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Lana spotted at Hillsong again - January 30, 2019

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I think too much about this

truth is

I should just go play some porn

and jerk off

while my morning erection is still on...

fuck yeah...


If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I hope she finds her inner peace someday so she can be a stronger,more assertive person and so they'll be less contradictions surrounding her and her personality-I mean she said it herself in Ride "No moral compass pointing me due north" and I don't think her newfound friends are helping in that area...

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I get why everyone is so shocked and disappointed by Lana (apparently) visiting Hillsong on a regular basis now, and I too think she's so stupid for doing this. But at the same time, if the reason everybody hates this church so much is that they are homophobic, misogynistic, and have a history of pedophilia, then everyone "cancelling" her now should've already done that the moment we found out she's Catholic. 

omg the hottest tea i've ever read here on lanaboards



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Yikes, this whole situation is so messy. I wasn't sure if I wanted to participate in this thread, because everyone has such a strong opinion on the matter (both sides) and at the end of the day, LB is just an online forum (no offense). I do agree that it is a delicate subject, though. 


I just want to say that, after reading the whole thread, I feel like something's up with her. The silent treatment she's giving the fanbase, the laziness (her own words about shooting the album cover, and also the way she dresses lately), saying she wants to be an "instagram baddie", and now this Hillsong church situation.


It's just an observation; I'm not trying to judge, but she seems so restless. As if she's having some sort of identity crisis. Idk

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I just want to say that, after reading the whole thread, I feel like something's up with her. The silent treatment she's giving the fanbase, the laziness (her own words about shooting the album cover, and also the way she dresses lately), saying she wants to be an "instagram baddie", and now this Hillsong church situation.


It's just an observation; I'm not trying to judge, but she seems so restless. As if she's having some sort of identity crisis. Idk

i agree, maybe shes going through what marina went through, like fallen out of love with the industry and shes trying to refind herself


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Ok I made a test with Gods n Monsters availability in Spotify (free account). Its available in US, Canada, Germany. Its not playable in most European countries, including the UK and France. HOW RANDOM. Why just this song and why just some countries?  :crossed: It seems like Polydor UK let her delete the song but Interscope US (Vertigo Berlin) said: No, m´dam.


this has been said like a million times already if i see this being said one more time i'm gonna bribe elle to put on a banner under our header saying that g&m isn't deleted from the album and anyone who mentions it will get dragged by me for this

it's literally a common issue among streaming services especially spotify where songs or whole albums become unavailable or even completely unlisted from time to time 


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Alcoholics Anonymous isn't a cult lmfao it's a support group


i don't know what you think a cult is, but they don't advertise themselves as such & usually don't look like a bunch of hippies singing kumbaya barefoot in the Mojave while practicing free love. a cult can be anything - a church, an ashram, a wellness program, even a pyramid scheme like fucking herbalife. and re: AA, for over a decade there's been lots of claims about their cultish nature, both from former members & from organizations that watch possible cult activity - both about AA as a whole, but also (and mostly) about specific regional groups; one of the most frequently mentioned is the Atlantic Group in NY, which Lana used to attend. anyway, none of this info is obscure, a simple google search will give you loads of receipts.

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I know a lot of shit is going on and a lot of people are upset and offended but cmon we'll still buy the album


Bold of you to assume the album's being released 

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I've always hated cali mostly because of the unbearable heat but I have friends from LA and they're all normal? I mean obviously none of my friends are normal, but you know what I mean :um3: Even the ones who look like every insta thot baddie out there are actually very interesting, amazing people with substance. You can choose to look a certain way, follow some trends/fashions, even be part of a culture/subculture, and still be your own person, still do your own thing too. But our girl seems desperate to truly belong in a group, to be part of a crowd, to be part of something bigger than her. Lizzy's back y'all. So many people insist on glorifying Lizzy and everything she stands for while putting down the "Lana Del Rey persona". But "Lana" made it. Lana is the star, Lana is the leader, Lana is the trendsetter. Lizzy was a fan, a follower -of trends, cults groups, and people. And there is something so endearing about her, so adorable.... Her childlike naivety, her reckless abandon, her true lust for life and simultaneous disregard -even love- of danger. The way she'd let herself get hurt if it meant feeling alive... She reminds me of myself when I was in my early teens, and I think others feel this way too. But something we tend to gloss over is that she was a grown ass woman acting like that. And she was no late bloomer; she was adventurous enough to be sent away to boarding school, where the adventures apparently didn't stop. She turned 18, she turned 21, she turned 25, but adulthood was nowhere in sight for her. Still, she was 25. Now she's almost 35, and still going on 13. You can't be past 30 acting like a child! You can't be blindly following people, keeping your eyes firmly shut to avoid truths that would make you (gasp!) uncomfortable (god forbid you have to experience that), acting without thinking, and not giving a fuck about the consequences of your actions. At 35, you can't still be living the "sure, whatever, sounds cool" life. You can't still be falling for gurus sis  :um: At some point, you have to take life into your own hands. Her blatant refusal to grow the fuck up is beyond frustrating. It's like she had a brief taste of adulthood and then noped the fuck back to her china palace. She can't take responsibility for anything...she can't even take criticism. And her little Hillsong stint just proves she's willing to be a follower if it means not being held accountable for anything. She'd rather feel protected than free. 


