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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Why do I have this feeling that people who keep talking about Lana scrapping the album, songs, re-working it and shit are just projecting their own hopes and fantasies under the guise of speculation. Lol

Because those sound better than the fact that Lana is taking it slow on purpose because she wants to. People want to believe it’s the label, or some outside force preventing her from releasing it because they wanna have faith in her and want fresh music to listen to even though there’s a slim chance of that happening and it seems like she wants the poetry book out first.

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i live for @salvatore. idk why but i love that bitch so much




How does he/she only have 4 stars? Imagine clicking on salvatore's profile and giving less than 5 stars. How embarrassing. Some of you bitches ...

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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How does he/she only have 4 stars? Imagine clicking on salvatore's profile and giving less than 5 stars. How embarrassing. Some of you bitches ...

yes very offensive. salvatore you are 5 stars in our eyes baby


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I kinda wanna cycle back to that whole image discussion a lot of people were having like pages ago nd tie that to the I love u but u don't understand me quote she made on insta? , and her releasing HIADT, the seeming lack of visuals/image etc. Did ya really think that that might've been enough for her to postpone the record? 

Shutting down the poetry book, barking at her lifestyle, needing the next best thing even. Like ok it's warranted w the news drought yada squared but. and at the back of my mind it's always been there even if I wanted to deny it, but like damn maybe she was trying to pull her Joanne era, to be more vulnerable and we shut her down, well mostly the users, and that put her off? It's the only theory that still sticks 

Oof i'm gettin emotional just thinking about it


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Every second that passes by is a second we're closer to the album hennies :diva:  :diva:  :diva:  :diva:

delusion :lolliney:


in all seriousness i’m wondering if NFR is even coming anymore or whatever is next is gonna just be random singles she feels like putting out. “the album is done but who knows when it’s coming out”

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Lmao she’s not deleting comments. Instagram is often glitching and not displaying my own comments under some celebrities’ pictures, but when I look for them very precisely amongst all other random comments, they’re actually there. Stop panicking.

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Every second that passes by is a second we're closer to the album hennies :diva:  :diva:  :diva:  :diva:

NFR through the universe doesnt work that way

Every second that passes by is a second the album is delayed even further, therefore we're equally away from it as we were a minute ago :defeated:

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If she doesn’t release the fucking album soon I’ll be “Doin’ Time” for her murder

(Sorry that joke was way too good to pass up)

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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I kinda wanna cycle back to that whole image discussion a lot of people were having like pages ago nd tie that to the I love u but u don't understand me quote she made on insta? , and her releasing HIADT, the seeming lack of visuals/image etc. Did ya really think that that might've been enough for her to postpone the record? 


Shutting down the poetry book, barking at her lifestyle, needing the next best thing even. Like ok it's warranted w the news drought yada squared but. and at the back of my mind it's always been there even if I wanted to deny it, but like damn maybe she was trying to pull her Joanne era, to be more vulnerable and we shut her down, well mostly the users, and that put her off? It's the only theory that still sticks 


Oof i'm gettin emotional just thinking about it


I'm really tired so excuse my wording in this post.


I really wouldn't be surprised if she is feeling insecure about the album. As you said, we discussed pages ago about how the reception to Hope was probably not what she was expecting, but when you stop and think about it, I think it might've been the same with LFL, which adds even more weight to the theory.


I really feel like Coachella might've been her favourite track on LFL. I don't think she ever named an outright favourite (I think she said WM was one of her favourites and I'll get to that), but she did mention it in almost every single interview in 2017/18. How she wrote it in a week or whatever, how she was inspired by North Korean missiles, etc ... I got the impression that she was really proud of it and pretty much everyone feels that it's the weakest track on that album.


And even White Mustang - fans have such a love/hate relationship with it, and in that recent interview she said that White Mustang was one of her favourite tracks on that album. She also said, "oh, barely anyone has heard it" which was very what the fuck.


So given all of that, plus the fact that Hope is usually placed behind VB and MAC (even in streaming numbers) ... I get why she might be second-guessing. It's just a theory.


Whatever the reason: I think we can all agree that, at some point, she's definitely had a change of heart in terms of the release schedule. Nobody releases 3 songs in relatively quick succession and then fucks off for 5 months and counting. 


And re: the comments - I realised that she probably just set up keyword filters (eg: "NFR") to filter out any comments containing those words. That's not as dramatic as manually deleting, but it still indicates ... sensitivity.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I'm really tired so excuse my wording in this post.


I really wouldn't be surprised if she is feeling insecure about the album. As you said, we discussed pages ago about how the reception to Hope was probably not what she was expecting, but when you stop and think about it, I think it might've been the same with LFL, which adds even more weight to the theory.


I really feel like Coachella might've been her favourite track on LFL. I don't think she ever named an outright favourite (I think she said WM was one of her favourites and I'll get to that), but she did mention it in almost every single interview in 2017/18. How she wrote it in a week or whatever, how she was inspired by North Korean missiles, etc ... I got the impression that she was really proud of it and pretty much everyone feels that it's the weakest track on that album.


