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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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ugh it’s taking everything in me to avoid listening to MAC and VB and hope for the next month.. i love those songs so much but i want the album to sound fresh(er). i’ve already milked those songs enough.


miss born to lose

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hunty is literally a communist and you guys still hate him  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

since when......... last i checked he was hanging out with alt righters


anyway his whole separating artist from "art" stance is enough to hate him



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since when......... last i checked he was hanging out with alt righters


anyway his whole separating artist from "art" stance is enough to hate him




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fantano always has some good points even though his scores are pretty rough


true, except him giving ultraviolence a 2 still annoys me. like talk about being way too harsh because you don't like the theme of her lyrics.

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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since when......... last i checked he was hanging out with alt righters


anyway his whole separating artist from "art" stance is enough to hate him

I mean, a quick look at his twitter/ig...







But seriously, he's definitely not alt right lol that was something the Fader tried to pass off with a poorly written and misinformed argument but he made a legitimate response video to it. He's lost a lot of fans because he has shared his very, very left/progressive views (not even liberal, but left) on his social media platforms. He is also vegan and posts about animal rights/environmental issues, and I don't know any alt right shithead that's vegan or cares about the environment lol. It seems that everyday he posts something on IG story about how horrible corporations are, how horrible liberals/the DNC are (when compared to leftists), and constantly shits on and gets into Twitter/Youtube arguments with AltRighters like InfoWars and Ben Shapiro, which is something I have not seen any major Youtuber really doing lol. I know most people on here don't care, but he's honestly a pretty solid dude that people hate because he reviews music which is his job. He's not out of the blue dude either, he's worked for NPR and other companies before. His fans even give him the nickname Karlthony Marxtano lol


but to get back onto topic, he seems excited for NFR! He retweeted Lana's album cover tweet  :flutter:


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oh wow this era...an actual concept, we're getting an ACTUAL concept album, but unlike with honeymoon (in my opinion) we have great visuals! honeymoon visuals were good too but I think these are just better



and then with that new cover that's coming...Lana doing a soundtrack for a horror movie is a literal fucking dream + witchy Lana is coming back!! I'm SO hyped for this, especially with the description of the cover "low register vocals" MA'AM I'm gona faint!!


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Anyways accepting sexual favors for leaks is gross and leakers acting like they're 'keeping us fed' when all they're doing is keeping information / songs to try and get clout for someone else's work will never not be weird and cringy idc

locals only

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I’m going camping for a WEEK tonight and I will not have any internet, I’ll be praying for music videos and snippets and all that other good stuff to be here when I get back


Historically Lana has done lots of stuff during my off the grid camping trips, like I always come back to good news so you’re all welcome in advance :hooker:

see now bitches gonna start praying you get stranded :toofunny:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Random happy factoid. Bartender not only exists, but we'll actually get to hear it, and thru her official discog. whut.


I'm still in awe as well. When you're hoping for Lana to come through a 100 times and 99 of them you make a clown out of yourself but then there's this one that makes the circle go again. That's what Bartender is. She did it just to prove the cynical members wrong and makes us go crazy for the next round


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Has Bartender ever been described by anyone sound wise?

No. Lana just said it was weird

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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