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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

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  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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LFL???? Lol delulu album was nominated for a Grammy Chile but it ages like rotten spoiled milk. It made zero noise a year after. Literally forgotten.


NFR is already her second LONGEST charting album right after BTD. In case, y’all haven’t noticed NFR is still top 20 on iTunes.


I have a theory. I genuinely think how her vocals are mixed effects how the gp consumes her. BTD and NFR are the only album with clear crisp vocals that aren’t masked by the tin sounding effects (tho HTD has that effects too but the mix is clearly loud and over the production). 


Clear vocals = success. The flavor.


Not to contradict you or argue, but in my opinion, I feel like Honeymoon has her most clear and crisp vocals on most songs... and well you saw how that era went lol. But I understand what you mean.

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I was listening to LFL the other day right after NFR and I was shocked by the difference between the vocals of both albums. Lana's vocals are so clear on NFR, while she sounds so muffled in LFL. And I think that's why so many people thought LFL had boring vocals. I wasn't thinking that but now, I can clearly understand. That weird effect on her voice makes some of her vocals lifeless if that's not too strong of a word. On the other hand, the clarity of her vocals on NFR makes the album so full of life

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Also - NFR is Album of the Year for The Music (Australian street-press publication)!





Sure - but I wouldn't go and discuss NFR anywhere else but this thread. Which is what I responded to when you asked why people were posting here instead of "LDR7 pre-release thread or any other thread." This is literally the post-release discussion thread where people want to chat about the album. Although yes, I think we get that certain people are set in their camps now. :creep:


Ps what is ONFRH? (only Norman Fucking Rockwell haters?)




I'd love Lana to win the Grammy for this album! The more people realise her genius, the better. I really am hoping she will win. But it'd be a bit like Natalie Portman winning an Oscar for Black Swan, when she should have won one for Closer. By which I mean, I think there are other entries in her body of work more worthy of what is supposed to be highest distinction in the musical field. I am more upset that she missed out on accolades for those, which are now retroactively being lauded as landmark works that altered pop music in the 2010s. I'm not mad. NFR is a banger and I listen to it regularly, but it does miss the hallmarks of her OG work.


I'm sure a swathe of other members here can (and will) carry this baton on in discussion for me. :deadbanana:


Also as a side note, it's really detrimental to any form of intelligent conversation to say someone must be an expert in a field to have their opinions in it validated. I am not a professional singer, but I can tell when someone is singing out of tune. I also don't run a country, but I can have a say on issues like climate change. As I mentioned in another thread earlier today, art is subjective and just because you're a 'professional' in the industry doesn't mean you're wholeheartedly correct. Throughout history "professional music critics" have dismissed ground breaking works including Carmen, Born to Die, The Rite of Spring and Les Misérables, in consideration of what the zeitgeist is and theorising how GP would react against the standard of the time. Looking back they're hilariously out of touch, soooo don't just rely on what critics say at the time although there is a grain of truth in everything! :teehee:


TL;DR - I love the album even with its flaws! I think other albums were more deserving, but I want Lana to win AOTY and get that praise! I want everyone to know about Lana and acknowledge how great she is. Critics don't mean shittttt (although they are lovely additions).

It’s a thing they say on ATRL lol, so for example OGH normally would mean Obsessed Gaga Hater. Someone who is obsessed with hating on something mainly an artist, etc. and they constantly go into threads of said artist just to post negative things about them and etc


Don’t get me wrong I completely agree with you about the whole critics thing, I maybe shouldn’t have said that, but it’s nice to have them saying so many positive things and to have them on our side, especially after they spent years spewing negative crap and tried to destroy her career over bs.


