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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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IF it will come, then it will be either next week or a few days before the album. Not keeping my hopes up for anything this week, she decided to bore us to death as long as possible.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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20 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

I feel like people's gonna complain no matter what they do. Release it too early and people will be sad they listened to the opener, release it too close to the album and people will wait another week before listening to it to get the full experience. :um3:

I’d not be complaining if it releases on Friday.  We can’t keep making excuses for her bad management and lack of transparency. It’s been a complete shambles this era. 

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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45 minutes ago, Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus said:

Brown is the colour of the shit when they post scat storms
The thread is locked 
On lanaboards
And red is the colour that you get with a warning point
No snippets left
White dress is gone
Elle gets so tired and she complains 
about how it’s hard to deal
With all us motherfucking ph*gs
But we’re just beautiful people with lanaboards problems (yeeeh)

Beautiful problems Elle knows she’s got them
But she’s gotta try nanana 
And Eclipse is fried nanana

this is poetic. This IS the moment. :crying5:


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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52 minutes ago, RormanNockwell said:

My friend and I checked Spotify, Youtube and Apple on and NZ VPN and nothing.



got u girl i love to waste my time too :eek2: 


also you can create a free spotify NZ account if u like, i have one and i can legally listen to songs prior to the global release without VPNs

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6 hours ago, Chiunzhan said:


Imagine if she released it as intended, sep 25th

we’d be smack dab in the middle of a new pre-release begging for LDR8 by now :yawn: we’ll never get rid of the shackles this woman has us in huh? :xgiggle:


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2 minutes ago, gasstationkween said:

I wonder if she will tour chemtrails if she’s able to 

Didn't she schedule some European dates? Idk if they were cancelled but I think she wants to tour if possible.

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13 minutes ago, World At War said:

Didn't she schedule some European dates? Idk if they were cancelled but I think she wants to tour if possible.

the three dates that were on her site are all gone plus europe is pretty much the worst and strictest when it comes to useless covid restrictions so i don’t see it happening. when the pre-order went live there was a date at a festival in paris on her site but they never announced her as a performer :cryney: and the festival will either be cancelled or very strict (some "keep a tracking app on at all times and you have to sit during the whole festival” bullshit) so i don’t think there’s a big chance of her performing this year....or next year :yawn:

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7 minutes ago, Whitemustang said:

Quick question: did Lana ever mention releasing white dress ahead of the album release?

She did say that it would be a single, that doesn't necessarily mean it's released before album tho:noparty:

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no cause when you think about it i’m mad af.... first i could never see her once during her vocal prime then i finally got expensive ass paris tickets last year when she cancelled TWO FUCKING DAYS before the concert because her lazy ass preferred drinking matcha with her LA bimbo friends and when she finally announces a new paris date for THE cocc tour it gets canceled again because of miss rona and our incompetent government trying their best to prevent us from doing anything that isn’t s-word inducing :bebe:

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my heart is pounding just thinking about the release day, and those few seconds before you drop the needle or click the play button where you're just in so much anticipation to hear the album, i think i will be really fidgety and fussy before playing it, like a part of me will not want to play it because im enjoying the anticipation so much that i dont want it to end, and the other part is dying to hear it, also i will need to make sure i am 100% feeling good before so, i will need to be the perfect level of drunk or high, i will need to have the perfect make up and hair, and i will need to have the perfect room temperature... idk if thats just me but yeah, only with lana albums cus hello... lana



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