And even White Mustang - fans have such a love/hate relationship with it, and in that recent interview she said that White Mustang was one of her favourite tracks on that album. She also said, "oh, barely anyone has heard it" which was very what the fuck.


So given all of that, plus the fact that Hope is usually placed behind VB and MAC (even in streaming numbers) ... I get why she might be second-guessing. It's just a theory.


Whatever the reason: I think we can all agree that, at some point, she's definitely had a change of heart in terms of the release schedule.


And re: the comments - I realised that she probably just set up keyword filters (eg: "NFR") to filter out any comments containing those words. That's not as dramatic as manually deleting, but it still indicates ... sensitivity.

Defo there has to be some solid facts about this there w LFL. Coachella and WM, 'specially w the alleged video switch. There was this one article (too tired to post rn) about how LFL was her gateway record, in trying to really be more present w society, not from an outsider's perspective, but as someone who really mingles w society, GBA, Coachella, Love being a universal kind of theme etc. We do know she's at least been made aware of the fact that her fans would rather not be teased to death, hence her random posting a few weeks before til she actually has something, learning from the YAIL leak and how that ruined the LFL schedule (I even remember the Lana Love filter that was like off a week or two) so there's that. 


Carry that into the equation of Hope, and how she really isn't posting/ doing as much visually like she used to which riles the fanbase MORE, it's a recipe for conflict. That and the insta comment filter, sounds like it yeah. 


Points on this though. 

- Does she even read the stuff on here, let alone visit?

- What about the people who actually enjoyed the tracks, legit (not to kiss ass, but I've praised Coachella for that bridge alone, WM is like weirdly lewd (excuse me lol)) ?


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Defo there has to be some solid facts about this there w LFL. Coachella and WM, 'specially w the alleged video switch. There was this one article (too tired to post rn) about how LFL was her gateway record, in trying to really be more present w society, not from an outsider's perspective, but as someone who really mingles w society, GBA, Coachella, Love being a universal kind of theme etc. We do know she's at least been made aware of the fact that her fans would rather not be teased to death, hence her random posting a few weeks before til she actually has something, learning from the YAIL leak and how that ruined the LFL schedule (I even remember the Lana Love filter that was like off a week or two) so there's that. 


Carry that into the equation of Hope, and how she really isn't posting/ doing as much visually like she used to which riles the fanbase MORE, it's a recipe for conflict. That and the insta comment filter, sounds like it yeah. 


Points on this though. 

- Does she even read the stuff on here, let alone visit?

- What about the people who actually enjoyed the tracks, legit (not to kiss ass, but I've praised Coachella for that bridge alone, WM is like weirdly lewd (excuse me lol)) ?


To give my two cents on the second point- criticism is a lot harder to face than praise is.  The people who would leave comments on the YT video of Hope saying it's boring or that they're not looking forward to NFR would impact her more than the people who left negative comments.  This isn't to say that the people leaving negative comments aren't entitled to their opinion- they absolutely are, comment sections are there for a reason- but as we know from the legendary 'I'll pray for you Cathy' et al comments, she does read the comments and does let them negatively impact her.

locals only

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We're not talking about King Diamond here though. This is Lana "So Legit" Del Rey. Someone who has been defending the authenticity of their art for years. Obviously we should have been smart enough to realize she was flat out lying, but well, we weren't. At least some of us, including myself. Call me Boo Boo the Fool, I got played and that's a fact. Kudos to you for not falling for it. You get all the cookies. Happy?


"Flat out lying" to characterize an entire diverse corpus of songs is a tad harsh. For one thing, the only time I remember her *specifically* saying something like "yeah I lived this" was in regard to the Ride video (not the song). Her response seemed to be needed (imo), because people were just amazed (aka appalled) at the situations she portrayed: being picked up by random strangers after midnight; being a biker chick in a biker gang. Youtube comments were critical about the latter especially, in the sense that being a biker chick almost never turns out well for the chick. It seems to be an empirical fact (if she's not lying about the video), that she was very very lucky finding the specific bikers she found. The other issue is the distinction between lying and acting. She can at least act very well, even if she didn't directly experience the things she sings about, that is she may be able to empathize well and get the experience from others (including literature). Also she doesn't have to act in any particular way now to prove anything about what she experienced back then. Finally, a fair amount of her songs do seem autobiographical and self-aware (National Anthem, This is what makes us girls), and she even parodies her "fakeness" at times: FMWUTTT, MPG, maybe even Gods and Monsters and Cola, but part of the appeal of those last 2 songs, imo, is you don't know how real they are. 

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Gurls this is not funny there's no need to be this disrespectful


and I know you will reply saying it's a joke but still if you jokingly say you wanna kill someone you admire I can't imagine what you say of people you dislike. 

its a doin time quote dude wtf :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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