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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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The signed stuff can't be pre-ordered by people outside the UK? They won't ship it?

You need a UK address. If you have someone there that can then reship it to you, or you think hiring a service is worth it, you can alway have it!


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is it bad I really don't want these before the album is out (although my clown ass will give in and listen to them 1890738749 times before the 30th)

I don't want them now either, not listening anyway, I prefer keeping the album as fresh as possible. Two weeks isn't a big deal

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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ok so if she releases FIILY and the Greatest before the album, i’m gonna be going insane. i promised myself to NOT listen to anymore singles so the album sounds fresh buuuuut i really really REALLY love the snippet for FIILY and i know it’s gonna be my fave soooo like sis may just have to give in...


miss born to lose

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