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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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2 minutes ago, Future Jazz said:

I think Honeymouns had confirmed in their masterpost that it was just an instrumental :) but I might be wrong, or he might ignore the existence of a version with vocals

Oh no :defeated: Oh well, I'll keep dreaming about it I guess :poordat:

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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3 minutes ago, 5Rick said:


This gave me a legit headache, even though I apprecciate its rawness and honesty (also sorry for your warning point but nonetheless your confusing gifs post speaks volume to me:worship:)


Anyways, I do have a great feeling about this album. I don't know why. Maybe I have already said it before. It's just that I l deeply cherished everything she has released so far (title track n LMLYLAW n teasers n interviews). I cant' get over the aforementioned songs, really. It's going to be a stunner. 

 Honestly I'm so hyped that I'm losing my mind...I kinda deserved a warning point though...I was wondering myself how I managed to be on this Boards for one and half year without getting a WP especially during some gates lol


But Lana better drop something this week or I'll be banned or on mod queqe by the time we get the album :toofloppy:


Have the similiar feeling about the album. It's going to be a stunner for sure and maybe my favourite album from hers along with HM & UV

17 days...we can do it :scream:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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5 minutes ago, Lustformoney said:

isnt the poetry book supposed to come this month?:eartha: how much do u wanna bet that its delayed till 2022 and the next album will come in late 2023

Everything in edition is delayed or has more limited number of copies printed when printed on time. Her poetry book won’t be out before summer I think. But since she is not the only one involved with this project, the release date will probably come through. 

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25 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

 Honestly I'm so hyped that I'm losing my mind...I kinda deserved a warning point though...I was wondering myself how I managed to be on this Boards for one and half year without getting a WP especially during some gates lol

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But Lana better drop something this week or I'll be banned or on mod queqe by the time we get the album :toofloppy:


Have the similiar feeling about the album. It's going to be a stunner for sure and maybe my favourite album from hers along with HM & UV

17 days...we can do it :scream:

Omg yes! I totally get you! UV/HM/COCC... it could be THE Stunner Triad :crying2: 



Also, better be this way because I’ve already purchased 287262839 variants/versions of the album so sis Lana must come through :nails:



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22 minutes ago, naachoboy said:

I keep forgetting that we are getting a FULL album in like 2 weeks :defeated:

Same it's kind of weird. I think it's because there hasn't been any trailers and only 2 singles. If she gave us more insight into what the album's like I feel like everyone would be more excited

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12 minutes ago, ItsaWhale89 said:

Same it's kind of weird. I think it's because there hasn't been any trailers and only 2 singles. If she gave us more insight into what the album's like I feel like everyone would be more excited

If I think so too, I think he is not giving it much importance in the feed back with the fans, but we already know what lana is like ...
I hope everything has been saved for these two weeks left and it surprises us all. <3 :wink::wink:


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14 minutes ago, gasstationkween said:

I hope she spams her insta with selfies for the next few weeks to keep us occupied till it drops 

Imagine she starts to post a photo/selfie related to a track for 11 days, leading up to the album release 


An unseen photo of the Neil Krug Alternative Cover Shoot or BTS photo of WD music video

White Dress 


The next day a photo of Chemtrails 

Chemtrails Over The Country Club 


A selfie of Lana in Yosemite for Yosemite and so on

I would love that:wub:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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2 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

Imagine she starts d to post a photo/selfie related to a track for 11 days leading up to the album release 


An unseen photo of the Neil Krug Alternative Cover Shoot 


White Dress 


The next day a photo of Chemtrails 


Chemtrails Over The Country Club 


A selfie of Lana in Yosemite for Yosemite and so on

I would love that:wub:

That’s such a sweet idea love it

i like your ultra-violent swing :grinds:

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1 hour ago, boom like that said:

From a promotional standpoint, releasing White Dress a week before the album makes complete sense. Releasing it then will give everyone enough time to digest the song by itself without it getting too stale when the albums out because it'll only be a week gap. Not only that but it'll catch the attention of the gp and gain hype for the album, "New single by Lana Del Rey, album out next week." Whereas "new single out, album out in three weeks" will definitely lose the attention of the gp from the single when the albums out, three weeks is close to a month. Considering how stripped down this era is, its already hard enough to gain traction. It makes complete sense to release it on the 12th, the best option really :oprah3: I could see it out this week though. Two weeks isn't that far so its a pretty good time aswell :oic3:

A single close to release makes sense promo-wise, but not when it was proceeded  by over 2 months of nothing.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I’m not concerned about the lack of hype right now, because I’ve seen her post a snippet and get over 100 replies in 10 minutes.


everyone who is saying it would have made sense to release the single last week and now the hype is gone, is going to be celebrating the second she does release it regardless of when that is. 

If we survived October-January of just the one BTS of title track and one 10 second snippet, we can survive 2 weeks of nothing 

"Don’t forget me"

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10 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

A single close to release makes sense promo-wise, but not when it was proceeded  by over 2 months of nothing.

Even if its been two months it still makes the most sense to release it a week before. Releasing it weeks before would've meant three weeks of silence leading up to the release pretty much. The buzz will be more effective closer to the release date regardless of two months of silence before the single. Plus shes been teasing the song so its not like its been that dead. If I was a casual and I heard Lana just released a single and a album out the week after it'd interest me more than a three week gap, the three week gap would turn me off probably.

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°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||Like a waterfall.||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||l°l||


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9 minutes ago, boom like that said:

Even if its been two months it still makes the most sense to release it a week before. Releasing it weeks before would've meant three weeks of silence leading up to the release pretty much. The buzz will be more effective closer to the release date regardless of two months of silence before the single. Plus shes been teasing the song so its not like its been that dead. If I was a casual and I heard Lana just released a single and a album out the week after it'd interest me more than a three week gap, the three week gap would turn me off probably.

Usually you do BOTH to not let the hype die down in the first place though. 

And her "teasing" is just posting random stuff without any further information :toofunny:

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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