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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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ok yes i am glad Lana is finally getting recognition. BUT i am disappointed that it's recognition for her new, basic, toned down, publicly accessible aesthetic and not the glorious masterpiece trilogy of Born To Die, Ultraviolence, and Honeymoon. but it's whatever. Even boring Lana is more interesting than most new artists these days (including everyone else nominated for the Grammys (except Lil Nas X who should win (I used to like Lizzo till she fucked with that Postmates driver (Ariana has always sucked))) soooooo

Sometimes an intro acts like a gateway n interest to everything else so I mean heyo. It's a perk of being a fan late imo, ya get this entire catalog and it's just world-opening


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Sometimes an intro acts like a gateway n interest to everything else so I mean heyo. It's a perk of being a fan late imo, ya get this entire catalog and it's just world-opening

ooooh this makes me wish i was just now getting into Lana.  i never thought about this.  everyone who is just now discovering Lana gets to go back and listen to her past albums and that's got to be a magnificent experience.  i started listening after Born To Die came out so now ive heard her older albums a million times and it would be so much better if they were still fresh D:

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I still love Bartender but it now feels disingenuous of her to be singing about not drinking and hiding her relationship from the paparazzi when she's doing the opposite of those things with her worst boyfriend ever.


Honestly, I would've really liked her to hide this particular relationship more than any other.



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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ooooh this makes me wish i was just now getting into Lana.  i never thought about this.  everyone who is just now discovering Lana gets to go back and listen to her past albums and that's got to be a magnificent experience.  i started listening after Born To Die came out so now ive heard her older albums a million times and it would be so much better if they were still fresh D:

Exactly...! Admittedly, I got into Mariah more intently during Memoirs, so I got to listen to everything before then and was just FLOORED. On the same boat w ya, was a casual listener since BtD. West Coast got me hooked, and I got to semi revisit BtD, but it's just not the same. Actually, kinda going thru this process w Grimes atm, and it's one of the best feelings, like being able to just digest all of their tracks in a short period of time, it's amazing right?? 


Factoid, HM still sounds so so so fresh to me it's amazing- 


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Exactly...! Admittedly, I got into Mariah more intently during Memoirs, so I got to listen to everything before then and was just FLOORED. On the same boat w ya, was a casual listener since BtD. West Coast got me hooked, and I got to semi revisit BtD, but it's just not the same. Actually, kinda going thru this process w Grimes atm, and it's one of the best feelings, like being able to just digest all of their tracks in a short period of time, it's amazing right?? 


Factoid, HM still sounds so so so fresh to me it's amazing- 

this happened to me with MIA. when her album AIM was about to be released i went back and listened to all her albums before and got a full immersive experience that really changed my entire life.  and to get back on topic before i get another warning point - i think NFR references Lana's older work a lot.  "liquor off the top shelf" "drink lime green" (diet mountain dew) "serial killer" etc.  she started this in LFL with "its not just a video game". and i wonder if its like Lana looking back at herself or Lana looking at what she now represents to the general public as a mainstream artist.  is she running out of material and just rehashing the old shit that brought her success or? idk  HM is still fresh tho.  fave Lana album hands down.  talk about a magnum opus

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this happened to me with MIA. when her album AIM was about to be released i went back and listened to all her albums before and got a full immersive experience that really changed my entire life.  and to get back on topic before i get another warning point - i think NFR references Lana's older work a lot.  "liquor off the top shelf" "drink lime green" (diet mountain dew) "serial killer" etc.  she started this in LFL with "its not just a video game". and i wonder if its like Lana looking back at herself or Lana looking at what she now represents to the general public as a mainstream artist.  is she running out of material and just rehashing the old shit that brought her success or? idk  HM is still fresh tho.  fave Lana album hands down.  talk about a magnum opus

ngl i'm a bit tired rn, but I'll answer a lot more intently whoops imma just do it now, regardless of what we think it's amazing that she can successfully reference herself like that. It's kinda like how she did w LfL, excpet it's a lot more refined on NfR this time around. I defo think it's a lot more referencing herself and being comfortable more with those parts of herself knowing she's grown. 

Whether or not she's rehasing it, I personally don't think that's the question, it's mm yeah to that degree as to what blend she's doing it for. Imo, she's done it in a pretty tame way, so that's real good. This is a new perspective for her too, so maybe she's still kinda reconfiguring the pieces from before, to the present, towards the future. 


She mentioned that she's still in that creative space where she's eager to create and write, that was a while back earlier this year, but I'm hoping still that she's still got that kinda energy for the next one. I'll admit I'm thinking that since she's grown a lot as an artist, she's also a lot freer to experiment, especially after all the acclaim. Lust For Life was a lot more of an anthology of her work, NfR is kinda like a summation of how much she's willing to share about her inner world, the next one, she's basically a lot freer to do what she wants. *insert the hero's journey cycle pic* 


It's too early to tell what she's thinking of when it comes to the next record, we need more hints to figure that out n guess, but lol short answer, I basically think she's making a lot of peace w this record than the one's she's made from the past, that's for sure. 


HM. I always go back to that record. It's all so entrancing. NfR's crazy great, but the allure isn't quite the same. I think the album cover fits so much w how, almost noble the record is (NfR).


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Am I being negative or mad? I don't know possibly. Am I being critical? Absolutely.


We can agree to disagree. But I've been in touch with a lot of fans on LanaBoards and on other platforms, and what I'm writing here is a shared sentiment with a lot of other fans. You can think I'm "pressed" or "mad", anything you want. Doesn't change how much a lot of fans think this album is incredibly underwhelming, lackluster and even dreary. 


