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Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving

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Written Version / Spoken Word Version
I saw you in the mirror
you were wearing your hair differently
carrying the air differently
You say you want your hair long parted in the middle / You say you wear your hair long parted in the middle
Long in solidarity just like all his women
Long Beach  / In Long Beach
your fingers wiping oil on the paper w precision
w desicion like an artist never seen yet with a vision
W a reason
Started w venom at the ceiling
not the grass
but straight ahead
Just at the skyline
w precision
laser vision
time was stopping
moving through u.
U dictated
by what moved u
   only moving never thinking
Match the sun that’s slowly sinking
at the height of the afternoon / at the height of afternooning
In the heat of the summer evening
Like a phoenix like a chemtrail like a wavelength No
one’s claiming
Georgia O'Keefe
Georgia peaches
Doing nothing but your painting
For forever
Forget teachers
Forgive him for ever leaving
love is rising
No resisting
cheeks are flushing
Now you’re living
Say goodbye now
  no resisting
Live your life like
  no one's listening
Be the art the life is breathing
Be the soul the world is living.
Do what you want
For you only
Not for giving
Just for taking
No one's listening
at the end of the Lime and 10th street down the road that’s greenat the end of Rose and Ridgely down the street that’s green
and winding
            Past the bushes cypress thriving past the chain
link fence
  and driving
                  farther down the road less traveled
            there u are athleisure wear unraveled
Now I see you clear
Standing stoic blue and denim
eyes not blue but clear like
you don’t want to be forgotten


You just want to disappear


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

SF • ATL • ATL • IND • ATL • CHI • LDN • NYC • NYC • DC • ATL • NYC • PDX • SAN • KS • CHI • AL • MD • AL • AL


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I liked this poem   :gclap:


Chemtrails? Seriously Lana?


I believe in this line she is talking about the airline jet-engine contrails which we often see when

a jet aircraft is flying above our heads a few miles up in the sky.   Some people have been calling them "chemtrails" but

in fact , its really called contrails. 


Here is a little scientific explanation...



It is not just the jet-engines that leave these vapour contrail lines in the sky, even old propeller engines did the same.

In this World War 2 film you can see the same thing in B-17 bombers....


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Chemtrails? Seriously Lana?

I've been wondering about L.D.R.'s use of the term "chemtrail" for some time now. In my opinion, she is specifically and deliberately using this term. [The only other, possible, reference to this subject in L.D.R.'s work that I am aware of is in the 3-Part NFR music video, where trails appear in the sky during Part 2 of the video.] What, if anything, is L.D.R. trying to tell us by referencing such a controversial subject? Is she an adherent of absurd conspiracy stories? Has she discovered, or have access to, reliable science-based information regarding this subject? Or is Lana merely being the same vivid story-teller that we all know and love?

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I've been wondering about L.D.R.'s use of the term "chemtrail" for some time now. In my opinion, she is specifically and deliberately using this term. [The only other, possible, reference to this subject in L.D.R.'s work that I am aware of is in the 3-Part NFR music video, where trails appear in the sky during Part 2 of the video.] What, if anything, is L.D.R. trying to tell us by referencing such a controversial subject? Is she an adherent of absurd conspiracy stories? Has she discovered, or have access to, reliable science-based information regarding this subject? Or is Lana merely being the same vivid story-teller that we all know and love?



I believe she is just writing (or singing) about what is happening with the general public at the moment. 

It does not mean that the writer/artist is actually a believer of such things.   

For example, if I was to write a book about "Demons and Witchcraft", it does not mean I am a follower of such crafts or worship the dark-one.


Writers and poetry writers need to dig in into the human mind and psychology of what is happening at the moment. Trends.

They need a theme to start writing about.   To pick out a particular word and write that "word" , which people can understand, because culture

at the moment understands what this "word" means.


Stuff like "Urban legends"

The world at the moment, for the past couple of years , with internet going wild with bizarre stories and videos, there have been a huge amount of

conspiracy theories and crazy stories.    

Stuff you would not think of 10 to 20 years ago.  The theory of "chemtrails" is just one of them. If it was so deadly to humans, they

would have stopped flying jets years ago.   

for example, If we both were living in 1985-1995 era and you would ask me about Chemtrails, I would not know what you

were talking about, I probably think you were a little crazy... and I am very well aware of many books and stuff dealing with conspiracy theories tales,

UFOs and other world mysteries. I have been reading about such stuff since I was a kid, it is interesting stuff to talk about at a dinner table with

friends, but I dont take the stories to heart.  You have to keep yourself from going "insane".

A story-teller writer (or poetry writer) will always dig into the human mind and write about what is happening with culture at the moment.

If you read some books written back in the 1950s or 1960s, they had a totally diferent view towards life and the world around them. Their

culture (and underground culture) was totally diferent from ours now.   

Read Jack Kerouack (On the Road 1957 and his other poetry),  crazy-cool writers like William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg,

Douglas Coupland (Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture 1991). Read some Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Arthur C. Clarke,

Bob Dylan, Ernest Hemingway, H. G. Wells, Jules Verne, Stephen King. 

I am sure Lana Del Rey is also an avid reader of such other writers and feeds a little off of their writing style too.


She is probably reading this post.


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that Georgia O’Keeffe reference and also chemtrails here wow


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Wow, I totally loved the rhythm and the crazy rhyming here... so hypnotic it feels as if she was praying. The instrumentals are flawless too.  :cumming:


She's a gorgeous narcissist and she knows it.

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Georgia O'Keeffe namecheck adds weight to my theory about her being a springboard of inspiration for The Next Best American Record

Has anyone ever brought this up? Whilst I was reading Joan Didion's White Album, a quote from Georgia O'Keeffe instantly struck me as being the potential inspiration for this song.
"As I was working I thought of the city men I had been seeing in the East. They talked so often of writing the Great American Novel - the Great American Play - The Great American Poetry."


"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Quote: "The "Chemtrails Manual" is an Air Force Academy chemistry manual published by the Department of Defense for 1990 Air Force cadet training. The word "chemtrails" became a popular name applied to aircraft contrails that appeared unnatural."

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love is rising

No resisting

cheeks are flushing

Now you’re living



threadbare tapestry unwinding slow.

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