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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Lmfao I'm getting so much LFL prerelease thread flashbacks but like a Pokemon evolution version. 10 pages of ppl complaining, 15 pages after ppl complaining about ppl complaining, 20 more pages of ppl complaining about ppl complaining about ppl complaining, chaos and turmoil and tomfoolery left and right, memes, the porn poster lurking and alert, and in the midst of it all this pandemonium, Lana considering quitting her solo career since everyone's complaining anyway to become either a white rapper backup singer, a vaping anti-Trump advocate or a Dodgers cheerleader


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Lmfao I'm getting so much LFL prerelease thread flashbacks but like a Pokemon evolution version. 10 pages of ppl complaining, 15 pages after ppl complaining about ppl complaining, 20 more pages of ppl complaining about ppl complaining about ppl complaining, chaos and turmoil and tomfoolery left and right, memes, the porn poster lurking and alert, and in the midst of it all this pandemonium, Lana considering quitting her solo career since everyone's complaining anyway to become either a white rapper backup singer, a vaping anti-Trump advocate or a Dodgers cheerleader


This is what the Lana Del Rey stan life is all about.


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First y'all say that all the snippets sound the same and you're all tired of piano ballads. Then, y'all say that the album is shaping to be an incohesive mess like LFL just because she's doing a collab with MGK. Honestly I've been here for like two weeks and I'm already tired of y'all whining about the same things over and over again without even listening to the damn record!!!!!!!!! To the people who have been here for years now, how can you handle all of this? Because honestly this is exhausting.

I feel the same as you. Lol, how can an album be not cohesive if all the tracks have a similar sound? To me the album is very cohesive, even the MGK collab. But I guess people will never stop judging snippets. And then they'll come back when the tracks they critize will be their favourite in the end...

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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a) can we hop off groupie love hate like it isn't a timeless anthem?

b) i think if there are going to be collabs on her album she needs to take the lead, like i feel that LFL collabs weren't her vision completely but they were literal collaborations which is what i'm not paying for. lana take the reigns, whips those bops out.

Has anyone heard of this? It's new to me:




Bc consider that box checked, truly gonna give the gays everything they want .gif


are you saying this is her big coming out lp

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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First y'all say that all the snippets sound the same and you're all tired of piano ballads. Then, y'all say that the album is shaping to be an incohesive mess like LFL just because she's doing a collab with MGK. Honestly I've been here for like two weeks and I'm already tired of y'all whining about the same things over and over again without even listening to the damn record!!!!!!!!! To the people who have been here for years now, how can you handle all of this? Because honestly this is exhausting.

Don't read every post. And don't hang out here all the time. :P

It really is exhausting, it wasn't like this before (as far as I remember), this is the whole new level of bitching.

So, yeah...

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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Every single song (except MAC) has been stunningly beautiful. I'm SO here for mellow, moody piano ballads. This is shaping up to be one of her best albums yet. 

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Has anyone heard of this? It's new to me:






Bc consider that box checked, truly gonna give the gays everything they want .gif

While I can't speak for Rockwell's personal life, I feel like they're definitely conflating his art with J.C. Leyendecker's, who WAS openly gay, and painted a large portion of the art that pops up in that Google screenshot. They had a somewhat similar visual style and both painted for the Saturday Evening Post, but Leyendecker's art was far more homoerotic and was obviously trying to subversively depict some gay stuff that couldn't come through openly in that time. I've never really seen that in Rockwell's work.


It's kind of irritating to me, that they're trying so hard to make Rockwell this LGBT figure when it's iffy at best, while one of his contemporaries really WAS gay and was creating gay art, but gets ignored comparatively.


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alright, the complaining is too much right now. 
Snippets are snippets, guys. They are never representative of the song in its whole, especially with Lana.  And you seem to forget that with each record. 
Honestly, who loved Cinnamon from the first snippet? Not the second one where the beat drops, but the piano part?
I'll say it again, but when I listened to all the snippets of UV back to back, without hearing the whole record, I thought they sounded all the same.And yet, it is one of my faves from her now, with HM. 
Lana's songs have a lot of subtilities and you have to listen to them many times, in full, to realize all of them. 

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alright, the complaining is too much right now. 

Snippets are snippets, guys. They are never representative of the song in its whole, especially with Lana.  And you seem to forget that with each record. 

Honestly, who loved Cinnamon from the first snippet? Not the second one where the beat drops, but the piano part?

I'll say it again, but when I listened to all the snippets of UV back to back, without hearing the whole record, I thought they sounded all the same.And yet, it is one of my faves from her now, with HM. 

Lana's songs have a lot of subtilities and you have to listen to them many times, in full, to realize all of them. 


i liked Cinnamon from the first snippet


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Cinnamon sounds cute and I’m sure I’m gonna love it, but I doubt it’ll be a masterpiece like West Coast, BTD, OTTR, Herion and others... just my current thoughts based on the snippets we’ve heard.

But it sounds sooooo good, I can’t wait to hear it in full! :crying:

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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I think Lana has a part of the fault too. If you want to tease 3 or 4 different songs (first of all, that's already a lot of songs to tease) and they all have piano intros don't just post the piano intro to all these songs, post a different part of the song at least for 1 song in order to make things more exciting.

On the other hand, I understand her posting the more ''simple'' part of the songs in order to surprise us with how the songs evolve later on. 

I think Lana could've definetly post slightly different snippets so it's not just all the same, but then again, we should not judge the songs just by their snippets, 'cause most of the time, snippets aren't really that accurate. We never know how certain songs might pick up. However, I understand your arguments and meltdowns 'cause I too was quick to judge a song by its snippet without thinking first. It's just my pessimistic reflexes coming out haha 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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Every single song (except MAC) has been stunningly beautiful. I'm SO here for mellow, moody piano ballads. This is shaping up to be one of her best albums yet. 


although its overshadowed by VB, MAC is a bop and i love it

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so.. we basically know 7 titles and heard every single one of them + MGK song.. out of 11tracks record... :brows3:

in LFL era we knew a lot of titles but we had no clue how these songs sound like (except WM, SB and Change, tho it was closer to the release date), but now sis is just spoiling all the fun, without even announcing when the actual record is coming out.


best she can do now is a surprise release, i see no point in announcing an early 2019 date when we've basically heard 2/3 of the album

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So we've got-


Mariner's Apartment Complex


Sylvia Plath

Norman Fucking Rockwell

Venice Bitch

How To Disappear

Happiness Is A Butterfly

??? ft Machine Gun Kelly




??? ft Marina

??? ft Jesse Rutherford / The NBHD

Cactus ft. The Foo Fighters



Here's ur 11 tracks sisters x also maybe a collab with Wiz Khalifa? He hinted at something a while ago.

Anything I'm missing?


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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