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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Hi LB users!! Lets all stop talking about Sublime stans and instead rejoice in the fact that Lana is, once again, destroying the patriarchy by re-appropriating an originally misogynistic track for the gays benefit and defying gender norms by occupying the typically masculine role of douchey abusive California surfer dude in Doin’ Time. We stan a paradoxically problematic queen




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Real question here: would her friends bother so many of you if she gave us news / info about NFR? 


Yea, I don't really associate them with music. It's just weird, everything they do together seems so staged and fake. 

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Well, I have come to realize how stupid I was for believing "Lana Del Rey" was anything more than a fictional character, but in my defense, many genuine human beings are seductive that way. I've known people like her, in real life, so it wasn't the hardest thing in the world to believe she truly was like that too. At first I thought she was nothing more than a scam, a project a bunch of label executives put together, but she grew on me in time. I really wish I had never given her a second chance, because I got sucked in a fucking lie lol. I really got played here lmao

I have known men and women like her too as I perceived her then, so I was pretty impressed as well. But I also wanted to believe. So I take responsibility for buying the fantasy. I have lived in NYC long enough to know that few artists are as they seem when you encounter them in person.


But sadly, this new LDR is so much drearier than the fantasy in terms of her presentation as an artist that I cannot help but continue to be disappointed. Even her tour posters and graphics were actually hip back in the day—now we get things like the interior photos of LFL and the album cover, with the fake-lookin daisies in her hair and the awkward hippy dress.


Remember when BTD came out and all the DJs wanted to remix her songs, and did? That sure stopped abruptly. I don’t know why she dropped the Trip Hop production in the first place.

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Can y’all imagine how ugly the NFR cover art will be? Like, I don’t think we are prepared for the atrocity it will be

funny you think we’re getting an album at all


miss born to lose

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I wonder if this cover will really impact the radio

How can that be predicted, much less forced? The releasing record company can really get behind it, give it a huge promotion and contact influential DJs and radio personnel, but short of that, what can they do?

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About the V Magazine thing, even if it's released in over 2 months, it doesn't mean anything about the NFR release date. It's not like the cover has to come out before the album drops, she's been on covers before after an album release.


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I'm kind of confused about all the drama about the album, all of the singles got amazing reviews, and they were great--it felt like this could be the album that get's Lana some album of the year level Grammy recognition. Do we really even know that she doesn't want to release it, it almost sounds like maybe the recording company could be the ones gatekeeping it? But I don't know. It feels like there could be all kinds of possibilities, maybe even the desire to wait for the perfect time since it sounds like it was really special. All the insta snippets were fantastic and would she have released those if she wasn't proud of her work? But I guess it's all speculation at this point. I just hope things turn out well.

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ok but can we talk about that comment saying they saw the end credits and heard it (even tho they said something nasty after that)... like... its out there yall lets find it

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I'm kind of confused about all the drama about the album, all of the singles got amazing reviews, and they were great--it felt like this could be the album that get's Lana some album of the year level Grammy recognition. Do we really even know that she doesn't want to release it, it almost sounds like maybe the recording company could be the ones gatekeeping it? But I don't know. It feels like there could be all kinds of possibilities, maybe even the desire to wait for the perfect time since it sounds like it was really special. All the insta snippets were fantastic and would she have released those if she wasn't proud of her work? But I guess it's all speculation at this point. I just hope things turn out well.

I think most here just feel, “If NFR IS going to come out JULY 17th, September 14th, or November 6th, JUST SAY THAT.” Like any professional would do, like 98% of artists do, whether it’s the Cactus Blossoms, Rihanna, Barns Courtney, Royal Deluxe, Frankie Lee or Marina.


LDR’s unreliable and seemingly scattered comments since last September seem like a combination of manipulative behavior, unprofessionalism and incompetence, and are a huge turn off. I don’t think it’s anything more than that on the part of fans.


AND if a major hitch did come up, she could easily just admit it publicly in this era of varied instantaneous communication, and once she’s absolutely certain of the new date, say, “Sorry everyone, the album has been unavoidably delayed until ______.” And if she wants to give a reason, she can.


It may be that there has been some factor involved completely beyond her control that has caused the delay, and, if so, I am sure we will accept it and eat personal crow.

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