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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I've really never met a straight guy that listens to Lana's music. Maybe casual, but a fan? Nopee J55Zixc.gif




Well I'm sorry but actually I'm straight and Lana has been my favourite artist since 2012; I've listened to her more than to every other artist since then, even flew 2000 km to see her live - so I'd consider me a fan. :) And several of my straight friends really like her as well (though they are not stans like me).

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U guys I'm real glad that u know someone that's/ are straight and L O V E  -- Lana but pls it was a sarcastic jokeeee  :smile2:

idk why lana seems so insistent on doing everything herself. i wish she'd just hire professionals to do her social media, marketing, photography, etc.

I personally find it cool that she does that, as to not have her vision diluted, but honestly, dk what the progress is yeah


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So this is what we have so far - and I know she mentioned there being 13 tracks in total, but who knows how many changes she made since saying that or the future changes she’s going to make...


1. Mariners Apartment Complex

2. Norman Fucking Rockwell

3. Stronger (temp title)

4. In Your Car (temp title) [both #3 and #4’s snippets talk about cars, driving/going fast so either it’s the same song and it has a weird melody like HIAB or they’re two different songs and Lana’s songwriting skills will forever be stuck on the subject of driving and the color b l u e ]

5. Happiness is a Butterfly

6. Cinnamon

7. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have- but I have it

8. Venice Bitch

9. How to Disappear


So that means we’re aware of 7 to 9 songs out of the 13. Now for the other possible additions...


*I know Doin’ Time will most likely NOT be on NFR, but I know someone will reply saying “why didn’t you mention it???”*


1. Bartender (she only mentioned it once, and it was randomly in passing)

2. Doin’ Time (probably only on the soundtrack + a stand-alone single)

3. Yosemite (requires too much faith to happen)

4. Roses Bloom for You (I wish, but we all know her taste in choosing songs to release)

5. Cactus

6. Hey Blue Baby

7. Stupid for Being So Happy (really doubt #6 and #7 since she said they were made randomly)

8. Starry Eyed (Not the old demo, but the one she made up on the spot with a ukulele. She said she’d finish the song for the kids at the Children’s Hospital and dedicate it to them, but we all know how forgetful she is)

9. MGK collab (Probably scrapped since it was meant for his album. Never got why people thought it’d be on NFR)

10. Jesse Rutherford collab (Probably for his project)


Am I missing anything?

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So this is what we have so far - and I know she mentioned there being 13 tracks in total, but who knows how many changes she made since saying that or the future changes she’s going to make...


1. Mariners Apartment Complex

2. Norman Fucking Rockwell

3. Stronger (temp title)

4. In Your Car (temp title) [both #3 and #4’s snippets talk about cars, driving/going fast so either it’s the same song and it has a weird melody like HIAB or they’re two different songs and Lana’s songwriting skills will forever be stuck on the subject of driving and the color b l u e ]

5. Happiness is a Butterfly

6. Cinnamon

7. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have- but I have it

8. Venice Bitch

9. How to Disappear


So that means we’re aware of 7 to 9 songs out of the 13. Now for the other possible additions...


*I know Doin’ Time will most likely NOT be on NFR, but I know someone will reply saying “why didn’t you mention it???”*


1. Bartender (she only mentioned it once, and it was randomly in passing)

2. Doin’ Time (probably only on the soundtrack + a stand-alone single)

3. Yosemite (requires too much faith to happen)

4. Roses Bloom for You (I wish, but we all know her taste in choosing songs to release)

5. Cactus

6. Hey Blue Baby

7. Stupid for Being So Happy (really doubt #6 and #7 since she said they were made randomly)

8. Starry Eyed (Not the old demo, but the one she made up on the spot with a ukulele. She said she’d finish the song for the kids at the Children’s Hospital and dedicate it to them, but we all know how forgetful she is)

9. MGK collab (Probably scrapped since it was meant for his album. Never got why people thought it’d be on NFR)

10. Jesse Rutherford collab (Probably for his project)


Am I missing anything?

Possibly the song that was playing in one of Chuck's Instagram stories months ago, but apart from that I think you're good :)

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Yeah bc f*ck discussions. A good thread on a discussion board should be full of "I want Cinnamon sooo much" and "Close this thread"-oneliners only.

Not that we wouldn't have enough of those either way.


Having well-thought out comments is a bad thing now????


1000 words on lana's face = good discussion & well-thought out comments



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umm... sorry but her using the same pronouns in a cover (which she also did with other covers like blue velvet) isn’t her being “more queer”, especially when she’s never sang or wrote about her interest in other women in her hundreds of songs, nor have any collaborators done in their songs. (straight men love doing that, like abel talking about bella in lost in the fire.) i know we all wanna be hopeful or whatever that she’s more relatable to us but lana loves straight men and wouldn’t be caught dead in hillsong nor any other sus ass church if she was anywhere near gay. otherwise wtf does “queer” even mean anymore if not explicitly being attracted to at least the same gender along with others? we all know lana’s tired ass brand of white feminism as shown by her lack of ever speaking up on social issues or making a public statement on coming out day and thinking feminism is “boring” till trump was elected and it was now popular to care.


not saying i need her to making statements on social issues, i’d rather her not bc half the time she doesn’t know what she’s talking about or is just spewing things everyone else has said a million times before, but to say she’s anywhere at all near being “queer” is a reach. :crossed:


anyway inb4 interscope sees the money grab in this and has her add some random ambiguous song with queer baiting into nfr a la ariana grande. jk they don’t give a shit about her career anymore!


edit: also this skirtsandsuits girl is pissing me off with how she’s just deleted the comments on that beverly hills post to keep her ugly over saturated “”””aesthetic”””” rather than take it down or apologize and say she didn’t know. it speaks volumes... i’m sure she’s also the type of girl to also want “a gay best friend to go shopping with zomg!!!!1” :stareney:


And that is how you spill some good ass tea



♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I- I'm tired of theorizing atm at least, and it's great that we're discussing track placements and all, but what I've leanred from this record is that Lana's keeping mum on everything she'll b releasing til like a week or so beforehand (happened like twice already) Which is great bc we don't have to b lingering every second. I honestly doubt she'd overdo anything til DT's out, and even then, that has a waiting period til who else knows when exactly.


