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4 minutes ago, zombie girl said:

but that’s okay!! the PD b-sides EPΒ which will probably be 50 minutes itself is coming out later too


also she seems to love releasing droplets on tumblr & soundcloud (plus the occasional discord leaks) so i don't think it's gonna be a major drought

Β 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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So excited to give this a listen. Very Lana with the lengths. Salivating at someone using Springsteen as a touchpoint. Strangers has been on repeat.

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1:40 into family tree intro andΒ wig-snatched.gif wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

edit: American teenager already hitting differentΒ :wowcry:

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gifΒ  Β tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gifΒ Β tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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"Jesus can always reject his father
But he cannot escape his mother's blood
He'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers
But he'll never escape what he's made up of"

has stuck with me so much for some reason like........:poordat:


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I remember being mutuals with her back when she went by White Silas as her stage name, crazy to seeΒ where she’s at now and how bigΒ she will be in a few years.Β I haven’t kept up with her music under Ethel aside from a few scattered songs here and there, but all the reviews have me pretty psyched to dive into it (mostly blind)Β tomorrow night hehe!Β 

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WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST LISTEN TO????? I don't even know what to say I haven't felt this gooped after a first listen in a WHILEΒ :gurl:Β literally EVERY. track. is. a. banger. I was so nervous with all the long ass songs knowing they'd mostly be slow but the story is so captivating and her voice carries most of these tracks this is some next level shit plus the constantly changing soundscape kept me on my hooves the entire timeΒ :trisha:Β thoroughfare SOTY 100% I got a lil emo idk why it gave me Mazzy Star SeasonsΒ of Your Day vibes with the production I liveeeeeeeeeeed I cannot wait to listen again in my car, with headphones, on my speakers PTOLEMAEA spooky ass song what a cathartic experienceΒ 

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gifΒ  Β tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gifΒ Β tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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OMG I am SPEECHLESS wowowow!! One of the best debutsΒ ever, I am shook.Β I can't wait to hear this so many times and understand it all,Β she's incredible!!!




Best new artist since Lana methinksΒ :true:

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I just started, on "A House in Nebraska" and oMFGGG the piano reminds me of a southern baptist organ. omg it is so haunting like wtf its soooo good. the lyrics are so iconic and sharp Β holds nothing back im obsessed.Β 


THE ALBUM COVER alone HAS BE QUAKING I LOVE HER SO MUCH WOW .... (ldrΒ take notes lol jk but rly )


OMFG the deep drawl on Family Tree omg it so hot n sexy yaaaaas Ethel



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Holy shit, this was a real ass experience. I'm a huge sucker for narrative music and she has delivered in a way I didn't expect. I am shooketh.Β 


Also the music is flat out unbelievably good. It's ethereal and witchy and different, I love it. The flow is so good too. Highlights for me:
Family Tree
American Teenager
Western Nights
Gibson Girl (incredible lyrics)
Sun Bleached Flies


I'm so glad I went in almost blind. She's gonna be huge period


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24 minutes ago, pin up galore said:

the male speaking in Ptolemaea gives me huge GR by Deathpile vibes what a horrific trackΒ :crai:

it’s actually herΒ 

14 hours ago, zombie girl said:

she falls off the face of the earth after every album cycle and comes back twice a decade,Β 

she loves to lieΒ 


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