And trust me, as much as I love NFR, I really wish she had gotten all this acclaim and accolades for UV, which is and always will be my favorite album by her. That album imo is perfect, the crazy part, is that when that album was released. I remember seeing so many members hating on it and saying it was terrible. But I think those members either eventually turned and learned to appreciate the album or they finally gave up and unstanned lol, maybe that will happen with NFR Lol. Jk. Well tbh, the same thing happened with HM. I remember all the negative comments, people said it was boring, uninspired and that she sounded bored as hell on that album, and now people claim it as her best album and even her peak lol. The HM era was probably the first era where I was fully and completely invested in Lana, when it comes to UV, I discovered Lana a few months after the release of that album, so I wasn’t fully around for the whole era and all that. I’d love to have been a fan during the BTD era, because that was definitely her highest mainstream peak imo.


Which brings me to another question, do y’all think that she has re peaked mainstream wise with NFR? Or was she still way bigger during the BTD/Paradise era? I guess chart wise probably not, maybe she was having bigger peaks when it came to charts and stuff? What do y’all think? Maybe if she wins the Grammy then for sure she will probably have a way bigger peak than the BTD/Paradise era?


Sorry if I skipped around replying to some of your post lol, I’m super tired, and I’m trying to keep my eyes open lol.

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For me, Honeymoon had her peak vocals because it shown a great balance of her feeling laid back and almost singing in her natural voice, but also still maintaining her sultry, womanly, femme fatale deep cinematic DEL REY voice at the same time. There's a spark of mystery and delicacy in every note that she sings without trying too hard. Her NFR vocals do the exact same thing but shes completely stripped of her DEL REY character and its just Elizabeth singing, its very noticeable and probably a big reason why a lot of us feel as though NFR isnt a Lana Del Rey album, because well, it isnt. Honeymoon was in fact her last album regarding that persona. Lust for Life was the bridge between the two.


It is sort of sad when you think about it, but i couldnt think of a better ending for such a well crafted character than a record as grand and magnificent as Honeymoon was



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I was listening to LFL the other day right after NFR and I was shocked by the difference between the vocals of both albums. Lana's vocals are so clear on NFR, while she sounds so muffled in LFL. And I think that's why so many people thought LFL had boring vocals in LFL. I wasn't thinking that but now, I can clearly understand. That weird effect on her voice makes some of her vocals lifeless if that's not too strong of a word. On the other hand, the clarity of her vocals on NFR makes the album so full of life

I definitely agree with the last part, like for example I love the title track of NFR, But I feel like it being a piano ballad I’d normally would skip it and only listen to it when I was in the mood or just laying in bed, but since the vocals sound so good and crisp I actually listen to it like any other song and look forward to listening to it and especially that last minute, wheeewww it scalps me every time lol.

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They hate to see it because they can't afford their medication for BPD. 


This is a foul post. You're a disgusting person for using mental illness as a joke/insult.

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I just wish Lana wouldn't combine multiple songs into the same video (this goes for any artist), like often times there will be a song someone doesn't like as much or at all, but you have to go through them all lol  :facepalm:  

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UV is what NFR tried to be. Dan is who Jack tried to be


I love you but this post is entirely wrong.



She's coming to Paraguay, latina queen :defeated:


Oh really?!??!?

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And TYL  :ohno:

I feel like it's pretty loved Lana even sang it a couple of times (amazingly).

Meanwhile I am still crying over never hearing The Blackest Day live, the 1 time she attempted it she messed up the lyrics too..

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Yeah like, people have been stanning for a decade and now that shes on her way to become a legend, is getting universal acclaim and has found a musical soulmate, her OWN FANS are being negative af... if you dont like the album it is more than okay to post why you feel its not good, but being mad at lana, jack, the album and the critics all at the same time is just :rip:


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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 Lana Del Rey stormed into the middle of 2019 with a softly raging album that took the world by surprise

we fucking wish. August 30 is basically late 2019.  after this "top of the year" nonsense


Oh and the Christmas song with Kacey that sounds extra crispy. The closest she’s getting to aka vocaals.


she does not sound like she wants to be home for christmas.  vocals, crispy. warm? cozy? heartfelt? idk.



this is the best post ive ever seen on lanaboards and represents this entire era for everyone who has every heard a single note off norman fucking rockwell

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