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Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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9 minutes ago, Honeyyoung said:

i don't think anyone said this, can we talk about how she's back with born to die hair??? REDHEAD LANA SUPREMACY!!!


I don’t think it’s intentional, i think it’s just a mix of the flash from the cameras and the fact that her hair dye is fading lmao


but either way she looks so good

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58 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

This is disgusting… Lady Gaga is extremely talented and some of her songs are considered the greatest ever. So this aged very badly. Even Katy she has some good pop songs.  Taylor in my opinion is no better and has some awful songs…and she’s nowhere near as good as MJ not that the two are comparable. Jack should shut the fuck up

the audacity he had to talk like this about gaga…love her or hate her but she’s one of the most interesting things that happened to modern pop and there wasn’t any phenomenon (except lana on the more alt side ofc) like her ever since. :bebe: the industry really went downhill end of the 2010’s 

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23 minutes ago, Honeyyoung said:

i don't think anyone said this, can we talk about how she's back with born to die hair??? REDHEAD LANA SUPREMACY!!!


she’s really going redhead again and the retro glasses??? oh yeah that bitch is BACK nikki lane’s evil country influence is finally OVER :angie:

he loves my heart shaped sunglasses he loves the heart shape my ass is :dance:


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i wonder if lana is gonna have a new look on the cover like how she went out with her dad in those new pics. she looks totally unrecognizable to me 


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 hour ago, BluebirdXO said:


Flowers in the Attic - I Always Loved the Way They Loved edition




I'm not British and I never understood why were people offended but that post and telling her to delete it. Lana's ancestors are British and millions of people love the royal family so it's not a big deal. Let her idolize them, it doesn't hurt anybody, she probably doesn't idolize them because of racism and incest. Btw I watch The Crown (10/10) and don't like anyone except Diana, young Margaret and kinda Philip lol. 

I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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2 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


omg she needs her v.c andrews key-hole cover moment, her gothic horror album is coming, i'm manifesting that! :pray2: 


Can't stop thinking about this it would be so perfect with the familial drama themes  :pray2:

She can just put her favorite selphie in the keyhole




This one even has room for Chuck and Nikki Lane



Also the way any VC Andrews title could be a Lana title

rmeoRD5.gifvUV63Kk.gif KXksriz.gif

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1 hour ago, mar said:

Jack comparing Taylor Swift to MJ seems like the reach of the century but tbh I haven't ever heard her music 


he's comparing taylor swift... with michael jackson? :wtfney: he's one of the most influential and talented pop stars of all time, like i'm not saying that taylor isn't talented but he's just saying anything at this point, especially since he's dragging lady gaga :eartha:


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52 minutes ago, shady said:


I'm not British and I never understood why were people offended but that post and telling her to delete it. Lana's ancestors are British and millions of people love the royal family so it's not a big deal. Let her idolize them, it doesn't hurt anybody, she probably doesn't idolize them because of racism and incest. Btw I watch The Crown (10/10) and don't like anyone except Diana, young Margaret and kinda Philip lol. 


This was just a joke.


I wasn't offended either and never understood why people were asking her to delete it (in reality I understand, but I don't agree. Her post wasn't problematic at all for me)

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16 minutes ago, orpheline said:


Can't stop thinking about this it would be so perfect with the familial drama themes  :pray2:

She can just put her favorite selphie in the keyhole




This one even has room for Chuck and Nikki Lane



Also the way any VC Andrews title could be a Lana title


v.c andrews always has the most stunning covers, my favorite is dark angel :flutter:  something like this for blue banisters would be such a treat :pray2:


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2 hours ago, Selfloathinpoet said:

According to Genius mike was the Mixing Engineer and Mastering Engineer of text book and BB, I thought it had been someone else and that he had only participated in WW.

Where did they get this information? 

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4 hours ago, ChaoticLipster said:

This is disgusting… Lady Gaga is extremely talented and some of her songs are considered the greatest ever. So this aged very badly. Even Katy she has some good pop songs.  Taylor in my opinion is no better and has some awful songs…and she’s nowhere near as good as MJ not that the two are comparable. Jack should shut the fuck up

Of all four artists, Taylor has the most consistent sound. It makes sense he'd single her out as being above the other artists because he's boring as fuck and recycles all his shit, so they suit each other. The other three definitely experiment much more with their sound and Jack would therefore have no idea what to do with them. 

I suspect that's why Lana's moved on from him, especially after saying she had to keep pushing him

He's boring and samey and that's final


ETA: no shade towards Taylor, I like some of her music but I said what I said

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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