I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, I'm PMSing and that always affects my tone lol. But tone aside, this is truly what I believe.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I've always hated cali mostly because of the unbearable heat but I have friends from LA and they're all normal? I mean obviously none of my friends are normal, but you know what I mean :um3: Even the ones who look like every insta thot baddie out there are actually very interesting, amazing people with substance. You can choose to look a certain way, follow some trends/fashions, even be part of a culture/subculture, and still be your own person, still do your own thing too. But our girl seems desperate to truly belong in a group, to be part of a crowd, to be part of something bigger than her. Lizzy's back y'all. So many people insist on glorifying Lizzy and everything she stands for while putting down the "Lana Del Rey persona". But "Lana" made it. Lana is the star, Lana is the leader, Lana is the trendsetter. Lizzy was a fan, a follower -of trends, cults groups, and people. And there is something so endearing about her, so adorable.... Her childlike naivety, her reckless abandon, her true lust for life and simultaneous disregard -even love- of danger. The way she'd let herself get hurt if it meant feeling alive... She reminds me of myself when I was in my early teens, and I think others feel this way too. But something we tend to gloss over is that she was a grown ass woman acting like that. And she was no late bloomer; she was adventurous enough to be sent away to boarding school, where the adventures apparently didn't stop. She turned 18, she turned 21, she turned 25, but adulthood was nowhere in sight for her. Still, she was 25. Now she's almost 35, and still going on 13. You can't be past 30 acting like a child! You can't be blindly following people, keeping your eyes firmly shut to avoid truths that would make you (gasp!) uncomfortable (god forbid you have to experience that), acting without thinking, and not giving a fuck about the consequences of your actions. At 35, you can't still be living the "sure, whatever, sounds cool" life. You can't still be falling for gurus sis  :um: At some point, you have to take life into your own hands. Her blatant refusal to grow the fuck up is beyond frustrating. It's like she had a brief taste of adulthood and then noped the fuck back to her china palace. She can't take responsibility for anything...she can't even take criticism. And her little Hillsong stint just proves she's willing to be a follower if it means not being held accountable for anything. She'd rather feel protected than free. 


I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, I'm PMSing and that always affects my tone lol. But tone aside, this is truly what I believe.

this was so well written holy fuck

this was kinda beautiful



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I've always hated cali mostly because of the unbearable heat but I have friends from LA and they're all normal? I mean obviously none of my friends are normal, but you know what I mean :um3: Even the ones who look like every insta thot baddie out there are actually very interesting, amazing people with substance. You can choose to look a certain way, follow some trends/fashions, even be part of a culture/subculture, and still be your own person, still do your own thing too. But our girl seems desperate to truly belong in a group, to be part of a crowd, to be part of something bigger than her. Lizzy's back y'all. So many people insist on glorifying Lizzy and everything she stands for while putting down the "Lana Del Rey persona". But "Lana" made it. Lana is the star, Lana is the leader, Lana is the trendsetter. Lizzy was a fan, a follower -of trends, cults groups, and people. And there is something so endearing about her, so adorable.... Her childlike naivety, her reckless abandon, her true lust for life and simultaneous disregard -even love- of danger. The way she'd let herself get hurt if it meant feeling alive... She reminds me of myself when I was in my early teens, and I think others feel this way too. But something we tend to gloss over is that she was a grown ass woman acting like that. And she was no late bloomer; she was adventurous enough to be sent away to boarding school, where the adventures apparently didn't stop. She turned 18, she turned 21, she turned 25, but adulthood was nowhere in sight for her. Still, she was 25. Now she's almost 35, and still going on 13. You can't be past 30 acting like a child! You can't be blindly following people, keeping your eyes firmly shut to avoid truths that would make you (gasp!) uncomfortable (god forbid you have to experience that), acting without thinking, and not giving a fuck about the consequences of your actions. At 35, you can't still be living the "sure, whatever, sounds cool" life. You can't still be falling for gurus sis  :um: At some point, you have to take life into your own hands. Her blatant refusal to grow the fuck up is beyond frustrating. It's like she had a brief taste of adulthood and then noped the fuck back to her china palace. She can't take responsibility for anything...she can't even take criticism. And her little Hillsong stint just proves she's willing to be a follower if it means not being held accountable for anything. She'd rather feel protected than free. 


I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, I'm PMSing and that always affects my tone lol. But tone aside, this is truly what I believe.

In all her music she always seeks protection from problematic people, sugar daddies, bad boys, bad girls at school, cult leaders, bikers


“And my motto is the same as ever -

I believe in the kindness of strangers.” - Ride Monologue

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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