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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Ooh, oh fuck ok wait. So consensus. At least here anyway, how's everyone's thoughts on HIaDT? I mean, ok ngl, I appreciated it, and love it, but gotten more comfortable w it. Progress? Thru a diff vein, achievement unlocked? News? Anyone getting my consciousness stream drift?


ahhh imma quote my mini rant thing on hope from 300  :toofunny: pages ago bc i feel like that was really my breakthrough moment with the song...like i always liked it (although i acknowledge it definitely has its flaws/valid points of criticism), but that was sort of my epiphany with regards to the purpose it serves...i'll put it in a spoiler so i don't hog the whole page but yeah that was kind of my most recent lightbulb moment with this song




my $0.02 on the hope is a keyboard smash discourse: i actually really love the somewhat awkward, almost ungainly lines (e.g. ipad, shaking my ass, etc. etc.). they kind of break the 4th wall a bit and feel like an allusion to the whole idea of feeling not entirely comfortable in her image/persona. like yes, she could write another song about eternal love and red lipstick and jewelry and being pretty while she cries and her beautiful man and cars and the color blue and drinking and smoking and living fast and dying young and eating ice cream, with lyrics that look and sound pretty and fit into aesthetic moodboards, but instead she inserts these decidedly unpoetic images into her usual template. the whole thing feels almost abrasive: the lyrics, the almost total lack of production (you want strings? you want beats? you want guitars? here, have a couple piano chords), the aggressively informal cover art, the sentence-length, decapitalized title (no other song in her discography has a title like that). the more i think about it, the more it appears like a concerted effort to smash things up, especially considering it's the last complete song we've gotten from her. it seems almost like a tacit scream of frustration, like someone locked in a room (the persona/sound/style/image she's acquired, for better or for worse) banging on the walls and smashing the glass in the picture frames. like, "maybe i can't unlock the door and leave but i can at least subvert what i'm supposed to do in here and how i'm supposed to behave."


maybe i'm reaching but when you put all the pieces together it just feels really sad and desperate and angry idk even despite the chorus and title



it's just the way i feel

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Browsing bens ig, who does this commenter think they are


Lmao... a concerned fan obviously

Put your clown suit back on sis this post just made you look stupid


Wow, evil much?


Idk why this double posted but I thought you were calling the commenter stupid; if so you ARE evil. But if you’re calling the person who called them out stupid then you’re good  :flop:


Evil? Ornery, scandalous and evil? MOST DEFINITELY


Imagine calling a stranger evil because I called a member stupid for trying to make fun of someone without having a CLUE what was actually going on. Cute


I can't speak for @@cherriesinthespring but I imagine it's just a misunderstanding, followed by more misunderstandings, it seems. It's all good, fam. <3



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Evil? Ornery, scandalous and evil? MOST DEFINITELY


Imagine calling a stranger evil because I called a member stupid for trying to make fun of someone without having a CLUE what was actually going on. Cute

Lel yes bitch I have dementia drag me for it




Also, on the flipside, imagine CARING that a stranger on the internet called u evil


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Lel yes bitch I have dementia drag me for it giphy.gif

Also, on the flipside, imagine CARING that a stranger on the internet called u evil

That gif is me dragging you back into the depths of the ocean where u belong sis x


all jokes aside no hard feelings but like, if u wanna keep going I can keep going ;-)


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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That gif is me dragging you back into the depths of the ocean where u belong sis x


all jokes aside no hard feelings but like, if u wanna keep going I can keep going ;-)

Please honestly and truly drag me into the ocean. It would honestly be better than waiting for this album release


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do you guys think maybe Lanas going through depression? when I was depressed I didn't take care of my appearance much and I was in a weird phase doing things that offered "comfort" for that time.

Hmmmm. I don’t know much about these stuff, but i’ve been getting the feeling that she’s doing better now? Idk, but apart from the horrible clothing and the unbrushed hair, she seems to be taking better care of herself, like she’s working out, vapes instead of smoking (still bad but not THAT bad), and she seems to fun with her friends and always looks really happy around them, smiling, laughing, hugging them. But as some members have said above, it might just be a coping mechanism. But i guess we’ll find out more once the era starts.

I never meant to be bad or unwell I was just living on the edge right between heaven and hell & I'm tired of it 

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No tea, no shade, but...


102 unread posts in this thread... Plenty of them literally off-topic, yet no warning points given. Zero news... Members who have stated how they will "unstan" for the 7th time, yet they're still here... 




It baffles me how you can talk so much and yet say nothing?  :rip:


OT: I don't think the album's scrapped like some of you implied; there are no clues that indicate that. I think she meant it when she said that there is no plan, and that that's all there is to say for now. 


spill the skinny wig snapped the tea flop trending WW snatched shaking quaking drama momma

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So I was sleeping last night and then all of a sudden I heard this really sad whisper in my ear. It was Cinnamon. Her poor, frail voice. She told me "goodbye, Arcadia. Some things just weren't meant to be", and then I jolted up in a cold sweat. 


I know you probably think I'm crazy but I know my baby was speaking to me from the other side to let me know she can't be released into the big wide world like God initially intended.


But she's gone. Forever.


My heart yearns and aches for what could have been, but she's in heaven with God now. 


I love you, Cinnamon.





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i definitely can't speak for everyone and i know i'm cherrypicking from the larger point you're trying to make, but with regards to this part specifically...at least half the reason i keep logging onto this site is bc of the people i enjoy talking to, not because there's any significant news or updates (news? updates? what are those?) to actually discuss. i know it's not everyone's cup of tea and i respect that but i really do appreciate having somewhere to commiserate with other people in the same boat

I agree. And, regarding stanning/unstanning...people should really look up what this means. What the whole concept really is about. Because I think to some, "stan" is just another word for "fan", but it doesn't work like that. It's not black and white. You don't have haters & indifferent people on one side, and obsessed superfans on the other. You can enjoy someone's music without feeling obligated to buy all the merch to "support them". You can go see them live without spending all your savings on tickets or quitting your job to be able to make it bc "it's mom". You can like an artist without agreeing with their their every choice or opinion.


I don't see what "unstanning" has to do with our NFR blue balls. For some, it's a matter of closure. I know it is for me. Don't expect to see the same fervor for LDR7, not from this bitch. It should also be taken under consideration that this is a very confusing time for many Lana fans, because it's a confusing time for her as well. No one is here because of 2019 Lana. She's turning into the exact opposite of what she used to be; if she is doing an 180, where does that leave us? It goes without saying that people are bound to be feeling confused and conflicted. It's hard to just cut someone out of your life like that, even if it's just an artist you were a fan of. I'm jealous of, and happy for, anyone who can quit cold turkey. Say "I'm out", delete all her songs and never think about her again. But it's not that easy for many of us. And then you also have the tiny sliver of h*pe that maybe it's just a phase. I don't know why all of this is so hard to understand.



I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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spill the skinny wig snapped the tea flop trending WW snatched shaking quaking drama momma


If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I propose we all stop posting when we reach page 2019 as a protest for the beloved album that was meant to be released this year but never will

yeS yES YES we must do this!!!

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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