Also coming for me for writing my thoughts on NFR in the NFR thread... choices. I understand that I write a lot of the same comments, but at the same time like I've said a million times before it's just my opinion, if you get annoyed over opinions, especially mine, that's on you, not me.


I like to think that I participate in a discussion and I add a little bit more to said discussion than ask other users: "what's your favorite song?  :flutter: ", "what song grew the most on you?  :flutter: ", "rank from least favorite, to most favorite songs on the album? :flutter: ", "what zodiac sign would you associate with each song? :flutter: ". But also certain user(s) that are completely foreign to the concept of critical thinking and personal input and are only here to parrot critics over this single album.


All of y'all a have good day though!  :smile3:


PS: My ears are fine, there's difference between hearing impairment and having taste.  :creep:

You are entitled to your opinion. You have every right to post it. But by now, pretty much everything has been said, you are just sticking around posting how awful you think this album is on EVERY fucking page of this thread and I don't really get why you just can't let it go. The album has already been out for 4 months by now. You posted your criticism, most of it very well worded, but by now it's a safe bet that when ANYTHING about this album happens, like an interview or a nomination or whatever, you'll be here to tell us how awful the album truely is.


I did not like Marinas last album at all. I was pretty vocal about it on the MATD thread and people got triggered cause they can't handle someone criticising something they like. However, after I made my points I LEFT the MATD thread and did not come back every day, for every music video or interview, to reinforce my opinion. Why invest my energy into something I don't like that much and annoy people who might like it?


And pls, making a freedom of speach issue out of this ... just don't. Really.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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You are entitled to your opinion. You have every right to post it. But by now, pretty much everything has been said, you are just sticking around posting how awful you think this album is on EVERY fucking page of this thread and I don't really get why you just can't let it go. The album has already been out for 4 months by now. You posted your criticism, most of it very well worded, but by now it's a safe bet that when ANYTHING about this album happens, like an interview or a nomination or whatever, you'll be here to tell us how awful the album truely is.


I did not like Marinas last album at all. I was pretty vocal about it on the MATD thread and people got triggered cause they can't handle someone criticising something they like. However, after I made my points I LEFT the MATD thread and did not come back every day, for every music video or interview, to reinforce my opinion. Why invest my energy into something I don't like that much and annoy people who might like it?


And pls, making a freedom of speach issue out of this ... just don't. Really.


So should we just close the thread now that everything has been said about the record?


I'm going to continue posting my thoughts on the album, whether or not you find me repetitive. I'm being just as repetitive as other users that post other types of comments on here. I definitely understand that my comments are probably repetitive, and a lot of you all are like "ugh we get it MXDH doesn't like NFR", but this is the NFR thread and I'm writing about NFR. If I were to write the repetitive comments but from a positive perspective and say how much I think the record is amazing with no criticism whatsoever, pretty sure my so called repetitive comments would go over well, wouldn't they?


You can selectively clutch your pearls and decide what comment is annoying, or not, and decide the validity of my comments as much as you want. That's on you.


What I'm trying to say is that some people come here to praise the album on a daily basis, and others, very much like me, come here to offer a different point of view on the album (as repetitive and annoying; you and other people think it is), so who cares really?


Yes, this, in a way, relates to freedom of speech, it's like "oh you've said it already and I don't agree with with some of, if not all the things you've written about, please refrain from further participating in this discussion, thank you". Well no, Body Electric.


At this point, you either scroll past my repetitive comments or you mute/block me. Pretty simple.

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Some of your comments made me go check if the video was out and no one had told meç


speaking of which, anyone knows in how many hours it'll be out?

I assume at least more than 24 hours still. She doesn’t often drop videos at midnight, so I’d assume tomorrow afternoon. She’ll probably post it around noon her time tomorrow, maybe even later. Idek if she’ll acknowledge it being out, so you might have to keep checking.


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I assume at least more than 24 hours still. She doesn’t often drop videos at midnight, so I’d assume tomorrow afternoon. She’ll probably post it around noon her time tomorrow, maybe even later. Idek if she’ll acknowledge it being out, so you might have to keep checking.

she usually does post about a mv being out. she has this entire era each time


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Some of your comments made me go check if the video was out and no one had told meç


speaking of which, anyone knows in how many hours it'll be out?

Probably 4/5pm UK time. She usually releases at that time.


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she usually does post about a mv being out. she has this entire era each time

I meant right away. Both music videos were out for a few hours before she posted about it. Even the one that had a countdown. I didn’t mean she didn’t acknowledge them at all. I just figured they wanted to watch it as soon as it’s out since they were asking us.


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no one:


me in college:

Nnnn thing is being lowkey might be the right way to go rather than pander or grab their attention.



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hm current nfr thoughts, the weather's been pretty annoying around here. I loved the cold, and how it rained for those few times these past couple of weeks, but it honestly feels like the end of a western saloon movie since the clouds/fog dk exactly scattered in the sky, which in turn made the sun's glow a lot more, powerful, the yellow that it tinges everything makes me think of mangos, but like hot mangos, who likes hot mangos unless it were in a jam? bc the heat still seeps thru and I'm thinking to myself. It's days from winter what why is it so dry. 

but then. the video's coming out, and I remind myself, hey get those sunset vibes, while watching it, and it's nice how close the vid's coming out before Christmas, which gets me further into thinking, it's a nice transition to the new year. Should I listen to How to Disappear before all that happens? 


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