Did ya think we can actually take practical, respectful steps on getting information? Already checked in w my local music store, theyre pretty good w that shit no shade. She's coming out w a poetry book, last time we checked. Would it b crazy to ask them if they had any word of it, or when it'll b coming out?


To the peeps who called interscope, like waaay back in this thread, can ya guys collect ur notes/ have a thread made? Can we even ask thise closer to her on this site, like admin, to respectuflly message her? Who else can we ask bout the record? Cus this is a fucking mess, its not even mine and i still wanna clean it up judgy-face-gif.gif


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Possibly the song that was playing in one of Chuck's Instagram stories months ago, but apart from that I think you're good :)

It’s a bit hard to make out the words to the song, but it has a similar vibe to « You Don’t Ever Have To »?

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I really wanted to hear the MGK collab. I never was into his music and I don't even know what he does, but the snippet hits me hard. The instrumental is heaven

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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She said in an interview that she thinks it's wrong to try and look extremely beautiful. And when she sang "if I get a little prettier can I be your baby" live she added "fuck that". Also dyed her hair darker to be taken more seriously. "We are ugly but we have the music". I do think she either doesn't really care that much about appearance anymore or wants to make a clear statement that it is all about her art. And the fact that she takes "unflattering selfies"... she's never had a great sense of aesthetics, there are some bad pictures (bad hair, outfits) from even her Lizzy Grant days (it's a silly topic, but it's unfair to say it's a sign of an underlying problem).



I prefer to think of this as a range thing. She has great range in whatever it is she does, including instagram photos and or social-media selfies. I mean the time (recently?) she convincingly facially-imitated a Picasso (?) caricature of a dismayed Christ (?) on instagram. If I were to say something like "your fave could neva", I probably wouldn't get any arguments about that. Her totally devastating retained-happiest-picture-of-a-recent-suicide-victim for Hope is a dangerous thing, or her Jodorowsky-El-Topo-inspired cute-face-but-missing-hand-freak-crawling-toward-you pic for instagram, are other instances of this.
To inject more NFR-release-related flavor to this post, let me opine that I'm also fine with her using the bitchy-pouty twitter pic (or some variant) for an NFR album cover. That fits the era's fuck-you attitude and is an excellent contrast to the L4L cover (which was a great contrast to her previous eras covers, as were her earlier covers to their earlier eras). Most importantly the twitter pic has grown on me (and I don't mean fungus-wise).

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The most frustrating thing to me is that had she released back in late 2018 when there was hype, the critics loved the singles, and the album was a cohesive, 11-track work, she could have received a ton of acclaim and, perhaps, a major Grammy nom. Now, the hype is gone and the album is looking increasingly bloated.

NOPE!! She is going to keep delaying it, but it is expected in the Upper East Side in NYC. Her personality fits in very well there, and she doesn't have to make an effort. Except, the people of lanaboards stand together, and have each other's backs when it comes to Lana. We might talk smack about her instagram friends, but we do it to their faces, not behind their backs. Also, we go out to eat, and ACTUALLY EAT!!! I was anorexic and bulimic about 18 years ago, (I went from a size women's 3/4 to a children's size 11, and weighed 87 lbs, with an 18" waist) it was my friends and my mother, who threatened to have me committed to a food rehab, if I didn't gain a healthy amount of weight. Those are true friends, they wanted me healthy and made sure that someone was there to eat with me and keep me occupied to keep me from vomiting the food up. Also, being a neurosurgeon residents, I knew that I couldn't let my eating disorder out (by going into a rehab) as the hospital would get involved. I am now a neurosurgeon, healthy, and a healthy size for my 5'4" frame. I have to thank my friends, who still make sure that I am eating healthy and keeping it down, and all that my mother did (she passed away from a rare cancer nearly 3 years ago). The point is I am not sure how committed these instagram friends are to her, and would they still hang out with her if she wasn't famous which is a shame considering it is obvious as this point they have a large part in keeping Norman Fucking Rockwell behind bars.

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This is without doubt the messiest pre-release of any artist I've ever known. I am surprised that Interscope is letting her behave this way, honestly.


You would think that certain standards of professionalism would apply. Like, 50865774854 fans are clearly confused and asking ... even the articles out in the past few days about the DT snippet are all, "the release date for Norman Fuckimg Rockwell is still a mystery ...". You would think someone from Interscope would tweet something, or ask Elizabeth to, or something. Maybe I expect too much, but I find it quite mind-blowing. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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she is so prolific when it comes to songwriting and has god knows how many great songs she just tosses into the air THIS MAKES IT ALL EVEN WORSE. never been more convinced this is just defiance

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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This is without doubt the messiest pre-release of any artist I've ever known. I am surprised that Interscope is letting her behave this way, honestly.


You would think that certain standards of professionalism would apply. Like, 50865774854 fans are clearly confused and asking ... even the articles out in the past few days about the DT snippet are all, "the release date for Norman Fuckimg Rockwell is still a mystery ...". You would think someone from Interscope would tweet something, or ask Elizabeth to, or something. Maybe I expect too much, but I find it quite mind-blowing. 



♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I bet that if we hadn't found out about Doin' Time from the radio impact date she just wouldn't have said anything until the day before releasing it  :rip:

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