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warning points

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can we have a time limit for these things to eventually go away? I've literally had the same one for YEARS and i know others have too and it seems odd they never go away, I've been on forums all my life growing up and they've always dropped off after a while. why don't they do so here? is that something that can be changed?

~INSTA~ย  1.gif

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i think you'll always "have" them, they don't really expire & go away, they don't really do anything after you've been warned/mod-queued, i still have my 2 warning points

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1 hour ago, cheaptrailertrashglm said:

can we have a time limit for these things to eventually go away? I've literally had the same one for YEARS and i know others have too and it seems odd they never go away, I've been on forums all my life growing up and they've always dropped off after a while. why don't they do so here? is that something that can be changed?

I agree I thought it was standard practice on a lot of forums that it expires in 1 yearย 

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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I've asked mods/Elle about this before and I believe after it expires it doesn't matter anymore but it is still there for whatever reason? Idk, I'd like to see mine drop off after a while too but it kind of just is what it is unfortunatelyย 


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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8 minutes ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

I've asked mods/Elle about this before and I believe after it expires it doesn't matter anymore but it is still there for whatever reason? Idk, I'd like to see mine drop off after a while too but it kind of just is what it is unfortunatelyย 

I have to say Elle and the mods have been fair to me, they seem to give people second chances in some situations.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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It doesn't matter sm anymore but there was one mod who basically said to me that people with 3 or moreย should be automatically banned and I didn't think that wasย very fair considering some people got theirs many years ago

Also there are some offences that imo are way worse than others so banning should never be based on an arbitrary number

IMO one point for abusing someone is worse than 2 for spamming, and etc

I'm pretty sure Elle just uses them for reference andย I'm sure she'll be along to explain her position soon


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Imma wear my 8 w pride. I remember the freer times on here where gif posts and user antics were treated a lot more leniently. now not just my posts are getting moved to the rando lana discussion, which would be ok, but even then that thread never seems to grow despite everyone's contributions.ย 

and it's kinda like the norm now anyway, which I get both sides, but I don't want to feel like i'm being made into an example w/o my consent. whoever these convenient multiple users are. ohmygod and the time of mod-queueing felt merciless. during the holidays? during the lipsters? the time of announcement? ironic bc i do have more intelligent things to say when things actually do happen.ย t9cAb5q.gift9cAb5q.gif


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