao that isn’t funny

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Did y’all suddenly forget she was listening to some of the songs outside of the studio? Lol. Even believing that for like 1 millisecond is beyond dramatic....

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Lmao. Can you imagine the meltdowns if she tweeted something THAT stupid happened? This place... The drama.


"Cuz this place... And the drama... are my love, my light, my lust for life."

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Guys, don't beat me for this pleeeease... But here's my thinkpiece

I think that Lana might be really burned out...

It would explain most of the clownery she's doing recently. Weird new friends, hobbies, clothes etc...

Not serving a look or live vocals going along these lines too... Her lyrics are a tiny bit lacking as well, cause name checking an artist or poet just to make a point feels a little bit cheap, like an easy way out to make you realize what she wants to say. Sylvia Plath literally screams "I'm not as happy as I look" as well as Norman Rockwell, who painted happiness that he never lived in. These references are a little too on the nose.

Anyways... My point is, that her possible exhaustion might be the reason of this delay and lack of communication.

I think it's positive that she's taking it slowly with the album... But as of now, she really puts F in NFR

What would she be tired from? Hanging out with friends 24/7? Because the 1 show she does every 3 months is certainly not a huge effort. (she lets playback sing instead of her)

NO ONE forced her to release this album. She is the one who made the announcement and put out 3 songs and 3 other snippets. None of us made her do this. So what if she is tired? upload the album. Then leave. No one expects her to promote anyway, she didn't do that in 6 years.

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looking at the pre-pre-release thread now is so depressing “I’ve got a good feeling about this era!” nbcncbcmnhowjj92!?!82!ncnbsieke : (

Remember when we were using Lust For Life as as example for a bad era? Oh, how the tables have turned... 


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Remember when we were using Lust For Life as as example for a bad era? Oh, how the tables have turned... 

music aside, LFL era was hella cute. Tons of amazing photoshoots, interviews, high budget music videos, a clear aesthetic...

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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music aside, LFL era was hella cute. Tons of amazing photoshoots, interviews, high budget music videos, a clear aesthetic...


A real tour, listening party, the Amoeba thing, many livestreams with Lana answering some of our questions, some merch, performances finally recorded in HQ...

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