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Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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  On 6/10/2021 at 6:10 PM, lanasbottom said:

define pretty good voice :dua:


Come on she's still lowkey brilliant for an 18 year old kid. The bar is to high. 18 years olds are generally awful musicians, Billie and Olivia are one in ten million who actually make listenable music. In my country usually pretty 18 year old girls win this huge singing competition, get a huge record deal and they all turn out to be awkward af and clear industry plants with zero charisma. I remember the second hand embarrassment I got from watching 18 year old hipster girls having an acoustic performance at a café (I was 17-18 btw). 

It's okay to say her music is overrated and that you don't understand the hype but she's far from a bad singer. 

I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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  On 6/10/2021 at 7:07 PM, bel air rose said:

after hearing solar power i hope lana never works with jack again :awkney2:


manifesting gabe zach and mike only on rcs 

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i’m actually scared for the tracks he has on bb. i hope there’ll only be like 1 or 2 cause the way things are going we’ll end up with acapella songs i mean what’s there left to strip back? our nerves ?? :awkney:

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  On 6/10/2021 at 7:41 PM, lanasbottom said:

i’m actually scared for the tracks he has on bb. i hope there’ll only be like 1 or 2 cause the way things are going we’ll end up with acapella songs i mean what’s there left to strip back? our nerves ?? :awkney:

Just the cockroaches living in his studio

no instruments, no vocals 

Fantano will praise Lana because she isn’t on the songs 

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  On 6/10/2021 at 6:45 PM, Surf Noir said:


i think some people are unnecessarily hateful towards her, but just because she's young & successful, and can write her own songs, doesn't mean she's free from criticism, some people think her music isn't very interesting and the fact that she became a huge star overnight makes people feel like she's an industry plant or her growth wasn't organic and a lot of people don't like that


But this kind of criticism is completely invalid. Sure, some people probably don't like her music and they are free to criticize, but that doesn't mean they are also justifiable in their criticism of what I bolded. First of all, the criticism is inherently based in jealousy that a young women managed to have one of the biggest Spotify debut's in history--facts don't care about your feelings numbers are completely objective and to sit around and criticize "why" those numbers are so big is inane. Marketing is not a bad thing; and just because an artist had a great marketing team doesn't mean their growth was "inorganic". More so, it seems to be hatred because she's a young pop musician. I wasn't around back then, but Alanis Morissette also had an enormous debut album that she wrote almost entirely herself, and I do not see any criticism of her being an "industry plant"; either now or historically--is it just because Alanis was doing rock? There was, however, a similar criticism of the "scorned women" and how Alanis and Olivia are both "just singing about a breakup", that I think touches a nerve with some people for a multitude of reasons (misogyny, ageism directed at young people's feelings, sexism). Finally, literally everyone is an "industry plant" in some regard. Every single major artist right now was picked by a label because they had what it takes to become a major singer. If people are waiting for some girl who plays at their local coffee shop to become an overnight sensation without the "industry" plucking her and pushing her music in every way possible, they are delusional.

(also Surf ily, this is not at all directed at YOU just building off the excellent points you made!) 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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  On 6/10/2021 at 7:53 PM, Mer said:


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:mariah: :mariah: :mariah:

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The way that Lana was labeled as an industry plant is unheard of nowadays. She went through the ringer over that, and now it’s uncouth to give that level of skepticism to any female breakout pop star. 


Some stans just want Lana’s BTD era to get the recognition and apologies it deserves. Maybe it’s misplaced onto other artists. 

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  On 6/10/2021 at 5:02 PM, ChaoticLipster said:

it’s Jack…The production on Lordes new song is the same…nothing special. Jack is overrated IMO. But I think Lana likes the mininal production and slowness he brings as she finds them easier to perform and sing.

Lana’s new singles are also very slow. I honestly don’t think it’s Jack. He can do upbeat stuff (his new upcoming record), perhaps Lorde and Lana are simply moving into a slower, stripped down sound and it’s the fan resistance to keep them sounding as they did an album or two albums ago.


a producer can influence an artist’s sound but not completely define it.

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  On 6/10/2021 at 5:02 PM, ChaoticLipster said:

it’s Jack…The production on Lordes new song is the same…nothing special. Jack is overrated IMO. But I think Lana likes the mininal production and slowness he brings as she finds them easier to perform and sing.


  On 6/10/2021 at 6:07 PM, lanasbottom said:

hearing lorde’s new single…i’m back on the everything’s jack’s fault train cause that mariners wannabe snoozefest is VERY jack…and that aint a good thing :bebe: that man won’t rest until every female singer has their discog  reduced to an acoustic guitar and the same tired drum pattern 

I’m sorry but can someone explain to me how Lordes new song sounds like a Lana song :rip: I’ve asked like multiple times on that thread, it seems more similar to a Paul Simon (who Lorde apparently loves) song than anything Lana has made. If it reminds me of any Lana song it’s Textbook tbh :toofunny:


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